Miss C Harris is covering the vacant playground supervisor, tooth-brushing and PSA hours temporarily until the end of session.
Mrs L Kinnear has been seconded to a new role within the positive relationship team. We wish her every success in her new role and look forward to her return in the future. Her current timetable will be covered by Mrs L Gillard.
Topics for Term 3
P1DThe GardenP4/5Jacobites
P1TJScots language/seasonsP5 Music in 30s, 50s & 70s
P2Fairytales/Cinderella & CastlesP5/6Our Planet
P2/3Houses & HomesP6/7Our World and Our Universe
P3Houses & Homes throughout historyP7Our World and Our Universe
P4History through the 20s, 50s & 70sPR1/Bothy: Space/My Body
For more details please see your child’s Termly Planner which also has other dates for your diary on the school website -
Drop off Zone/Car Park
The round-a-bout at the front of the school building is a NO PARKING AREA; labelled as ‘Drop off Zone’.
This provides you with a convenient safe place to drop off children by car and improves children’s safety by allowing traffic to flow, thereby reducing congestion.
You can drop off children in-front of the school building, providing that you leave the engine running and do not wait for any longer than is necessary for your child (ren) to collect their belongings, say their good-byes and leave the vehicle.
You must NOT sit and wait in the ‘Drop off Zone’ for your child to come out of school as this is in breach of The Highway Code and puts our pupils and other service users at risk.
Department for Transport
Updated: 5 December 2016
Rule 243 - DO NOT stop or park:
- near a school entrance
- anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
- opposite a traffic island or (if this would cause an obstruction) another parked vehicle
- where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
- in front of an entrance to a property
- Remember that the road into the school is a 20mph limit.
Some vehicles are authorised to stop at the front of the school building as they have a valid reason for doing so. These vehicles will display a permit.
If you feel that you should have permission to park at the front, please contact the office to make an appointment with Mrs Holton who will be delighted to discuss the matter further with you.
Numeracy Workshop
There will be a Numeracy Workshop by Kirsten McKay, Highland Council Numeracy Development Officer for parents on Thursday 26th January at 2.00pm to 2.45pm in Aviemore Primary School. Everyone welcome.
If your child is absent from school unexpectedly please phone or email to let us know the reason by 9.30am on that day. From now on Highland Council Policy instructs that any unexplained absences have to be marked as “Truancy or unexplained absence” on your child(ren)s attendance record.
If you know your child is going to be absent at a future date please write a note to his/her class teacher and all holidays must be approved by the Head Teacher.
The external playpark does not belong to the school and is not part of the school grounds. If pupils choose to access the playpark before school, they do so at their own risk as the park is not supervised at this time. There have been a number of complaints by members of the public to the school regarding the behaviour of a minority in the park. If you know that your child accesses the park in the morning please support us by encouraging them to play safely. Any complaints regarding behaviour in the park should be made to Highland Council or Police.
Snow Clearance
Mr J Kirk is providing the school site with gritting and snow clearance support during the winter months; enabling us to remain open in most conditions.
New heaters have been fitted in the coldest areas and a thermal survey has been carried out. The information gathered will enable the Council to continue to make further improvements; the remaining issues are not anticipated to impact on the school’s ability to remain open during cold snaps.
School Roll
The press have recently reported that the school will be full in the next two years. Please be reassured that the school and Council are already having discussions about any potential requirements to extend the building and are monitoring the roll and future projections very carefully. We are not anticipating being full in August 2017 or the following session.
Management of Schools
It is likely that in 2018/19 the Kingussie ASG will be amended slightly. It is likely that Gergask will be clustered with Newtonmore and that Kingussie Primary will be clustered with Alvie. Aviemore and Kingussie High will not be affected by any of the proposed changes. Further information regarding this will follow as it is made available to us.
Soccer 7s
A team from Aviemore Primary took part in a Soccer 7s tournament at Millburn Academy this week and they did very well with mixed results from their 8 games.
Dates for your Diary
See termly planner
W Holton
25th January 2017