Birdville ISD Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
Table of Contents
- Professional Development Council Charter...... 3
- Birdville ISD Mission, Vision, and Beliefs...... 6
- Philosophy of Professional Development in Birdville ISD...... 7
- Framework for Learning...... 9
- Roles and Responsibilities for Professional Development...... 11
- Professional Development Calendar...... 13
- Professional Development Approval Process...... 14
- Professional DevelopmentGroups...... 15
- Flexible Staff Attendance Days...... 17
- Requirements for Tiered Learning...... 18
- Exhibits...... 19
1. Administrative Regulations for Professional Development...... 20
2. DMA (LOCAL) Policy...... 23
3. Absence Pre-Approval Form for Campus/District Professional Development Days..26
4. Sample Individual Professional Development Plan...... 27
5. Online Resources...... 29
Section I: Professional Development Council Charter
Purpose of Group:
To design the district professional learning plan, which includes a proposed calendar of scheduled professional development days for the district that will be presented to the Administrative Curriculum Team ( ACT), theCabinet, and the district site-based committee for final approval
Director of Curriculum and Instruction; Content Coordinators
Scope of Work:
- Conduct needs assessment and review district data to determine professional development focus
- Review evaluations of professional development sessions and new district data to monitor effectiveness of previous plan.
- Develop and recommend a yearly district professional development plan
- Provide opportunities for expanding previous development and initiating new learning that support all district initiatives
Parameters or Constraints:
- Must address the goals of the district for improved student performance
- Consider the financial impact on the district
- Embrace a tiered approach to professional development
- Serve as an advisory/approval group, not an oversight committee responsible for the actual implementation of actual professional development sessions
- Adhere to agreed-upon ground rules and decision making processes
- Start and end on time
- All members will participate
- Voice honest opinions
- Maintain level of trust among members
- When appropriate, conversations must remain confidential
- Focus on tasks at hand
- Approval will be reached through consensus
- All members will support/advocate decisions made by Council
Capabilities and Strengths:
- Professional district resource staff
- Diversity, knowledge, and expertise of committee members
- District data about professional learning and student achievement
Follow-up Responsibilities:
- Review Professional Development Plan to determine needed revisions
- Review district professional learning development evaluations for current school year to determine needs for following school year
- Provide information as requested
All meetings will be 4:00-5:30
Professional Learning Center
Decision Making Process:
Using participant feedback and most recent district data to determine needs, committeewill reach consensus on district professional development plan for the following school year.
- District Professional Development Plan
- Professional development calendar for next school year available last day of each school year
- Evaluation summary report of prior year
Professional Development Council Membership 2012-13
Han Arthurs, PrincipalJulie Hyman, Content Coordinator
Dr. Leeann Bartee, PrincipalDebbie Jones, Content Coordinator
Tracey Besgrove, Content CoordinatorJennifer Klaerner, Instructional Coach
Larry Bills, CTE CoordinatorTeresa Lawson, Instructional Technology Specialist
Dawn Boriack, PrincipalDr. Sabrina Lindsey, Principal
Joe Cammarata, Associate SuperintendentLesa Master, Assistant Athletic Director
Crysten Caviness, Curriculum SpecialistCheryl McKnight, Instructional Technology Specialist
April Chiarelli, Content CoordinatorKelli Montgomery, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Dr. Elizabeth Clark, Associate SuperintendentLorene Ownby, Director of Elementary Education
Deborah Coulson, PrincipalDawna Schweitzer, Content Coordinator
Cristina Counts, TeacherClarence Simmons, Principal
Danny Detrick, Fine Arts DirectorJaimie Smith, Principal
Cindy Dubuis, Special Services CoordinatorDonna Solley, Director of C & I
Steve Ellis, PrincipalCaren Sorrells, Content Coordinator
Nora Fabela, ELL CoordinatorDr. Ann-Marie Trammell, Content Coordinator
Jennifer Gotuaco, Instructional CoachJustin Vercher, Principal
Dr. Betty Grubbs, Director of Special ServicesAlan Wallace, Instructional Coach
Patrick Guy, Title 1 CoordinatorCourtney Williams, Content Coordinator
Kim Hamilton, Content Coordinator
Section II: Birdville ISD Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
Birdville ISD Mission Statement
We engage and encourage students and staff every day through meaningful work in a safe and caring environment.
All students succeed in a future they create.
•Every student is uniquely capable and deserves to learn each day.
•Meaningful work engages students in profound learning.
•Personal commitment to quality from everyone in the learning organization creates student and staff success.
•Trusting relationships in a safe and caring environment are vital to an innovative learning organization.
•Student success requires community support and engagement.
•Quality public schools build and preserve a healthy democratic society.
Learning for All . . . Whatever it Takes!
In keeping with the mission, vision, and beliefs of the district, the Professional Learning Plan will be the basis for designing and implementing a systematic approach to professional learning that will ensure that all Birdville ISD instructional staffare equipped to lead students, as they matriculate through the teaching and learning system, to meet and exceed national, state, and local standards for excellence upon graduation.
