FM pages on
Products & Services Directory
Order Form
£500 + vat pa
The Products and Services section of the website provides the ideal means for companies to list and promote their products and services to the marketplace.
We have created 48 distinct categories – enough to identify the specific product or service your company offers. Companies can be listed in as many of these categories as they wish, and the system will list each identified – the cost to advertise is the same regardless of the number of category entries.
The text area of the page provides the opportunity to distinguish your organisation in a concise manner, explain the unique benefits that you provide, give some examples of the clients that you work with, identify the territories in which you operate and record any industry awards or accreditations you have received.
Defining and positioning your company accurately is important, as far too often prospective clients hear the same marketing statements repeated – 'best practice facilities management providing the highest quality of service', for example - which tells them little about what makes you the right choice as a business partner.
To assist you further in creating a unique position, you can upload your company logo for easy recognition and add photographs to make your listing more visually appealing and to illustrate the product and services provided as well as case studies.
You can also attach documents to your listing, such as sales brochures and marketing collateral as PDFs, in Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint formats.
Featured Listing Information:
Please complete the following form and email to
Once it has been received, we will email you confirmation of its inclusion and issue an invoice for
£500 + vat for the annual listing, payment to be made by return.
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Please put an X in the box to the right of each category that you wish to be included in:
Access Control inc Parking / Fit-Out & Refurbishment / Office EquipmentAsset Management / FM Consultants / Office Furniture
Audio Visual / FM Managed Services / Outdoor Environment
Building Maintenance / Health & Safety / Pest Control
Building Management / Helpdesk / Print Management
Building Services / HVAC / Project Management
Catering Services & Equipment / ICT / Recruitment Agencies
Cleaning & Hygiene Services & Equipment / Information Destruction / Recycling
Corporate Hospitality / Landscaping / Security Services & Equipment
Data and Document Management / Lifts & Elevators / Signage
Disaster Recovery / Lighting / Space Planning
Education & Training / M & E / Technical Consultants
Energy Management / Mailroom / Vending
Environmental Solutions / Moves Management / Washroom Services
Estates & FM Software / Multi – Service Providers / Waste Management
Fire Protection / Office Environment & Interiors / Workplace Consultants
Text for page (max 600 words)
Documents to be attached to the listing. Please specify file names:
Company Logo Filename:
(to be supplied as a .gif / .jpg file format at 72 dpi – 150 pixels max width)
Picture images for text: Maximum of 5 images
(to be supplied as a .gif / .jpg file format at 72 dpi – 500 pixels max width)
Image filename:Image filename:
Image filename:Image filename:
Image filename:
Attached Documents - MAX 3 documents
(PDFs / Microsoft Office Document – max. file size: 2Mb)
If you have any additional requirements – please contact us for any surplus charges applicable)
Document filename:
Document filename:
Document filename:
Please email all images, documents and company logo to
The Agreement:
• I/we confirm that I/we am/are authorised to sign this document on behalf of the above Company to place a featured listing on at an annual fee of £500 + vat.
Payment Details:
Payment is due immediately by return and should be made payable to Information Facilities Management Ltd
Or provide credit card details if you would prefer to be charged by card:
Card Type: Visa / Mastercard
Card Number:
Name on Card:
Expiry Date:
3 digit security no.:
Company Details:
Information Facilities Management Ltd, 18 Princess Park Manor, London, N11 3FL
Registered in England: No.4001982
VAT Number: GB 769 6355 72