Mrs. Hansberry Pre-Algebra/Algebra I Team Infinity

I. Expectations:

1. You are expected to be in class on time, in your assigned seat, and ready to begin

when the bell rings.

2. For each class you are required to bring an organized notebook, a pencil, and a calculator.

Academic classes will also need their COVERED consumable notebook.

3. My website contains daily homework (including links to worksheets), the lesson

of the day, test dates, and many more helpful links. Please refer to it as often as needed

4. If you are having difficulty keeping up with class, you need to come to a morning

clinic in RA on 6B days (must get a pass prior to 8:05) or Thursday

after school (no pass needed)

5. Proper conduct and common courtesy are expected at all times.

6. Each student will be responsible for bringing the required supplies every day to

class. Failure to do so may result in a loss of points.

II. Absences: Parents and students please read carefully!

If you are absent from school or class, it is YOUR responsibility to make up any

missed assignments and assessments, and obtain the day’s notes (all of which is on

my website.) Print out the notes and bring to RA so you can ask specific

questions if you do not understand something. If your printer is broke, get a pass

to the library or computer lab for RA so you can print the notes. This needs to be

done before you ask for help.

You will have the same number of days to make up this work as you were absent.

After that time, all missed work becomes a zero.

If you are absent only on the day of a quiz or test, or on the review day prior,

you will be expected to take the quiz or test on your first day back. If you are

absent more than one day, arrangements will be made on an individual basis.

III. Supplies: Please bring the following with you to class EVERY DAY…

3 ring binder WITH PAPER! (Academic classes needs at least a 2”)

Spiral notebook with holes that fits inside binder

sharpened pencils with erasers


SSR book

Post-it notes

The following should be on hand…

colored pencils



IV.Homework: Assignments are usually given daily and will be checked for

∙ completeness ∙ all work shown ∙ done in pencil

* Each homework is worth 2 points. We will use a stamp sheet/grade sheet in the

front of the child’s math binder so parents, child and teacher can easily see how

many homeworks were completed and what the assignments were for any given day.

It is the students’ responsibility to keep track of the name and date of the assignments

and get any stamps that they may have missed when absent. No assignments will be stamped after 3

days have passed since the absence.

* In order to receive full credit, you must write out each problem and show your

work for each problem. A list of answers will not be acceptable. This grade will

be included in calculating your final grade.

V. Tests and quizzes: Tests will be announced and posted on mywebsite about 3

days prior to being given. Quizzes may or may not be announced. All tests and

quizzes will be sent home to be corrected as soon as all students have taken the test.

Parents, if you are not seeing these, please talk to your child and ask to see them. In

addition, grade sheets/stamp sheets will be kept by students in their math binders. All

grades will be posted on TAC as soon as possible.

V. Notes:

* start each day at the top of a clean sheet of paper. At the top, include the date and

the section number and title.

* include all terms, definitions, and examples that are presented on the board.

* re-reading and highlighting your notebook is a great way to study for math tests

Don’t forget, my notes are posted if yours are incomplete or you were absent.

VI.Communication: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. The best

way is usually via e-mail: . I will get back to you as soon as possible.


I have read and understand the above requirements:

Student’s signature ______

Parent’s signature ______