TheRed Oak Christian

Vol. XL December 2015 Number 12


“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
―Brené Brown

We seem to be jousting with unseen dragons and monsters in this world of ours. We sound like we are the persecuted and the downtrodden based on the flood of sound bites and Facebook postings. If the only way to make it through the day is to put down someone else we are not yet ready for the season of Advent.

Advent reminds us, calls back to full memory the story of our faith. In the weeks to come we will be asking ourselves, Where am I on my journey of faithful living? Am I willing to be open to God’s amazing outpouring of love we see in the birth of a child?

Our story has been a story of solidarity with the widow, the orphan, the alien and sojourner in the land. Our story centers on the birth of a child to unwed parents who had to escape political oppression and death squads. (Read Matthew 2) Our story remembers being the ones tortured and killed by government officials. Our story is about being light in a dark world, hope instead of fear, peace instead of war, love instead of hate, and grace instead of ignorance.

As we journey this season of Advent we wrestle with our stories and we seek out the light that comes to us by God’s gracious self-giving.

In Love,

Pastor Craig

Special Events in December!

Dec. 13th Combined Choir Christmas Cantata at Ayden CC, 6:30pm

Dec. 20th Children’s Choir Program in Worship and Chancel Choir presents Cantata in Worship.

Dec. 24th Candle Light Christmas Eve Service at 6:00pm

Ladies, we will meet to decorate the church for the Advent season on Monday, November 30, 2015 at 10:00 am. Your help would be greatly appreciated so come out and join us.

November 29th

Isaiah 40:1-5

“Glory Revealed”

December 6

Isaiah 40:6-11

“God Will Stand Forever”

December 13

Isaiah 40:12-20


December 20

Isaiah 40:21-26

“It is He”

December 25

Isaiah 40:27-31

“Have You Not Heard?”

December 27, 2015

Christmas 1

Luke 2:21-38

“The Wait is Over”

Christmas Special Offering to Be Received December13th and 20th

Poinsettia Orders

There are two options for honoring or remembering your loved ones during the Advent and Christmas season. You may purchase poinsettias to decorate the Sanctuary or you may make a donation to the Endowment Fund. The cost for either selection is $10.00. To place your order or make a contribution, complete this form and place it, along with your payment for the correct amount, in the offering plate or mail it to the church. The deadline for ordering is Sunday, December 6, 2015.

I wish to order ______(number) poinsettias

I wish to make ______(number) donations to the Endowment Fund

Please dedicate the poinsettias/gifts to:

In Memory of:


In Honor of:


Given by:


We will go Christmas caroling on Sunday, December 20th. We will leave the church around 2:00 pm.

You are invited to the

Red Oak Christian Church

Annual Christmas Dinner

On Monday, December 14, 2015

Dinner at 6:30 PM

in the Church Fellowship Hall

Menu: Prime Rib Roast, Strawberry/Spinach Roman Salad

with poppy seed dressing,

Smashed Potatoes,

Asparagus wrapped in bacon,

Surprise Decadent Dessert,

Rolls, Tea

Entertainment by

Katie Nolan

Cost: $12.50

Sign up in the narthex and pay Pattie Worthington for your meal by

December 6, 2015 so we can prepare accordingly.

A mailbox has been placed in the Narthex for you to distribute your holiday wish cards. Please pick up your cards no later than December 28, 2015.

This year our choir will join with the choirs of Ayden Christian Church, Winterville Christian Church and Hooker Memorial Christian Church for our Christmas Cantata. The Cantata will take place at Ayden Christian Church on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 6:30 pm. The choirs will all meet to practice at 7:00 pm on December 2, 2015 at Winterville Christian Church. Please make plans to attend this special Christmas event.

CMF Breakfast Meeting

The CMF will have a meeting on Saturday, December 12th at 8:00 am at Golden Corral. All men of the church are encouraged to attend. After the breakfast we will return to church and set up the outdoor manger scene and light the tree outside.

We will be having Youth choir rehearsals on the 2nd Sundays until further notice during Children’s Church. Please come and be a part of something special.Marilyn

Spend your New Year with us. We will have a New Years Day fund raiserluncheon of ham, black eyed peas, collards, biscuits, cornbreadand dessert for $10.00 per person. HOWEVER! We will sell tickets in advance beginning on the night of the Christmas party. We have set a minimum of 25, so we will hold the money until the minimum has been met and tickets will be on sale through Sunday, December 27th immediately following church.You MUST have a ticket. If the minimum has not been met by the end of church on the 27th, we will not do the luncheon and ticket money will be returned.

  • The ladies of the church will meet Monday, November 30th at 10:00 am to decorate the church for the Advent season.
  • Choir practice will be held each Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the church except December 2nd practice will be held at Winterville Christian Church.
  • An Elders’ meeting is planned for 8:30 am Sunday, December 6.
  • The Christian Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, December 12th at 8:00 am at the Golden Corral.
  • The Christmas Cantata will be held at Ayden Christian Church at 6:30 pm on Sunday, December 13, 2015.
  • The CWF annual Christmas party is planned for Monday, December 14th at 6:30 pm. Please sign up in the narthex and plan to pay by December 6th. Cost is $12.50 per person.
  • Christmas caroling is planned for Sunday, December 20 at 2:00 pm
  • Articles for the January, 2016 newsletter are due no later thanDecember 21, 2015.
  • Sam and Lisa Allen and David and Lizzie Allen will prepare a meal for the

homeless on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 6:00 pm.

  • Our Christmas Eve service will be held at 6:00 pm.

Thank you!

The members of the church would like to thank Jerry and Carla Smith for the wonderful job they did on remodeling the ladies bath. It looks great!

Also, we would like to thank Brandon Smith and the Red Oak Fire Department for the great job done on cleaning the steeple.

Serving God Together


Carol Gordon, Captain Sellers Dickerson


Pattie Worthington, David Edlen, Nancy Hardison, Letha Edlen


6 – Pattie Worthington

13 – David Edlen

20 – Nancy Hardison

27 – Letha Edlen


Sam and Lisa Allen

David and Lizzie Allen


Sarah Pittman – First Sunday

Libby Letchworth – Second Sunday


Lillian Barnett

Year-To-Date Stewardship Report

Let these words from the scriptures guide you as you consider your financial gifts to the church in support of our programs and ministries: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21. The following figures are given for your information from January 1 through November 22, 2015, remember, faithful Christian stewardship is not based on the Church’s need to receive, but upon our need to give as Christ commands.

Total funds needed for 2015...... $ 154,829.00

Received for General Fund for 2015...... $113,901.90

For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.(II Corinthians 8:9)


PRAYER CONCERNS: Ruth Haddock, Sandy Smith, Brenda Dickerson, Wayne Mills (Willard Kinsaul’s son), Gloria Boswell, Kathy Allen, Al Hedgepeth, Charles W. Jackson (Joyce Worthington’s brother), Rena Manning, Letha Edlen, H. C. & Willard Kinsaul, Wanda Barnes, Ed & Joann Cavenaugh, Mike Rasberry, Georgia Price, Shemar Jordan, Pattie Mercer (Lou Joyner’s daughter), Grace Pate, Lou Joyner, Cathy Trujillo

December 2015

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
NO BIBLE STUDY THIS MONTH / November 29 – Ladies meet to decorate @ 10 am / 1 / 2
Cantata Choir Practice at WCC 7pm / 3 / 4 / 5
Elder’s Mtg. 8:30 am / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Sam Kirby-Grove / 11 / 12
CMF Mtg 8:00 am
Lauren Cunningham
Christmas Cantata @ Ayden CC 6:30 pm
Letha/David Edlen / 14 / 15
Wayland Denton / 16 / 17
Warren Edlen / 18
Keely Stuckey
Becky Wainright / 19
Christmas Caroling 2 pm
Sarah Pittman / 21
Sam/Lisa Allen
EstelleWilliams / 22
Winter Begins / 23
6 PM Feed the Homeless / 24
Christmas Eve Service 6 pm
Catherine Kirby-Grove / 25
Christmas Day
Sam Allen
Jerry/Carla Smith / 26
Zach Gordon / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
New Year’s Eve
Shirley Denton / New Year’s Day lunch-noon

New Year’s Day Lunch at noon, January 1, 2016

You MUST have a ticket!!!