Supplementary Information for v410, 081


I. List of 158 characters used for phylogenetic analysis.


1. Large dermal plates: absent (0); present (1).

2. Skull shape: lateral orbits, interorbital skull roof wide and arched (0); dorsal orbits, interorbital skull roof narrow and flat or concave (1).

3. Premaxilla: absent (0); present (1).

4. Premaxilla forming part of orbit: absent (0); present (1).

  1. Posterodorsal process on posterior portion of premaxilla: absent (0); present (1).

6. Postrostral: absent (0); postrostral mosaic of small variable bones (1); large median postrostral, with or without accessory bones (2); paired E bones (3).

7. Paired frontals: absent (0); present (1).

8. Cbone: absent (0); present (1).

9. Tectal (sensu Cloutier & Ahlberg, 1996): absent (0); present (1).

10. Number of tectals: one (0); two or more (1).

11. Supraorbital (sensu Cloutier & Ahlberg, 1996): absent (0); present (1).

12. Number of supraorbitals: one (0); two (1); more than two (2).

13. Bbone: absent (0); present (1).

14. Anterior margin of parietal: between or in front of orbits (0); slightly posterior to orbits (1); much posterior to orbits (2).

15. Pineal opening: open (0); closed (1).

16. Parietalsupraorbital contact: absent (0); present (1).

17. Extratemporal: absent (0); present (1).

18. Intertemporal: present (0); absent (1).

19. Number of marginal bones alongside postparietal: single (0); two or more (1).

20. Dermal joint between parietal and postparietal: absent (0); present (1).

21. Number of extrascapulars: two (0); three (1); four (2); five (3).

22. Median extrascapular overlap: median extrascapular overlapped by lateral extrascapulars (0); median extrascapular overlapping lateral extrascapulars (1); median extrascapular abutting lateral extrascapulars (2).

23. Position of anterior nostril: facial (0); marginal (1); palatal (2).

24. Processus dermintermedius: absent (0); present (1).

25. Posterior nostril: present (0); absent (1).

26. Position of posterior nostril: external, far from jaw margin (0); external, close to jaw margin (1); palatal (2).

27. Posterior nostril: associated with orbit (0); not associated with orbit (1).

28. Lacrimal posteriorly enclosing posterior nostril: absent (0); present (1).

29. Number of sclerotic plates: four or less (0); more than four (1).

30. Ethmoid commissure: present (0); absent (1).

31. Course of ethmoid commissure: middle portion through median rostral (0); sutural course (1); through bone center of premaxilla (2).

32. Course of supraorbital canal: between anterior and posterior nostrils (0); anterior to both nostrils (1).

33. Course of supraorbital canal: straight (0); lyreshaped (1).

34. Contact of supraorbital and infraorbital canals: in contact rostrally (0); not in contact rostrally (1).

35. Relationship of infraorbital canal to premaxilla: infraorbital canal entering premaxilla (0); infraorbital canal following dorsal margin of premaxilla (1).

36. Posterior end of supraorbital canal: in postparietal (0); in parietal (1); in intertemporal (2).

37. Contact of otic and supraorbital canals: not in contact (0); in contact (1).

38. Position of anterior pit line: on postparietal (0); on parietal (1).

39. Middle and posterior pitlines on postparietal: posteriorly situated (0), mesially situated(1).

40. Course of infraorbital canal in relation to anterior portion of postparietal: through marginal bones alongside postparietal (0); along the margin of postparietal (1); through postparietal (2).

