Program/Course name: Marketing and DECA

Unit Name: Unit Two Integrate DECA / Lesson: What is a Role Play?
2 of 2 lessons

Timeline: Anytime as role playing can be integrated into all marketing instructional areas.

Time required to complete lesson: 70-80 minutes total

Contact Information
Teacher Name: / Teacher e-mail:

Equipment / Resources / Materials / Technology / Attachments
Computer, projector, slide deck/tutorial, DECA Inc. PMKsample role play vimeo, Performance Indicators for Breakfast vimeo, DECA Inc. PMKsample role play (do not need judges instructions; just participant instructions, evaluation instructions and evaluation),prep for individual role play handout, RMS Individual Sample Event
Standards, Measurement Criteria, & Learning Targets
Marketing Standards:
Creativity and imagination, critical thinking and problem solving.
Measurement Criteria:
  • Evaluate the performance of a participant during the role play process.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the role play process.

Learning Target: SWBAT
  • Evaluate the performance of a student participant demonstrating a role play.
  • Analyze the problem being presented in a role play.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and creativity in a role play process.

(Adapt as needed) Display RMS individual sample role play on the screen. In bell work or in notes, have them identify the below:
- Event category
- Career Cluster
- Instructional Area
- Why is it important to know the instructional area when doing a role play? What types of knowledge do they have in that instructional area, ie. what does it mean and what do they currently know about that topic (you may have to give them some hints on this)
Lesson Development / Procedures
Teacher will:
First 20 minutes of next class period
  • Tell students that today they are going to have a chance to demonstrate their understanding in how to complete a role play.
  • Pass out clean copies of the prep for individual role play prep handout
  • Pass out copies of participant instructions and event situation for RMS individual sample event
  • Give students 10 minutes to read and prep for the event.
  • After 10 minutes, go through formal introduction process (eye contact, hand shake, name, invitation to sit, etc.)
  • Partner students up
  • Give 1 of the partners the judge’s instructions and evaluation
  • Explain that “being in the role” is 70% of the success in a role play
  • On your mark, have them ALL STAND and role play with their judge
  • When they are done, give judges time to score and give written feedback on evaluation
  • Rotate students so that they are NOT with the same partner and switch roles (give new judge’s instructions and evaluation)
  • On your mark, role play again in the new role
  • When they are done, give judges time to score and give written feedback on score sheet
  • Debrief as a class in the role of a judge focusing on things like introduction, eye contact, hitting each indicator, etc.
/ Students will:
  • Read and complete prep notes for event
  • Practice shaking hands and introducing themselves
  • Role play with each other; one is participant and one is judge
  • Judges complete evaluation and written feedback
  • Role play with different person in opposite role
  • Judges complete evaluation and written feedback
  • Turn in prep notes for a grade

Ticket out the door: Now that you have seen and completed a role play, reflect on what you did well as a student participant and where you can improve to do a better job the next time we role play in class.