Program Committee Meeting Notes Friday, July 11, 2008
In attendance: Pam Perry, Janet Rampulla, Jen Sassman, Amy Gaffney, Joan Meyer, Gisella Baker, Amy Current, Julie Dunn, Mary Jo Smith, Chad Olson, Anna Haug, Tracy Jerrett, Beth Rinderknecht, Jennifer Schroederand Linda Schwin
Fall Conference 2008 Dates: November 12, 13, 14 (NASFAA training on Tuesday, November 11th)
Location: Holiday Inn – Dubuque, Iowa
A theme for the conference was decided: Celebrate…IASFAA is Forty and Fabulous
This theme was decided on since it is the 40th year of IASFAA and we thought we would somehow get Forty And Fabulous to be FA Fabulous or something like that?
Conference Calls will be every other Thursday of the month at 10:00am
The first call could go a full 1-1/2 hours; but we should be able to wrap them up in an hour after the first call.
July 31, August 14 and 28, September 11 and 25, October 9 and 23, November 6
A “Save the Date” email reminder will be sent out by Pam Perry regarding the Fall and Spring Conference dates. NASFAA training will also be mentioned in the email.
Conference invitation information (registration deadlines, payment dates, etc) are required be to Tracy Havener approximately six weeks prior to the event. Plan to use the word ‘tentative’ when outline conference sessions.
It was mentioned that we need to make sure we contact non-member schools, those not on Listserv, with conference information. Pam Perry and Robyn Fisher will check on this.
Joan Meyer needs to get headcount for meals approximately two weeks prior to event.
Pam Perry will provide list of attendees of conference and get to the Registration Table for check-in
It was suggested to have electronic conference evaluations. Anna Haug will check on this. Interest and general session evaluations will stay paper and be provided in moderator packets.
Our general schedule for the conference:
Tuesday, November 11th
NASFAA Training in the afternoon
Executive Council will meet from 4-5 pm.
We will have registration available 5-6 pm?
Wednesday, November 12th
10:30 - 11:30Registration
11:30 - 12:45Lunch with ice breakers, speaker, awards, formal front table.
12:45 - 1:00Break
1:00 - 2:15General Session or Interest Session(Motivational Speaker)
2:15 - 2:45Break/Vendors
2:45 - 4:00Interest Sessions or General Session
4:15 – 5:30Interest Sessions or General Session
6:00 - ? Dinner with Entertainment – Birthday Party
Thursday, November 13th
7:30 – 8:30Breakfast
8:30 – 9:45Interest Sessions or General Session (State Updates)
9:45 – 10:15Break/Vendors
10:15 - 11:30Interest Sessions or General Session
11:30 - 1:00Lunch (Autism Speaks?)
1:00 – 2:15Interest Session or General Session
2:15 - 2:45Break/Vendors
2:45 – 4:00Interest Session or General Session (Federal Update)
4:00 – 5:00Sector Meetings
5:30 - ?Dinner at Hotel (if required) or will be on your own.
Friday, November 14th
8:00 – 9:15General Session or Interest Session (Town Hall Meeting) Ask ED
9:15 - 9:45Hotel checkout break
9:45 - 12:00Brunch, Business Meeting
With the above schedule we determined that we will offer the following:
We are working on 10 interest sessions with 2 sessions repeated
Sector meetings
General Session – ICSAC Update
General Session – Federal Update
General Session –Motivational Speaker
We discussed several ideas/topics for interest sessions and general sessions. These are the top sessions that we are going to look into getting organized.
- Calculating Interest Rates, FICO Scores
Mary Jo is working on this. Possible speaker: Tim Fitzgibbon.
- Tax form information.
Gisella Bakerwill work on this. Possible speaker isLois Mulbrook from HawkeyeCommunity College.
- Top 10 Audit Findings
Linda Schwinn will work on this. Possible presenter is their auditor
- ACG/SMART grant
Robyn Fisher will work on this. Will check on getting Jamie Malone, a Federal trainer or a State Trainer
- TEACH Grant
Amy Gaffney will coordinate. Presenter possibly Jamie Malone, a Federal Trainer
- College Goal Sunday
Jen Sassman is working on this. She will contact Michelle
- FERPA – Disclosing Information to Students
Julie Dunn will work on this. She will contact Delores Hawkins.
- Loan Basics – FA 101 for Newcomers
Chad Olson will work on this. Possibly Roberta Johnson
- Promoting FA on your Campus
Jen Sassman will work on this. Possible presenter is John Parker.
- Going Green (Paperless) Compliance
Gisella Baker and Amy Gaffney will work on this. University of Iowais a possible presenter.
- Repeated Sessions:
- Other suggestions for Interest Sessions:
Veterans Benefits
Hands on Training of some sort
We viewed the hotel conference, hospitality and guest rooms. Free parking for all, whether you are a drive in or staying overnight. Computer access is available free of charge throughout the hotel. You may bring in your own refreshments to the hospitality room. To allow for a lot of attendees, conference rooms will be set up classroom in the front and theater in the back.
Pam Perry is going to contact Jeff Jaeger, the Ultimate Cheapskate. Gale Mote (Motivational speaker) and Matt Jones (Cancer Survivor) were other speaker possibilities mentioned.
Julie Dunn went over possible plans for the 40th Birthday Party. The Mississippi RiverMuseum as well as the Stone Cliff Winery (formerly Star Brewing) was mentioned as possible locations for the party. Julie is checking into costs. Joan Meyer will check to see if the Holiday Inn could cater party. This would take care of our requirement to have an on-site meal. Years of service and retirees will be awarded at the Birthday Party.
It was suggested that we have a head table for the first lunch on Wednesday. This would help new comers know IASFAA Officers, etc. Also, we may have an ice breaker at each table. Newcomers would be introduced during this luncheon.
We discussed having a speaker at our Thursday lunch, possibly talking about Autism. Tracy Jerrett mentioned she knew a parent of Autistic children and this mother might be available. This would fit in with our Community Service effort from NASFAA – Autism Speaks. The other Charity Event will be for Flood/Tornado relief.Tracy will work with Amy Gaffney on this.