School to school support

Please provide details of support your school is able to offer to other schools – see guidance at the end of this form. This information will be published on GlosEd.

  1. Your school/teaching school/multi academy trust/federation/organisation:
  1. Your name:
  1. Your role:
  1. Your email address:
  1. Email address for schools to contact for support(if different from your email address):
  1. Website:
  1. Latest Ofsted

  1. School context (size, location, class structure etc)

Support offer

  1. Can your school provide support in any of the following areas of leadership?

Headteacher mentor/coach / Governance / Subject leadership
Key Stage Leader / SENCo / Head of Year
Self evaluation / School development planning / Finance
Safeguarding / Other (please state below)

Please provide brief details:

  1. Can your school provide support in any of the following subjects?

English / Mathematics / Science / Art & Design
DT / ICT/Computing / Geography / History
Languages / Music / PE / PSHE
Other (please state below)

Please provide brief details:

  1. Can your school provide support in any of the following aspects of generic teaching & learning?

Differentiation / Pace / Challenge / Developing independent learners
Questioning & dialogue / Active learning techniques / Motivation &engagement / Marking & feedback
Planning / Summative assessment / Formative assessment
Other (please state below)

Please provide brief details:

  1. Can your school provide support in any of the following areas?

Behaviour / Attendance / SEND / Pupil premium
Mixed age classes / Early Years / Health & well-being / Parental engagement
Curriculum design / Assessment / TAs
Other (please state below)

Please provide brief details:

  1. In which year groups do you have good/outstanding teachers who would be happy to be observed?

Reception / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
Mixed age (please state below)

Please provide brief details:

  1. Please provide any further details that you feel are relevant:


Your school to school support profile will be published as a page on our GlosEd website. Try to keep it brief, so that people don’t need to scroll down too far to find out what you can offer, and don’t try to offer everything. When deciding what to offer, consider:

  • What sets you apart from other schools – your USP?
  • Who in your school is best placed to provide support – skills, availability, accreditation, track record etc?
  • What will the impact on your school be if you/member of your staff are busy providing support?
  • What have you developed in your school recently that has been particularly successful?
  • What types of support have you provided to other schools recently?

We will contact you once a year to ask you to update your profile but feel free to send through an amended profile at any time during the school year.

Please return completed forms to .
