Professional Development Annotated Agenda

Session Title: / 6th– 8thgrade Math Works
Session Date: / September 11, 2010 / Session Time: / 9:00am-11:00am
Workshop Goals: /
  1. Participants will become familiar with the facilitators and group members for 6th – 8th grade mathworks.
  2. Participants will know how to construct deeper meaning of fractions and decimals by utilizing a Project-Based Learning approach to teaching.
  3. Participants will know how to build concrete understanding of fractions and decimals by using various manipulatives.

As relevant, include guiding questions, activities, transitions, informal checks for understanding, etc. / Interactive? How?
How will participants engage in the content? What will they see, hear, do? / Procedures/ Strategies?
What Procedures/Instructional Strategies will you model for participants (e.g. passing out materials, transitions, gallery walk, etc) / Materials: / Time Period: / Facilitated By:
DO NOW / Participants will share their name, the school, and how long they have been teaching at their current grade level. / Teachers will write their name on a Post-It note and place it on the appropriate chart paper (0-2 yrs, 3-5 yrs, 6-8 yrs, and 9+ yrs)
Teachers will create a name tent with name, school, and an appropriate colored-dot for years teaching at current grade level / Post-Its
Chart paper
Paper for name tent
markers / 5 min
Getting to know you and setting norms for the group / Discuss what a Professional Learning Community (PLC) is and how it will look during the sessions. Norms will be set during this discussion. / Teachers will fill out a Venn Diagram defining and comparing professional, learning, and community. Group will discuss and set norms.
Participants will be placed in learning groups based on years experience (one from each experience level) / Venn Diagram (3 circles) / 15 min
Scope and Sequence and Planning / Participants will work in groups to plan the upcoming 3 weeks and then share their plans with the large group
Participants will use guided questions to plan and discuss (How long per skill? Materials needed? What will each day look like?) / Distribute the scope and sequence and planning calendar. Participants will work in their group to discuss and complete the planning calendar.
Provide the Guiding Questions to assist participants in creating meaningful conversations / Scope and Sequence
Planning Calendar
Guiding Questions / 15 min
Present Overall Global Project
Create Lesson Plans / Present overall global project (fund raising, cooking with fractions; is more beneficial to sell brownies when I make 15 squares, 20 squares, 30 squares)
In small group, Identify skills needed to complete this project, including prerequisite skills (if any) with your small group (when were students expected to learn this skill; what’s next?) Identify big ideas and assessment limit for that skill – what do you want students to learn?How should we order the skills?
Each group will focus on creating a lesson plan for one of the following skills:
Select sub-skill that is most difficult? Which sub-skill will you select?(Add decimals, Subtract decimals, Add fractions, Subtract fractions, Multiply fractions, Multiply decimals, Equivalent forms) / Distribute the Project Page to each group
Participants will be provided with books, manipulatives, chart paper and markers and will use these materials to discuss how to best teach the sub-skill they are focusing on.
Facilitators will move from group to group offering ideas and providing feedback when needed / Project Page
Research-based books
Chart paper
Markers / 10 min
20 min
Share Lesson Plans / Share lessons with group  leave with 7 lessons and project assessment / Each group will be provided with time to present / 30 min
Closure / Facilitators will ask participants to reflect on the lessons presented and to considered what else needs to be addressed / What are the holes? All of these lessons will not necessarily lead to ability to complete the project. / Chart paper
Markers / 15 min
Take-aways/Assessment: / Participants will have created a lesson plan in their groups for operations with fractions or operations with decimals. All lesson plans will be collected and emailed to each participant.

Annotated Agenda – Professional Learning CommunitiesSY 10-11