41. Maxilla: absent (0); present (1).

42. Posterior expansion of maxilla: present (0); absent (1).

43. Posteriorly deep maxilla: present (0); absent (1).

44. Preopercular extending forward, close to orbit: absent (0); present (1).

45. Dermohyal: absent (0); present (1).

46. Squamosal, quadratojugal and preopercular bones: separated (0); fused (1).

47. Squamosal: absent (0); present (1).

48. Subsquamosals: absent (0); present (1).

49. Quadratojugal: absent (0); present, small (1); present, large (2).

50. Preopercularmaxillary contact: present (0); absent (1).

51. Jugalquadratojugal contact: absent (0); present (1).

52. Preoperculosubmandibular: absent (0); present (1).

53. Foramina on dermal cheek bones: absent (0); present (1).

54. Vertical barlike preopercular: absent (0); present (1).

55. Anterior portion of preopercular canal: present (0); absent (1).

56. Jugal canal: present (0); absent (1).

57. Dentary: absent (0); present (1).

58. Relative length of dentary: long (0); short (1).

59. Marginal teeth on dentary: present (0); absent (1).

60. Teeth of dentary: reaching anterior end of dentary (0); not reaching anterior end (1).

61. Parasymphysial tooth whorl: absent (0); present (1).

62. Axis of parasymphysial tooth whorl: parallel to dentary (0); perpendicular to dentary (1).

63. Meckelian bone exposed immediately anterior to first coronoid: yes (0); no (1).

64. Splenial: absent (0); present (1).

65. Postsplenial: absent (0); present (1).

66. Surangular: absent (0); present (1).

67. Raised crest on angular: absent (0); present (1).

68. Coronoids (sensu stricto, excluding parasymphysial dental plate or anterior coronoid): present (0); absent (1).

69. Tusks of coronoids (sensu stricto): absent (0); present (1).

70. Dentition on coronoid: broad marginal "tooth field" (0); narrow marginal tooth row (1); single tooth row (2).

71. Anterior end of prearticular: far from jaw symphysis (0); near jaw symphysis (1).

72. Prearticular dentary contact: present (0); absent (1).

73. Teeth radial rows on prearticular: absent (0); present (1).

74. Anterior mandibular (precoronoid) fossa: absent (0); present (1).

75. Labial pit: absent (0); present(1).

76. Foramina on external surface of lower jaw: absent (0); present (1).

77. Middle pit line of lower jaw: not developed into enclosed canal (0); developed into enclosed oral canal or intermediate morphology (1).

78. Anterior pit line of lower jaw: not developed into enclosed canal (0); developed into enclosed canal linking oral and mandibular canals (1).

79. Course of mandibular canal: passing through dentary (0); not passing through dentary (1).

80. Course of mandibular canal: not passing through most posterior infradentary (0); passing through most posterior infradentary (1).

81. Branchiostegal rays: present (0); absent (1).

82. Number of branchiostegal rays per side: ten or more (0); two to seven (1); one (2).

83. Submandibulars: absent (0); present (1).

84. Width of submandibulars: narrow (0); broad (1).

85. Median gular: present (0); absent (1).

86. Size of lateral gular: lateral gular and brachiostegal rays of similar size (0); lateral gular covering approximately half the intermandibular space.

87. Palatal opening surrounded by premaxilla, maxilla, dermopalatine, and vomer: absent (0); present (1).

88. Posterior process of vomer: absent (0); present (1).

89. Articulation of vomers: vomers not articulating with each other (0); vomers articulating with each other (1).

90. Vomerine tusks: absent (0); present (1).

91. Articulation of pterygoids: pterygoids not articulating with each other (0); pterygoids articulating with each other (1).

92. Position of parasphenoid: beneath sphenethmoid part of endocranium (0); beneath sphenethmoid and oticooccipital part (1).

93. Parasphenoid: protruding forward in ethmoid region of endocranium (0); behind ethmoid region (1).

94. Denticulated field of parasphenoid: without spiracular groove (0); with spiracular groove (1).

95. Dental plate: denticles on entopterygoid or naked bone (0); tooth plate on entopterygoid (1); dentine plate on entopterygoid (2).

96. Form of head of hyomandibular: single headed (0); double headed (1).

97. Posterior margin of palatoquadrate: sloping forward (0); erect or sloping backward (1).

98. Dorsal endoskeletal articulation between oticooccipital and ethmosphenoid blocks of braincase: absent (0); present (1).

99. Ventral endoskeletal articulation between oticooccipital and ethmosphenoid blocks of braincase: absent (0); present (1).

100. Orientation of intracranial joint or fissure: vertical or anteroventrally slanting (0); posteroventrally slanting (1).

101. Position of intracranial joint or fissure relative to cranial nerves: joint through profundus foramen (0); joint through trigeminal foramen (1).

102. Processus descendens of sphenoid or oticosphenoid bridge: absent (0); present (1).

103. Autopalatine articulates with postnasal wall: absent (0); present (1).

104. Anterior palatal fenestra (fossa apicalis): absent (0); present (1).

105. Paired internasal cavity: absent (0); present (1).

106. Vomeral area with grooves and raised areas: absent (0); present (1).

107. Fenestra ventralis: absent (0); present (1); common ventral fenestra for anterior and posterior nostrils (2).

108. Large median opening and several small dorsolateral openings in postnasal wall: absent (0); present (1).

109. Eye stalk or unfinished area for similar structure: absent (0); present (1).

110. Postorbital process on braincase: present (0); absent (1).

111. Basipterygoid articulation: absent (0); present (1).

112. Basipterygoid (postorbital) pilla: absent (0); present (1).

113. Position of exit of pituitary vein: in front of basipterygoid process (0); dorsal to vertical portion of basipterygoid process (1); posterior to basipterygoid process (2).

114. Basicranial fenestra with arcual plates: absent (0); present (1).

115. Unconstricted cranial notochord: absent (0); present (1).

116. Supraotic cavity: absent (0); present (1).

117. Posttemporal fossae: absent (0); present (1).

118. Anocleithrum: element developed as postcleithrum (0); element developed as anocleithrum sensu stricto (1); element absent (2).

119. Presupracleithrum: absent (0); present (1).

120. Dorsal cleithrum (AL of the Placodermi), ventral cleithrum (AVL of the Placodermi) and pectoral spine (SP of the Placodermi): not fused (0); fused (1).

121. Cleithrum: absent (0); present (1).

122. Dorsal end of cleithrum: pointed (0); broad and rounded (1).

123. Paired pectoral spines: absent (0); present (1).

124. Clavicle (IL of the Placodermi): absent (0); present (1).

125. Relationship of clavicle to cleithrum: ascending process of clavicle overlapping cleithrum laterally (0); ascending process of clavicle wrapping round anterior edge of cleithrum, overlapping it both laterally and mesially (1).

126. Interclavicle: absent (0); present (1).

127. Triradiate scapulocoracoid: absent (0); present (1).

128. Subscapular foramen: absent (0); present (1).

129. Endoskeletal supports in pectoral fin: multiple elements articulating with girdle (0); single element ("humerus") articulating with girdle (1).

130. Pectoral propterygium: absent (0); present (1).

131. Deltoid and supinator processes: absent (0); present (1).

132. Axis of pectoral fin skeleton: no more than 5 axial elements (0); more than 5 axial elements (1).

133. Pectoral fin radials: not jointed (0); jointed (1).

134. Pectoral fin radials: most axial elements bearing only preaxial radials (0); symmetrical array of preaxial and postaxial radials (1).

135. Dorsal fin: double (0); single (1).

136. Dorsal and anal fins: present (0); absent (1).

137. Basal scutes on fins: absent (0); present (1).

138. Basal fulcra: absent (0); present (1).

139. Median fin spines: absent (0); present (1).

140. Epichordal lepidotrichia in tail: absent (0); present (1).

141. Relative size of epichordal and hypochordal lepidotrichia: epichordals less developed than hypochordals (0); epichordals and hypochordals equally developed (1); epichordals more developed than hypochordals (2).

142. Supraneural spines: present on thoracic and abdominal vertebrae (0); restricted to a few vertebrae at anterior end of column, or absent (1).

143. Wellossified ribs: absent (0); present (1).

144. Scales: rhombic (0); rounded (1).

145. Peg on rhombic scale: narrow (0); broad (1).

146. Anterodorsal peglike process on scale: absent (0); present (1).

147. Endochondral bone: absent (0); present (1).

148. Cosmine: absent (0); present (1).

149. Cosmine with large pore ornamentation: absent (0); present (1).

150. Enamel lining of pore canals: absent (0); present (1).

151. Westolllines: absent (0); present (1).

152. Pore clusters: absent (0); present (1).

153. Rostral tubuli: absent (0); present (1).

154. Acrodin: absent (0); present (1).

155. Ganoine: absent (0); present (1).

156. True enamel on teeth: absent (0); present (1).

157. Plicidentine: absent (0); simple (1); labyrinthodont (2); dendrodont (3).

158. Syndentine: absent (0); present (1).

II. Data matrix with 158 morphological characters and 26 taxa. 0 = plesiomorphic state; 1,2,3 = apomorphic states; ? = unavailable character or logical impossibility.













Diplocercides 101001001?1200110101100000111??10???10120??0001000?00

Dipnorhynchus 100??101111?120000103?2?021??1?111?101000????????????

Dipterus 100??3011?11121000103?2?021??1?111?211000??0001021110

Eusthenopteron 1010020010110001001110011???1021100211001100001021000

Glyptolepis 1010010011100110110111000011?0?1100211121110001121010

Ichthyostega 11100010101100010110??1?1????0?10002??001110001021100

Kenichthys 1010020010110?01101110010111?01110121100110001102?001

Miguashaia 1010?100??12001100011?0?????10????02??120??0?010?0?00



Onychodus 10100100111200111111120?0011?0?1?00?11001000101000000

Osteolepis 10100200101100011011100?1???1021100211001100001021000


Porolepis 1010010011100110110111000011?001100111121110001121010


Psarolepis 10111?00????010??001??010010?001010001011001??00?0?01

Speonesydrion 100??101????12000010??2??????1?111?10?00?????????????













Ctenacanthus 0000??????????1??????????????????0????????0000??0000?

Diabolepis ???11000??11101??101010001????????00000011??????01001

Dicksonosteus 0?10??????????1??????????????????0????0???0000??0100?


Dipnorhynchus ???111?0??11101??1010101110??????0???111?2?100???100?

Dipterus 010111?0??11101??101?1011100211010???111?1?100???100?


Glyptolepis 01010011001110012110100001101101100010011010111001010




Mimia 00110000?100000000000000001000?000000000100000??11000

Moythomasia 00110000?100100000000000000000?000000000100000??11000




Porolepis 010100110011100121101000011011001?0010011010111001010



Speonesydrion ???111?0??11101??10101011100?110?????111?1??00???100?







Acanthodes 0??01020??0?0?0?10?000??????10001???0???00?????00000



Cheirolepis ???????????011100101??01????1001000??0?010?????01000


Diabolepis 100??0???????11??1??????????????0???????110110100101



Dipnorhynchus 200?1??001??011??1??????????????0????010110?101?0101

Dipterus 200?1??00??10111011???10?1110000010011?0110110?00101

Eusthenopteron 10011001111101110111111010000010011111?010????000110



Kenichthys 100?101?????011101????????????1?0????010110001?00110


Mimia 0000102000001110010100010?0010010000000110????011000

Moythomasia 0000102000001110010100010???10010000000110????011000










III. Characters and character states defining major clades shown in Fig.3a. Based on a selected mostparsimonious tree (tree #1), which is the closest to the 50% majority rule consensus tree. Tree length = 317; Consistency index (CI) = 0.568; Homoplasy index (HI) = 0.432; Retention index (RI) = 0.765; Rescaled consistency index (RC) = 0.434. Asterisks indicate ambiguous character states resolved using DELTRAN. Character state is (1), unless marked otherwise.


3, 41, 57, 68(0), 111*, 121, 126*, 147


20, 24*, 27*, 32*, 38*, 64*, 65*, 66*, 71*, 72*, 79* , 93*, 98, 99, 105, 113, 115, 116, 148, 156

Achoania + Crowngroup Sarcopterygii:

4(0), 5(0), 28

Crowngroup Sarcopterygii:

6*, 9*, 11*, 21*, 29*, 34(0)*, 36(2)*, 37*, 44(0)* , 47*, 55*, 86*, 96*, 100, 109(0), 114*, 117*, 118*, 120*, 129*, 130(0)*, 140*

Actinistia + Onychodontida:

12(2), 15*, 81, 85, 144, 148(0)


39, 40(2), 41(0), 58, 65(0), 66(0), 67, 97

Tetrapodomorpha + Dipnomorpha:

17*, 33, 42, 49(2), 50, 69*, 82(2)*, 83*, 90*, 107, 122, 125* , 127*, 145*, 149(0)*, 152*, 157*


14, 16(0), 22, 52, 60*, 61*, 62(0)*, 94, 132*, 133, 134, 150


15*, 18, 24(0), 39, 40(2), 43*, 48*, 70(2), 74*, 82, 101(0)*, 108*, 157(3)


19*, 20(0), 35, 100(0), 117(0), 153

Dipnoiformes above Powichthys:

15*, 26, 31*, 36, 37(0), 98(0), 99(0),106,114(0), 128*

Dipnoiformes above Youngolepis (or Dipnoi + Diabolepis):

13, 14(2), 58, 61(0), 68, 72(0), 75, 90(0), 105(0), 151, 152(0), 157(0), 158


3(0), 8, 17(0)*, 21(3)*, 23(2)*, 26(2), 30, 34, 41(0)*, 59, 77, 78, 84*, 91, 92, 107(2)

Dipnoi above Uranolophus:

73*, 80(0)*, 95*, 97*, 115(0)*

Dipnoi above Dipterus (or Dipnorhynchus + Speonesydrion):



6(2), 10(0), 12, 19*, 74*, 93(0), 137

Tetrapodomorpha above Kenichthys:

25, 31(2)*, 54*, 87*, 101(0)*, 142*

Tetrapodomorpha above Osteolepis:

17(0), 70(2)*, 89*, 104*, 105(0)*, 110*, 128*, 131*, 143, 148(0)

Tetrapodomorpha above Eusthenopteron:

2, 7, 20(0), 43, 51, 136, 137(0), 141(2)*, 157(2)



Actinopterygii above AMF 101607:

45*, 56*, 119*, 120*, 135*, 138*, 155*

Actinopterygii above Cheirolepis (or Mimia + Moythomasia):

49*, 63*, 94*, 109(0)*, 146, 154