King James Onlies and David Cloud

Updated July 16, 2003 (first published January 20, 1996) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143

1. If "King James Only" defines one who believes the English KJV is superior to the Hebrew and Greek texts upon which it was based, I am not "King James Only." In fact, I believe such an idea is pure nonsense and would mean the preserved Word of God did not exist before 1611. -- David Cloud

A. David Cloud does not know or have the Greek Texts that the KJB translators had nor does he know which ones that were used, if he had them.

B. For whatever reason, the KJB translators did not use only Greek texts.

C. It is pure nonsense to judge something you possess with something that you either do not possess or are not sure about whether it was used or not. -- Herb Evans

2. If "King James Only" defines one who believes the English Authorized Version is advanced revelation over the Hebrew and Greek text that God gave through inspiration to holy men of old, I am not "King James Only."-- David Cloud

The only problem with this is that we do not possess a complete Hebrew or Greek text that God gave to holy men of old. But then the KJB, per Cloud’s latest comments, is not “given by inspiration.” Cloud fails to tell us how all the incomplete and partial copies were given by inspiration. The other problem is that the AV translators did not always use the Hebrew and Greek text, so it is a misnomer to refer to their “underlying Greek and Hebrew text.” -- Herb Evans

3. If "King James Only" defines one who believes we do not need to study Greek and Hebrew today or that it is not proper to use lexicons and dictionaries, I am not "King James Only." -- David Cloud

This is a straw man. Even Dr. Ruckman's school teaches both Hebrew and Greek. The teacher was Laurance Vance, and we suggest that Cloud and Vance have a Hebrew/Greek duel. King James Onlies do not learn these languages to correct the KJB. They learn them to keep Bible correctors from pulling snow jobs on the laity. -- Herb Evans

4. If "King James Only" defines one who believes that translations in other languages should be based on English rather than (when possible) Greek and Hebrew, I am not "King James Only." -- David Cloud

The King James Translators used The Older English translations, especially Tyndale, along with other language translations other than Greek, especially Latin. Some of the Latin verses were translated into Greek due to the absence of any Greek text. Greek texts were found after the KJB translation that confirmed these verses. There is absolutely nothing wrong with translating from English to other languages, providing that you have good translators and diligently compare other foreign language translations (the older ones and not the MV perversions) and also the best Greek and Hebrew texts available. -- Herb Evans

5. If "King James Only" defines one who believes that all modern English versions are merely New Age demonic trash that have no value whatsoever, even the most formal equivalency ones and even for comparison purposes, I am not "King James Only." -- David Cloud

Most King James Onlies count all modern perversions -- perversions. They do find some value in the versions that predate the KJB and faithfully use them to expose the modern versions. They do not find any value in the lesser scholarship of any newer version, despite Cloud's "demonic trash" straw man to enhance his argument for them. -- Herb Evans

6. If "King James Only" defines one who believes that a person can only be saved through the King James Bible, I am not "King James Only." -- David Cloud

Most King James Onlies believe that folks can be saved through reading a commentary or tract that has uncorrupted verses in them. Obviously, some folks are saved through chimney cornered quotes in salvation messages. Folks were saved through preaching before there was a New Testament. This is another one of Cloud's straw men. -- Herb Evans

7. If "King James Only" defines one who believes that the King James Bible can never again be changed and updated, I am not "King James Only."-- David Cloud

We hear rumor that the Waite group is going to try. The question is not whether it "CAN" be changed, for it already has been changed in the New King James bible. The question is, "Should it be changed?" And for what reason, if Cloud does believe it is "inspired" as he says (but not given by inspiration). Does Cloud guarantee that it too will be inspired? Or will it have the same fate as the NKJB? -- Herb Evans

8. If "King James Only" defines one who believes he has the authority to call those who disagree with him silly asses, morons, and jacklegs, and to treat them as if they were the scum of the earth because they refuse to follow his peculiar views, I am not "King James Only." -- David Cloud

Herb Evans never called him a jackleg, silly ass, or moron. But then, Cloud calls men like Herb Evans heretics for believing that the KJB was “given by inspiration.” After reading Cloud’s article and these comments and discovering his secret mental reservations and catching him trying to hang on to both sides of the KJB issue, understand that we are not that kind of KJB Only. – Herb Evans

– Compiled by Herb Evans