Vers. 2
Reserved for the Executive AgencyNumber / Date of Postmark
EU Application Form 2009
- Call for Proposals EACEA/33/2008 -
Applications sent by post bearing a postmark after this date will not be considered
Applications must be submitted both
to the EU, to the EACEA (using this form) and
to CANADA , to HRSDC (using the Canadian application form)
Application and selection procedure
Before completing the form, please read the Guidelines for Applicants 2009, which contain information on specific priorities for this year. This information can be found on the EU-Canada website:
· Applicants should use as application language the operational language of communication among the partners of the project consortium. This language must be one of the 23 official languages of the European Union.
· The application must be typewritten or word-processed using a computer.
· The original of the application must bear the original signature of the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the coordinating institution and the original stamp of this institution.
· The signed original and 2 copies thereof must be sent in the same envelope to the following address:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Call for proposals "EU-CANADA Programme for Cooperation in Higher Education, Training and Youth"
Unit P4 Erasmus Mundus and External Cooperation
Avenue du Bourget, n°1 - BOUR 00/38
1140 Brussels
· In addition, an electronic copy of the completed EU application form should be sent to the call’s mailbox:
· EU applicants seeking further information on the call may send their request to the above mentioned mailbox.
· All applications will be acknowledged.
In accordance with standard Commission practice, the information provided in your application may be used for the purposes of evaluating the EU-Canada programme. The relevant data protection regulations will be respected. Applications will be judged against the eligibility, exclusion, selection and award criteria set out in the Guidelines for Applicants 2009.
Project title
Please use a maximum of 12 words
Project acronym
Give a short title to your project, max 10 characters
Project abstract (maximum 5 lines)
Describe activities and outcomes and including the number of mobile students in the project
Thematic fields covered by the project
Please use the codes indicated in Annex 1.
2. Table of contents
Develop a table of contents for the proposal package with pagination.
This summary should outline the key features of the project including the total number of students from each institution being exchanged over the duration of the project. The summary should include the following items:
· Title of project
· Duration of the project (start and end date)
· Field(s) and level(s) and objectives of study/training, duration, language(s) of instruction
· Summary of study programme and project activities , maximum 20 lines
· List of EU and Canadian consortium institutions or organisations as well as associated organisations
· Number of EU and Canadian students and planned length of study abroad
· If applicable, number of faculty exchanges for programme teaching and length of stay
If your application is successful, this summary may be used for information purposes. You are therefore kindly requested to formulate it very carefully.
Common Proposal Narrative. This section of the applications needs to be indentical in both the Canadian and the European application submitted by the corresponding lead institutions. It needs to be endorsed by the project leader/coordinator in both institutions. In no more than 10 single-spaced or 20 double-spaced pages (font size 12), you should address the following:
a. Overview of Project
· Explain the project objectives.
· Describe the strategies for achieving those objectives for each year of the project.
· Describe the expected results and outcome of the project.
· Describe the benefits of multilateral collaboration under the project.
· Describe the added value of transatlantic co-operation in the project.
· Describe how the cooperation draws upon the individual and combined resources of the consortium partners.
· If applicable, describe the pre-existing links between the project partners.
· Describe how activities will be sustained beyond the funding period.
· Describe how products, outcomes and results of the project will be disseminated.
b. Formats and Activities
· Describe the development of an international curriculum.
· Describe the strategies to integrate the curriculum into existing programmes of study.
· Describe how you will develop organisational frameworks/the administrative infrastructure for student mobility.
· Describe how you would implement internships and work placements.
· Describe how many students you intend to send and receive, which level of studies and in wich subject areas / disciplines and for how long a period of study. If some of the learners will only stay for short intensive periods of less than 4 months, please justify the reasons and content for such short mobility periods as weel as the number of learners concerned and the duration of their stay.
· Describe your plans for student recruitment and selection.
· Describe how your consortia plans to ensure that visiting students are not charged tuition or fees at the host institution.
· Describe how your consortium will develop adequate language and cultural preparation and assessment;
· Describe your plans for ensuring full academic recognition for a student’s programme of study or work abroad, including issues of quality assurance and certification.
· Describe what student services you will provide to help students in these new programmes both at the home and host institutions.
· Describe the development of a strong dissemination plan
· Describe the development of a strong evaluation plan.
· If applicable: Describe the number and type of faculty and staff exchanges related to the project.
· If applicable: Describe how you will use web-based and other computer-based technologies.
This is to certify that this common proposal narrative is identical to that submitted to HRDC.
Signature of the EU Project Leader / Coordinator / Signature of the Canadian Project Leader / CoordinatorNAME
5.1. EU Lead institution (signatory of contract):
To fill in this part, please use the codes indicated in Annex1. Please complete the appropriate form to show the legal status of the EU Lead institution (annex IV). Specific forms by type of status can be found on the same web-site address with the application forms.
5.1.1 Legal Representative
Full legal name of the institution in the national languageAcronym of the institution, if applicable
Full name of the Institution in English (formal or informal translation)
Type of institution code / Erasmus ID code, for Higher Education Institutions only, If applicable
Legal representative of the institution,
who is authorised to sign the agreement:
Last name
First name / Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution / Sex / □ F (female)
□ M (Male)
Legal address of the institution
Street & Street Number
Post code & town
Phone (including country and area code) / + /
Fax (including country and area code) / + /
E-mail / @
Is the institution able to recover VAT?
