Program Assessment Action Plan

Program: Commercial and Advertising Art Semester:Spring Year: 2014

Course(s): CAA202 Printing and Reproduction

Instructor (s): Cathy Strowig

College Mission

Salina Area Technical College will meet employment needs of the region by providing a diverse community of learners with the technical and general education skills necessary for employment, personal growth and lifelong learning.

Program Mission

The Mission of the Commercial & Advertising Art Department of Salina Area Technical College is to provide students opportunities to acquire relevant technical skills and knowledge for employment and advancement in commercial art careers and related fields.

Assessment Plan

1. Outcomes to be measure


1.) Demonstrate the ability to think critically.

2.) Demonstrate proficiency in technical program outcomes.

3.) Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication.

4.) Develop positive work habits and interpersonal skills needed for employment.


1.) Develop an understanding and mastery of computer programs that build technical skills in Commercial and Advertising Art.

2.) Develop student discipline in time management skill used to meet project deadlines.

3.) Develop competency in a variety of technologies to create, capture, and manipulate design elements in producing an appropriately prepared final production piece.

5.) Create visual media through incorporating new media skills including digital and color theories and design principles to develop effective design solutions.

6.) Create effective visual communication through the application of design and color theories and design principles to develop effective design solutions.

7.) Apply typographic theory and knowledge to create effective visual communication.

8.) Create and integrate illustrations and imagery to develop and communicate design solutions.

9.) Develop critical thinking and self-motivated learning abilities to expand professional growth skills.

10.) Assume responsibility for career development and continuing education.

11.) Develop presentation skills.

2. Instructional project to be used to measure outcomes: CMYK Plus SPOT Project

Outcomes to be assessed:

Skill / Institutional Outcomes / Program Outcomes
Instructions Followed & All Specifications Met / 1,2,3,4 / 2,4,5,9
Due Date Deadline Met / 2,3,4 / 2
Presentation, Craftsmanship, Spelling, and Grammar / 1,2,3,4 / 1,3,4,7,8
Layout / 1,2,3 / 3,4,5,6,7,8
Design Theory / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Color Theory / 1,2 / 3,4,5,6,8
Typography / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9
Communication/Academic Accuracy / 1,2,3,4 / 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

3. What process(es) will be used to collect data?

A rubric will be used.

4. What are the intended results?

80% of the class will achieve an average of >5 on the rubric.

5. Who will analyze the data?

Trish Hayden and Cathy Strowig

Assessment Results

1. What were the results?

a.) The goal was met. 100% of the students achieved a >5 score on the rubric.

b.) Every student but one received an average of 7.63 or higher on the rubric.

Rubric Scores
12-13 - Exceeds Standard
7 - Meets Minimum Standard
0-3 - Standard Not Met
Average scores for each rubric category
Instructions Followed & All Specifications Met / 7.4
Due Date Deadline Met / 10.5
Presentation, Craftsmanship, Spelling, & Grammar / 9.9
Layout / 9.5
Design Theory / 9.6
Color Theory / 9.1
Typography / 11.1
Communication/Academic Accuracy / 10
Rubric Scores
Demonstrate the ability to think critically / 9.51
Demonstrate proficiency in technical program learning outcomes / 8.14
Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication / 9.71
Develop positive work habits and interpersonal skills needed for employment / 9.45

Average 9.21

Rubric Scores
Develop an understanding and mastery of computer programs that build technical skills in Commercial and Advertising Art. / 10.2
Develop student discipline in time management skill used to meet project deadlines. / 9.72
Develop competency in a variety of technologies to create, capture, and manipulate design elements in producing an appropriately prepared final production piece. / 9.9
Choose appropriate media technologies to effectively plan, manage time, and resources to produce digital video, photography, and web. / 9.4
Create visual media through incorporating new media skills including digital graphics design and concepts, digit video, photography, and web. / 9.5
Create effective visual communication through the application of design and color theories and design principles to develop effective design solutions. / 9.9
Apply typographic theory and knowledge to create effective visual communication. / 10.0
Create and integrate illustrations and imagery to develop and communicate design solutions. / 9.7
Develop critical thinking and self-motivated learning abilities to expand professional growth skills. / 9.5
Assume responsibility for career development and continuing education. / 10.0
Develop presentation skills. / 10.0
Average / 9.81

2. What was learned through analyzing these results?

a.) The high scores on the rubrics are an indication that the instruction for this course has been very effective.

Action Plan Based on Results and Analysis

1. Based on the analysis of the results, what steps will be taken to improve student learning?

a.) There will be no changes to instruction.

2. What goals will be set as a result of the above changes in instruction?

a.) A different course will be assessed next year. The goals will be set at that time.

3. What additional software, machinery, tools, etc…do you need that would help you teach the courses in your program more effectively?

a.) The CAA department could benefit from two additional cameras. They currently have only four. In the past, students have had to wait to finish their assignments because there have not been enough cameras to go around. Some students have brought their own cameras to class, which helped the situation a little. With additional cameras, the class could be accelerated, and the students would benefit by getting more experience.