Section III: Philosophy of Professional Development in Birdville ISD
Philosophy of Professional Development in Birdville ISD
A quality professional development program is essential for building capacity within schools so there is high competency and high commitment among professional staff to the core work of teaching and learning and continuous improvement.
Effective professional development efforts are aligned to the core work and include high-quality, ongoing learning with intensive follow-up and support. In addition, the most effective professional development models incorporate processes that are research-based and designed to engage adult learners.
The National Staff Development Council has identified several standards for the design and implementation of professional development efforts. These standards as well as other research in the field of staff development formulate the basis for district planning that provides for:
• Research-based learning opportunities in how to design and deliver a standards-based aligned curriculum
• Induction training for new teachers and administrators
• Mentoring and coaching for all teachers and administrators, particularly those new to the district
• Follow-up and support for effective implementation of job-embedded learning
• Opportunities for teachers and administrators to share ideas and strategies
• Focus on capacity building at all levels to improve teaching and learning
In addition to the list above, professional development should be differentiated to meet the needs of teachers based on where teachers are in their professional career (i.e., novice to expert). When professional development opportunities for teachers are based upon a differentiated model that considers readiness and specificity to teaching assignment, acceptance and commitment is higher because teachers see relevance.
Teachers need to know how to implement the curriculum using approaches that promote mastery learning with consideration given to meeting students’ individual needs. In summary, professional development is a means to an end and must be designed with a focus on student success.
Schools with high competency and commitment levels embrace the concept of professional learning communities as a philosophy and process to establish a collaborative culture with a focus on student achievement. A critical part of professional learning is the degree to which professional staff collaborate around the following questions:
- What do students need to know and be able to do?
- How will we know when they have learned it?
- What will we do when they haven’t learned it?
- What will we do when they already know it?
The four questions above are the questions that BISD educators ask themselves as they strive to help every student succeed academically. Professional development is the key that unlocks the answers. Teachers, principals, central office staff, the superintendent and the board collaborate in a variety of learning teams to:
- develop classroom, campus and district leadership
- allocate resources of time, money and personnel
- analyze performance data
- incorporate research-based tools and practices
- evaluate growth and improvement
- build capacity throughout the system
- design and implement effective strategies
- develop deep understanding of learning
- provide educational equity for all learners
- involve families in the education of their children
Section IV: Framework for Learning
All professional development in Birdville ISD will align to the framework components of curriculum, data, collaboration, and safety and security.
Guiding Principles of Curriculum
- Understand and be able to implement standards-based curriculum
- Plan for learning using the standards-based curriculum with an understanding of the context and cognitive requirement of each standard
- Utilize an automated curriculum management system in the planning for learning process
- Design student tasks that align to the content, context, and cognitive requirement of the standard
- Calibrate resources based upon the content, context, and cognitive requirement of the standard
- Design assessment items based upon the content, context, and cognitive requirement of the standard
- Integrate technology appropriate to standards-based instruction
- Differentiate instruction using multiple strategies and structures to meet the needs of individual students/student groups
Guiding Principles of Data
- Utilize data management systems in the planning for learning process
- Understand and utilize formative assessments throughout the teaching and learning process
- Use data to plan appropriate tiered interventions
- Apply the continuous improvement process (Plan, Do, Study, Act) to help students achieve mastery of the standards
- Understand the state accountability system and its impact on daily instruction
- Analyze and interpret results of state/district/campus assessment data to make decisions about teaching and learning
- Participate in designing district and campus responses to critical needs as revealed by data interpretation
- Apply technological solutions that engage studentsin thecollection and analysis of personal data results
Guiding Principles of Collaboration
- Understand and embrace the professional learning communities concept
- Work in highly productive teams
- Mentor and coach team members
- Build capacity around the implementation of a standards-based curriculum and data analysis
- Engage in job-embedded learning focused on student achievement and professional growth
- Promote a cultural change from a teaching platform to a learning platform
- Build leadership at all levels of the organization
- Implement continuous improvement
- Use technology to enhance collaboration and create a more coherent learning system
Guiding Principles of Safety and Security
- Provide a safe and secure teaching and learning environment
- Meet federal, state, and district mandates
- Promote appropriate student behavior in the use of technology, instructional resources, and social interactions throughout the school day
- Equip all stakeholders to be responsible citizens
- Implement curriculum standards and programs safely
Section V: Roles and Responsibilities for Professional Development
Roles and Responsibilities
District staff members involved in professional development in Birdville serve a unique role in the implementation of effective professional development. Each individual plays a different role and has various responsibilities in the process.
What is the role of the Professional Development Council?
- Serve as an advisory/approval group for district professional development
- Conduct needs assessment and review district data to determine professional development focus
- Review evaluations of professional development sessions and new district data to monitor effectiveness of previous plan
- Develop and recommend a yearly district professional development plan
- Expand learning and initiate new learning opportunities that support all district initiatives
What is the role of Central Office?
