Faculty Meeting Minutes
Founders Hall
November 17, 2017
Call to Order
Tom Knecht called the meeting to order at 3:34PM.
Ron See sharedinsights and perspectives on hope. His comments were motivated, in part, by the book "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates, which was the subject of his Faculty Reading Group.
President’s report
Gayle Beebe delivered his report. His comments included:
- Highlights from the Board of Trustees meeting, progress on Diversity and Global Engagement, and a portrait received from Bruce Herman
- Highlights from the Board of Advisors meeting
- Praise for the recent successes of Westmont’s athletic teams
- Appreciation for Jeff Schloss’ Westmont Downtown presentation
- Updates on state and federal regulatory changes
- Updates on the year-to-date progress of admissions team
Gayle also responded to a question aboutthe impact of proposed tax reforms on donations to the college.
Approval of Minutes from October 20, 2017
The October 20, 2017 minutes were approved with the following amendment:
Wallace Emerson Conference changed to Wallace Emerson Society Luncheon
Report from Sheri Noble of Disability Services
Patti Hunter introduced Sheri Noble from the Office of Disability Services (ODS), who responded to questions about the legal requirements associated with academic accommodations. Her comments addressed a variety of topics including:
- Fundamental alterations and undue burden
- Taking examinations on a different day
- Attendance and due dates
- ODS’ total caseload, number of exams scheduled, number of exams scheduled on different days, and resources
- Privacy concerns and asking students about their particular disabilities
- Accommodation disparities between different institutions
- The impact of exams being delivered within 24 hours of a scheduled examination
Parental Leave Policy
Telford Work introduced considerations surrounding the current parental leave policy. Tom Knecht, on behalf of Faculty Council moved that Section 2.7.3 of the Faculty Handbook be replaced with the following:
2.7.3 Parental Benefit and Leave Policies
Employees are entitled to certain benefits in the case of birth, adoption, or fostering of a child under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and other law. Information on federal and state family leave laws can be obtained from Westmont’s Employee Handbook and from the Human Resources office. FMLA and CFRA entitle an employee to up to 12 weeks of unpaid job protected leave per twelve-month period within one year of the child’s birth, adoption, or start of foster care, and up to 12 weeks combined leave where both parents are Westmont employees. Pregnancy disability leave entitles employees to up to four months of job protected leave per pregnancy that is unpaid but potentially funded by State Disability Insurance (SDI).
Westmont College provides qualifying faculty with certain options for taking these leaves and with additional benefits. These run concurrently with applicable federal and state leave taken for the same purposes, where the faculty member is also eligible for leave under those laws. Parental Leave for Care and Bonding
FMLA and CFRA leave provides for the care of and bonding with an infant or newly adopted or fostered child. Faculty may take leave for these purposes (and only these) in the form of a paid four-unit reduction of teaching load. If a reduction is not required in the semester of birth or adoption or placement (because it occurs late in the semester), it may be taken during the next semester.
Eligibility. Leave benefits under this policy are available to returning multi-year and tenure-track faculty. Pregnancy Disability Leave
Pregnancy disability leave runs concurrently with FMLA leave taken because of a pregnancy-related medical condition. These employees are legally entitled to up to four months of unpaid job protected leave. Leave does not need to be taken at one time but can be taken as needed.
All pregnant faculty may take these medical and disability leaves as a reduced workload in the form of a paid four-unit load reduction. Faculty taking paid pregnancy disability leave must apply for the allowable SDI benefit with the state Employment Development Division. The amount of SDI received will be deducted from any other pay the faculty member receives.
Eligibility. Leave benefits under this policy are available to returning multi-year and tenure-track faculty. Provost approval may require a physician’s recommendation for the modified or reduced workload in connection with a pregnancy disability or pregnancy related medical condition. Additional Benefits
Distribution of course reductions. Leave in the form of load reductions under the above policies may generally be taken in a single semester or split between two semesters or may occur as otherwise medically certified. The department chair in consultation with the provost will consider such requests, which will be reasonably accommodated unless to do so presents the College with an undue burden.
If a total of eight units of load reduction are taken in a single semester, the remaining four units of that semester’s load may be added to another semester’s load as an overload or may be earned in Mayterm. Alternately, the faculty member may request a reduction in pay in the amount required to cover the remaining four units at the adjunct salary schedule rate. Either action requires approval of the department chair and provost.
Advising, Committee Work and Tenure Clock. The faculty member taking course load reductions under the above policies will be released from advising and committee responsibilities for a period of one semester, in consultation with and subject to the approval of the provost and the department chair. In addition, the faculty member may delay any tenure review by a year, up to a total of two years for all children. The decision to delay tenure review must be made in advance of the course load reduction in consultation with the provost.
Faculty discussed the motion including issues related to:
- Benefit disparities between faculty and staff
- Frequency and timing issues related to fostering multiple children
- Comparisons with peer institutions
- Gender differences and tenure delay decisions
- The possibility of offering women 12 credits
- Accountability for how leave is used
The motion was adopted.
Provost Report
Mark Sargent gave his report. During his comments, Mark:
- Described his visit to Westmont in Mexico
- Congratulated Greg Spencer, who was recognized as a Master Teacher by the West States Communications Association. Greg was nominated by Deborah Dunn.
- Announced the upcoming retirement of NivaTro
- Announced upcoming conversations athletes and attendance and the possibility of adding new sports (Golf and Swimming, for example)
- Described retention challenges He encouraged faculty to contact Michelle Hardley if they have information about students that are at risk of not returning.
Mark also gave update on the work of the Academic Senate. Mark commented on:
- The work of the Thinking Globally assessment committee.
- A coming experiment in response to observed decreases in May Term enrollments. The college will experiment with three online courses:
- Internship Seminar
- A hybrid course offered by Don Patterson on Abstract Models for Concrete Systems
- Creative Writing.
Mark responded questions about:
- Pricing of May Term courses
- Trends in retention
Mark Sargent adjourned the meeting with Thanksgiving greetings at 4:53PM.
Respectfully submitted by Enrico Manlapig