Spring 2015

Name: ______

Address (include town and zip code): ______

E-mail address:______

Phone:______Guidance Counselor:______

Directions and Guidelines:

  • Applicants must submit a printed copy of this application.
  • The application must be typed.
  • Typing directly onto this document will change the spacing. Please make sure to check spacing to ensure neatness and organization before submitting.
  • Please feel free to include additional pages you deem necessary as attachments.
  • Please note that the NHS Advisors reserve the right to contact club advisors for further information about the activities and organizations listed on this application if needed.

Part One—Leadership

  • List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, orwork activities.
  • Only those positions in which you were directly responsible forleading or motivating others should be included.
  • If the club advisor/leader is inaccessible to you, a letter or email explaining your leadership role can be attached to this application.

Leadership Position / 9th / 10th / 11th / Activity/Organization/Advisor / One-Time or Recurring Position / Initials

In the space below, please elaborate onyour leadership roles, including the time commitment:

Part Two—Service

  • List community service activities in which you have participated and noteany major accomplishments in each.
  • If the club advisor/leader is inaccessible to you, a letter or email explaining service can be attached to this application.

9th / 10th / 11th / Activity/Organization / Explanation of Service Activities / Initials

Please include any additional comments to help further explain your service experience:

Part Three – Work Experience, Recognition, Honors/Awards:

  • List any honors or recognitions that you have received that strengthen your candidacy to be selected for membership in the National Honor Society.
  • If the club advisor, group leader, or employer is inaccessible to you, a letter or email explaining the work experience, recognition, or award can be attached to this application.

Job, Recognition, Honors/Awards / 9th / 10th / 11th / Organization, Business, or Activity / Time Commitment / Initials

In the space below, please include any additional comments about the entries above.

Part Four – Personal Statements

This personal statement is a very important part of the NHS application in that it helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It enables you to demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. Use only the space provided. For each of the following questions please respond in no more than 100 words per question.
1. Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service are the four pillars of the National Honor Society. With those important concepts in mind, please answer the following questions:

  1. What do you consider to be the importance of service? How has service impacted your life?

b. What do you believe to be your greatest asset? What do you believe to be your greatest flaw?

c. Which of your leadership activities has had the most significant impact on you? Please explain.


Part Five – Additional Information
This page exists to enable you to tell the committee anything which is not included elsewhere in the application, but which might have bearing on your eligibility for National Honor Society. Please use it to share any information that you believe will enable the committee to make a fair and accurate determination of your eligibility.


I, ______, if selected to be a member of the Montville Township High School chapter of the National Honor Society, do hereby and willfully agree to the following conditions of membership:

a.) That I will attend all NHS meetings.

These meetings will run a maximum of 25 minutes during lunch period (or before or after school.) The meetings will be run twice during the lunch period, in order to allow students to attend the meeting either before or after their science lab. Arrangements should be made to allow attendance. If there are extenuating circumstances, I will see one of the advisors prior to the date of the meeting. I understand that attendance is MANDATORY, and excessive absenteeism may result in disciplinary actions affecting my membership. Some meetings may be held before or after school by necessity. ALL members are required to attend meetings unless prior permission is obtained from an advisor.

b.) That I will be a faithful and regular participant in all activities sponsored
by the organization.

Examples include attendance at installation as well as rehearsal, clothing drives, service projects, Peer Tutoring, etc. Also, a minimum of 8 hours per marking period of service is required to continue as a member in good standing. I understand that my membership may be in jeopardy if I do not remain an active and viable participant of the organization.

c.) That I will fulfill the responsibilities given me to be an integral part of

any fundraiser activities.

The organization will raise funds for any financial needs by collecting dues and holding fundraisers. I understand that I will be asked and expected to perform at least the minimum, but it is hoped that I will contribute even more.

d.) As a member of the National Honor Society, I pledge to maintain a high
scholastic standing, to endeavor intelligently and courageously to be a leader.

Any infraction serious enough to result in out of school suspension will
result in removal from NHS. Any infraction which results in an In School Suspension (ISS) consequence may result in removal from the NHS.
*Failure to maintain the required 3.75 GPA will lead to removal from NHS.

e.) It shall be my earnest purpose to give my time and energy towards the
promotion of all honor society activities. I understand that it is my
responsibility to comply with Society standards.

I am aware that it is the advisor’s responsibility to contact a member who is in violation of the above. Such a member will be provided a reasonable time for improvement. If I do not demonstrate improvement in the specified time, I may face whatever disciplinary measures are considered appropriate by the Faculty Advisors. Having read these conditions, and completing this application for National Honor Society to the best of my ability, I respectfully submit my application for consideration.

I understand that completing this form does not guarantee selection into the National Honor Society, and that the information here is factually correct, and honestly presented.
Student Signature Date

I have read the information provided by my son or daughter on this form and can verify that it is true, accurate and complete in its presentation. Inaccurate representation of information will lead to automatic disqualification from the National Honor Society selection process.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

National Honor Society Application for Membership – Spring 2015