- Develop and deliver professional development sessions aligned to district goals on designated district professional development days
- Conduct participant surveys following each district professional development day to determine session effectiveness and future professional development needs
- Research/attend professional development sessions outside the district in order to maintain knowledge of current best practices in each content area as well as in general instructional design and delivery
- Provide required district professional development multiple times in a variety of modes in order to build capacity among professional staff
- Maintain the district professional developmentmanagement system
What is the role of Principals?
- Review district/campus/staff data to determine specific campus needs for professional development
- Develop and deliver professional development sessions aligned to district/campus goals on designated campus professional development days
- Submit the professional development meeting request for approval and creation of course in eduphoria! Workshop
- Ensure staff participation in district/campus professional development by monitoring registration in eduphoria!Workshop prior to scheduled sessions and confirming attendance following the sessions
- Collect specific feedback regarding campus professional developmentso that future training can be designed to meet the needs of all staff
- Research/attend professional development sessions outside the district in order to maintain knowledge of current best practices in effective leadership and general instructional delivery
What is the role of Teachers and other Professional Staff?
- Develop an individual professional development plan annually and share it with immediate supervisor by the end of the first six weeks of school
- Attend and actively participate in all district/campus professional development offered on designated days in the school calendar
- Attend and actively participate in other district professional development sessions that support the individual professional development plan
- Register for scheduled district/campus professional development in eduphoria!Workshop prior to date of the event
- Report to immediate supervisor at least one week prior to scheduled professional development day if unable to attend. Illness and other extenuating circumstances should be reported as soon as possible.
- Research/attend professional development sessions outside the district, if needed,to support individual development plan
- Provide quality feedback regarding specific sessions when requested so that future learning can be designed to meet the needs of all staff
Section VI: Professional Development Calendar
Professional Development Calendar of Events for 2013-14
June 18-20PLC Summit FAAC
July 24Principals only FAAC
(Luncheon and afternoon session)
July 25Administrator Professional Development FAAC
(All Day for District C&I staff and campus administrators)
Tuesday, August 13 New Teacher Orientation FAAC
Wednesday, August 14New Teacher Orientation FAAC
Friday, August 16Teacher Prep/Optional Comp or Flex Day*
Monday, August 19Campus PD
Tuesday, August 20 Convocation from 8:30 to 9:30 Coliseum
District PD day for Secondary Campuses following Convocation
Campus PD day for Elementary Campuses following Convocation
Wednesday, August 21District PD Day for Elementary Campus
Campus PD for Secondary Campuses
Thursday, August 22 Campus PD
Friday, August 23 Teacher Prep
Friday, October 11Campus PD—Elementary and Secondary
Monday, October 14District PD—Elementary and Secondary/ Optional Flex Day*
Monday, January 20Campus PD
Monday, February 17District PD--Elementary and Secondary
Saturday, April 12 Professional Development Make-Up Inclement Weather
Friday, April 18 Campus PD
Wednesday, June 4 Teacher Prep
Thursday, June 5Professional Development Make-Up Inclement Weather
Section VII: Professional Development Approval Process
Section VIII: Section Professional Development Groups
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
A PLC is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve. PLCs meet on each campus and across the district with a focus on planning for learning and improving instructional practices that yield student success.
Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
ILT sessions are held monthly. Participants include all campus principals and central office instructional support staff. ILT meetings provide opportunity for district/campus leadership to collaborate and learn more about specific best practices designed to improve student achievement at every campus in the district. National, state and district curriculum and instruction experts lead ILT members in learning a variety of educational topics.
Assistant Principal Instructional Leadership Learning (AP-ILD)
Assistant principals from every campus attend AP-ILD nine times per year. At these meetings, they participate in professional development related to every aspect of district and campus leadership. The focus of their learning is on curriculum, instruction and assessment initiatives of the district. AP-ILD sessions mirror professional learning provided to principals, which enables campus leaders to collaboratively lead the staffs they serve.
Leaders of Learners (LOL)
The “Leaders of Learners” is a structured professional learning community composed of identified teacher leaders and administrators from every campus in the district. Meetings will be scheduled for the purpose of building campus capacity to support the core work of teaching and learning as well as provide a venue for collaborative dialogue and problem-solving. Each meeting will be designed to enhance professional development regarding leadership, curriculum content, assessment, data-analysis, and instructional delivery by using collaborative processes. The result will be a cadre of well-trained and informed teacher leaders who are able and willing to lead professional learning communities at the campus level in alignment with district goals and initiatives.
Leadership Excellence for Aspiring Principals (LEAP)
The purpose of LEAP is to cultivate perspective leaders within Birdville ISD who are knowledgeable and skilled to lead campuses in a collaborative culture that is focused on results and continuous improvement. Those admitted to the program will know and understand the vision, mission, and goals for Birdville ISD, develop a resume and portfolio that can be used as an applicant for an entry level administrative position, keep a journal of all academy sessions and leadership assignments, and participate in a mock interview.