Processing online hires in MSS
Task / Responsible Party / ProcessStep 1 / Advertise position in Job X & select candidate / Process same as before
Step 2 / Notification of hiring candidate / Formto give initiator - Information for Hire Request in MSS:
- Get students preferred email address
- Ask if student has worked on campus or NDUS previously
- Give employee the correct Welcome Letter (Hire or Rehire)
- Give employee mini paper packet or benefit forms
- Show student list of acceptable documents- Choose one from list A or one from B and C together (originals only no photocopies)
- If ID’s are available complete paper I-9at E-verify site or Payroll (can start working as soon as completed)
Step 3 / Background Check / Process same as before
- Check with HR to see if you need a CHBC
- make sure HR has told you it is Passed
Step 4 / Job-X / Process same as before
- Student should be registered for classes
Step 5 / Inquire w/Payroll if student is currently active / Process similar as before
- Email Anita in Payroll () to check if new I-9 is needed.
Step 6 / Enter hire in MSS (after receiving green sheet or email from Anita) / New process:
- E-Verify sites complete the I-9 on paper or send employee to Payroll to complete
- When completed or have received a green sheet enter Hire in MSS
- Enter pos #, complete required boxes under ‘New Hire Request’
- Add Dept Approver if necessary
- Finish form and submit
- Remind employee about the Personal Data email and have them complete immediately (onlynew employees to UND will receive this email)
- Employee can start working after I-9 is complete
- Remind them they will need Direct Deposit information to complete the Activity Guide
Step 8 / Approval of hire / HR/Payroll / Overnight batch process which generates Email 2 to student (only new hires and those returning to UND after a break in service will receive this email, active employees don’t receive any)
Step 9 / Department Follows up with employee on paperwork / New process for onboarding:
- Department must follow-up with employee to make sure all required steps have been done
- Step 1 – Create a NDUS Account (Students have already done this)
- Step 2 – Complete the Activity Guide (Employees will still be asked to fill out Section 1 in the Activity Guide, but we will not enter Section 2 online.)
- Step 3 – Complete online training
- If employee completes these at home, have them print the Welcome and Instructions page after completing the Activity Guide and bring it to you
- Completes paper packet if not done already
Step 10 / E-Verification / Department if
E-verify Site or Payroll / Follow the current paper process:
- E-Verify site or Payroll completes Section 2 of paper I-9.
- I-9 is entered into E-Verify
- Prints case #
- Enters case # in PSunder I-9 Extension/E-Verify
- Make copy of photo ID
- Start date and Hire date in Job Data should match
- Send I-9, case verification sheet and copy of photo ID to Payroll immediately