If yes, please give the VAT number
5.1.2 Coordinator
The address provided will be used for the acknowledgement of receipt and all further correspondence relating to the project / network.
Coordinator:Last name
First name / Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution / Sex / □ F (female)
□ M (Male)
Complete Correspondence address
Post code & town
Country & region
Phone (including country and area codes) / + /
Fax (including country and area codes) / + /
E-mail address / @
5.1.3 Person in charge of finance
Last name, First name / Title(optional)(e.g. Prof., Dr, tc.)
Official function within the institution / Sex / F (female)
M (Male)
Correspondence address
Post code & town
Country & region
Phone (including country and area codes) / + /
Fax (including country and area codes) / + /
E-mail address / @
5.1.4 Financial identification
Please complete the appropriate bank detail form as a function of the nationality of the lead institution and attach the duly signed original to your application. The form has to be signed and stamped by the bank representative. Specific forms by country and language can be found at the following website:
5.2. EU partner institutions
For EU partners, please use the type of institution codes indicated in Annex1.
Check the minimum number of partners required (see Guidelines for Applicants).
Add copies for additional partners if necessary.
· Partner Nr 2
Full legal name of the institution in the national languageAcronym of the institution, if applicable
Full name of the Institution
Type of institution / Country code
Contact person
Last name
First name / Function: ……………. Male (M) □
Female (F) □
Legal address of the institution
Street & Street Number
Post code & town
Phone (including country and area code) / + /
Fax / + /
E-mail / @
· Partner Nr 3
Full legal name of the institution in the national languageAcronym of the institution, if applicable
Full name of the Institution
Type of institution / Country code
Contact person
Last name
First name / Function: ……………. Male (M) □
Female (F) □
Legal address of the institution
Street & Street Number
Post code & town
Phone (including country and area code) / + /
Fax / + /
E-mail / @
Please provide same information for additional EU partners.
Other relevant EU organisations
Please indicate all other relevant EU organisations such as enterprises, trade unions, industry and business groups, non-governmental organisations, publishers, government departments, chambers of commerce and research institutes, which may, whilst not official consortia partners, for example, provide internships, offer professional advice and expertise, and help your project attain the national and international visibility necessary for it to succeed beyond the funding period.
Name of organisation / Town, country / Contact person / Role, taskAdd additional lines if necessary.
5.3. Canada lead institution:
5.3.1. Authorising official
Full legal name of the institution in the national languageAcronym of the institution, if applicable
Type of institution
Institutional homepage
Authorising official of the institution:
Last name
First name
Legal address of the institution
Number & Street
City/Province/ Zip code
Phone (including area code) / + /
Fax (including area code) / + /
E-mail / @
5.3.2. Project coordinator
The address provided will be used for the acknowledgement of receipt and all further correspondence relating to the project .
Project coordinator:Last name
First name
Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Correspondence address
Number & Street
City/Province/ Zip code
Phone (including area code) / + /
Fax (including area code) / + /
E-mail address / @
5.4. Canada partner institutions
· Partner Nr 2
Contact personLast name
First name / Function: ………………………….….
Full legal name of the institution
Acronym of the institution, if applicable
Type of institution
Legal address of the institution
Number & Street
City/Province/Zip code
Phone (including area code) / + /
Fax (including area code) / + /
E-mail / @
· Partner Nr 3
Contact personLast name
First name / Function: ………………………….….
Full legal name of the institution
Acronym of the institution, if applicable
Type of institution
Legal address of the institution
Number & Street
City/Province/Zip code
Phone (including area code) / + /
Fax (including area code) / + /
E-mail / @
Please provide same information for additional Canadian partners.
Other relevant Canadian organisations
Please indicate all other relevant Canadian organisations such as enterprises, trade unions, industry and business groups, non-governmental organisations, publishers, government departments, chambers of commerce and research institutes, which may, whilst not official consortia partners, for example, provide internships, offer professional advice and expertise, and help your project attain the national and international visibility necessary for it to succeed beyond the funding period.
Name of organisation / Town, country / Contact person / Role, taskAdd additional lines if necessary.
6. Personnel information
You should clearly outline the qualifications of all key personnel related to the project. You can include in an appendix brief bios (one page), highlighting relevant skills and experience of the personnel. If you include resumes instead of the bios, strictly limit each to two pages.
Duration and languages
The contractual period is likely to start on 1-09-2009. The normal duration of a consortium project is 36 months.
Starting date/End dateFor EU partners only, language in which you would like the grant contract to be issued
1st preference
/1st preference
For EU partners only, language in which you would like correspondence with the Commission to be conducted
(to facilitate cooperation with your partners, you are advised to enter the language most commonly used for communication within the partnership)1st preference
/2nd preference
DE EN FRFinancial support from Canada/European Community
Has the proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project / network to which it may belong, already been supported in the past by Canada or the European Community?
Yes. Please specify the programme, date, type of activity (e.g. preparatory visit) and, if possible, contract number(s):
Is this proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project/network to which it may belong, currently being supported under any other Canadian or European Community programme?
Yes. Please specify the programme, date, type of activity (e.g. preparatory visit) and, if possible, contract numbers: