Preliminary ScientificProgramme
Invited speakers:
* Professor Judith Tanner, Nottingham UK.
Surgical site infections. (SSI). The incidence of SSI, intervention to reduce SSI and research on SSI.
*Professor ass. Ida Mykkeltveit, Norway.
The master in operating room nursing in Norway. The study programme and students experience.
*Phd. Karin Bundsgaard, Denmark.
Knowledge about short-term nursing, what is good nursing?
Oral presentation
The power of appreciation in the learning situation
Christina Als, Denmark
Implimentation of clinical competence tool for well-experienced OR nurses
Monica Dalsgaard,Denmark
How Competent are graduating nursing students -congruence between graduating nursing student, self-assessments and mentors assesments
Satu Kajander-Unkuri, Finland
Design of an introduction program of perioperative nursing care and advanced surgical procedure
Annika Sandelin, Sweden
Experience from implementing a new competency programme for newly employed nurses in a operating department
Susanne skovsoe Petersen,Denmark
Theme of the month -strategic investment in focus areas
Tove Staff, Norway
Perioperative/ Clinical practice:
Patients are fasting for too long
Birgitte Brøchner, Denmark
Patient satisfaction survey of operation theatre nursing
Gitte Lund Hansen, Denmark
Compliance of WHOs safe surgery cheklist in Oslo university hospital,Norway
-observational study
Cathrine Heen, Norway
Scientific research:
Positioning of anesthetized surgical patients
ProfessorErik Elgaard, Denmark
Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy in Iceland. The effect of patient positioning and padding during operation
Ragnheiour jónsdóttir, Iceland
Reduction in perental anxiety during the child´s operation in surgery in general anesthesia
Luise Holberg Lindgren, Denmark
A swedish national project; safe abdominal surgery
Irini Antoniadou, Sweden
Teamwork in breast surgery
Lissi glade, Denmark
How to create educational development for peri-operative nurses in an actic area,
where the only possibility for transportation between the cities is by airplaine.
And where the population of 56000 people is distributed on an area that's 2.166.000 km²
Jens Jørgen Lemvig, Greenland
The nurse manager's role in perioperative setting
Eriikka Siirala,Finland
Poster presentation
Anxiety, Vulnerability and Shame - Surgical Patient's Sensory Experiences
Gitte Schjøtler, Denmark
A short visit to operating theatre - How a nursing student can get the best out of it?
Toni Haapa, Finland
Identification of barriers to implementation of”Safe Surgery” in Day Surgery
Linda Bech Oerving, Denmark
An on-site training program created by daVinci Coordinators.
Louise Birch Møller, Denmark
Can preoperative anxiety in children be reduced by preoperative preparation programs?
Heidi Heidelbach, Denmark
Our robot needs a team leader
Marie Elizabeth Højsgaard, Denmark
Considerations on how to implement a new procedure in the operating theatre based on clinical experience and literature
Ulla Grande, Denmark
“Competence card – for advanced theatre nurses” - a new initiative aimed at experienced operating theatre nurses in the Capital Region of Denmark
Pia Mohr Christensen, Denmark
Healthcare professionals view on patients next of kin in a hospital setting
Kamilla Petschnig, Denmark
How do new OR nurses experience their education using clinical competence tool?
Frank Leth Petersen, Denmark
Operating Room Nurses perspectives in pediatric surgery
Angelica Lotthagen, Sweden
Postoperative complications after surgery for colon and rectal cancer in Iceland
Birgir Örn Ólafsson, Iceland
The Scientific committee reserves all rights to change the programme.