1.All product order must be submitted on a current order form only. The order forms are available on the State web site or by contacting me directly via telephone or e-mail. Monday – Friday do not call prior to 6 PM EST.

2. No orders will be shipped until the money is received by the State

Product Trustee.

3.Checks are to be made payable to ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. Chapter checks are to be used to purchase products.

4.Products to be picked up at a State Meeting must be submitted to the

State Product Trustee no later than the Wednesday prior to the State Meeting. If your order is a large order (over 10 of a single pin) please see that the order is submitted a minimum of six weeks before the State meeting to allow for sufficient inventory to be received from our suppliers to fill your order. Orders received at the state meeting will be filled at the end of the meeting to allow everyone present to purchase items that are in inventory. Orders will not be taken over the phone.

5. Upon receipt of requested order you will be notified by email or telephone of the total amount due if requested. Normal procedure for payment is to bring a check made out to ABATE of Florida, Inc. with no amount on the check. The amount will be filled in on the check and a receipt given with the order.

6.There will be no back orders. If the product that you are ordering is not available you must submit another product order at a later time.

7.All orders are shipped with a tracking number, to confirm receipt of order.

8.Fill out your chapter information on page 3 of the order form and at the top of each page along with the quantity of each item that you need. Fill in the order column and chapter information areas only on the form. DO NOT fill out the quantity shipped or any of the dollar amounts.

9.Life products are ordered on the life product form. Ensure that the permanent card Life membership number and date are included on the form on the number line.

10.Life product orders and order for state products all have appropriate sales tax added to them. Tax is collect by STATE Products on these items. The CHAPTER Products person collects the taxes on all other products ordered from the state. Forms are available at

11.No chapter may have made an item that is sold by State Products.



PO BOX 4372

MILTON, FL 32572-4372

Phone (850) 529-4446 (cell)

FAX (386) 943-9610

E-mail to: