NS 2 Fall 2010 – Study Guide
What sport that involves land navigation?
What types of maps are made specifically for orienteering?
What part of the topographical map is like a table of contents and introduction of a book?
What is the angular difference between true north and magnetic north called?
What is the feature appearing on the map as a "U" or a "V" shape and valley called?
Geographical features identified in green on an orienteering map usually indicate what type of terrain feature?
What colors are used to identify forested and unforested lane?
How do you determine pace length?
How do you determine the number of paces to travel a defined number of feet, meters, or yards?
Know how to use each of the types of navigation techniques?
What type of location can an orienteer navigate to for help if they get lost or hurt?
Know what True North is defined as.
Know what Magnetic North is defined as.
Know what Grid North is defined as.
Know the operation/use of the components of the compass we used in class.
Know the difference between latitude and longitude.
Know the measurement calibration for latitude and longitude.
Define Sea Power
Who were the Moors and what happened in 1571 to end their reign.
Why were the first Navies formed?
What contributions did the Phoenicians make to western culture?
What affect did the French have on the English when they joined the colonials in 1778?
What battle is considered the start of the American Revolution?
Know what famous saying is attributed to John Paul Johns.
What battle that the British lost is considered the end of fighting in the American Revolution?
What affect did the National Security Act of 1947 have on the organization of the U.S. military?
What class of aircraft carriers was the first to be nuclear weapons capable?
What was the major risk for the amphibious landing at Inchon in the Korean War?
What country did the U.S. invade in 1983?
What world event happened on 25 June 1950?
When did the Vietnam War end?
What impact did the Cuban missile quarantine have?
What politicians were elected president in the 1950s through 1970s?
When did South Vietnam fall to North Vietnam?
Who invaded the Falklands in 1982?
Who was the most liberal of the Chiefs of Naval Operations in the 1970s and 1980s?
Who was responsible for the Iraq War of 1991?
What was the largest air and ground offensive since World War II?