March 20, 2012
The Board of Beadle County Commissioners met Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., pursuant to adjournment of March 13, 2012 with members present: Chair Benson, Vice Chair Marcus, Drake, Mattke and Werner.
The minutes of March 8 & 13, 2012 were approved.
At 9:30 a.m. the Chair declared bidding closed and the notice to bidders for Road Oil was read. The following bids were received:
1) Jebro Inc, Sioux City IA
MC-70 $879.45 per ton
MC3000 $739.45 per ton
CRS-2P $652.16 per ton
2) Flint Hills Resources Marshall MN
MC-70 $877.57 per ton
Moved by Drake, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to accept the bid of Flint Hills Resources in the amount of $877.57 per ton.
At 9:40 a.m. the Chair declared biding closed and the notice to bidders for Hot Mix was read. The following bid was received:
1 Asphalt Paving & Materials Company – Huron, SD
C1D-I w/PG 58-28 $58.00 per ton
30% Recycle Mix
2 Class E-I w/PG 58-28 $74.00 per ton
Virgin Mix
3 Class E-I w/PG 58-28 $66.00 per ton
20% Recycle Mix
4 Class E-I w/PG 58-28 $61.75 per ton
30% Recycle Mix
5 Q-3 State Mix w/PG58-34 $69.00 per ton
20 % Recycle Mix
Moved by Mattke, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to accept the bid of Asphalt Paving & Materials Company – Huron SD as being sole bidder.
At 9:50 a.m. the Chair declared bidding closed and the notice to bidders for Rental of Miscellaneous Road Equipment was read. The following bids were received:
1 Beckler Construction – Redfield SD
2 Dakota Trucking – Wessington Springs SD
3 Hollaway Construction Company Inc – Mitchell SD
4 Todd O Brueske Construction – Woonsocket SD
5 Odland Gravel – Redfield SD
Moved by Werner, seconded by Marcus. Motion carried to accept and file all bids submitted as being in the best interest of Beadle County pending they provide proof of Liability and Workman’s Compensation Insurance.
Skip McWethy Beadle County Jail Administrator met with the Board to discuss amendment to Food Service Contract between Beadle County and CBM Managed Services.
Moved by Marcus, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to approve Amendment to the original contract is entered into this 1st day of July 12, 2012. Pursuant to the entire contract the parties agree to retain the following cost per meal for the contract year (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013) New prices will take effect July 1, 2012. Current Price $4.34, CPI adjustment 2.9% $4.47.
Moved by Werner, seconded Marcus. Motion carried to accept and file all bids submitted as being in the best interest of Beadle County pending they provide proof of Liability and Workman’s Comp Insurance.
Moved by Marcus, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to go into Executive Session at 10:35 a.m. Chair Benson declared Executive Session over at 10:55 a.m.
At 11:00 a.m. Vice Chair Marcus took over the meeting as Chair Benson had to leave.
Moved by Drake, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, unanticipated reimbursements were received from the State of South Dakota for Stop/Violence Against Women Act Grant. The following item will be added to the 2012 Budget Year.
231 434 429 STOP VIOLENCE GRANT OTHER $1,900.00
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Beadle County Commissioners do hereby propose, make and move for adoption of this Grant Supplement Budget in the item set forth above.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to go into Executive Session at 11:40 a.m. Vice Chair Marcus declared Executive Session over at 11:50 a.m.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Tax Deed to the following described real property to-wit: All of Lot Four (4) and Lot Five (5), Block Seven (7), North Huron Addition, City of Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota, was taken for unpaid taxes, and,
WHEREAS, the record owner therefore paid Beadle County Treasurer all taxes, interest and cost represented in such years,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the above described real property shall be reconveyed to Charlene Marvel the owner of record therefore in the manner as provided by SDCL 10-25-41, after the time for appeal for such resolution has expired.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to declare old culverts & old signs as scrap metal and sell to Barti Metal for $136.00.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to approve variance request of Larry & Mavis Johnson to place a mobile home on their building site. There are already 4 houses in this quarter.
Moved by Drake, seconded by Werner. Motion carried to approve variance request of Edmund & Sheila Keeler to build a pole shed closer to the road than allowed by code. They are requesting to have the pole shed 59’ from the road. Subject to Valley Township approval. (Stoppelmoor Tract in NW4, NE4 30-111-61 Valley Township)
Moved by Werner, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to approve Conditional Use Permit request of John Rounds to build a mini storage unit in a residential district and a variance request to have the building closer to the lot lines than permitted by ordinance. (W2 of Lots 5,6 & 7, Block 3, Original Town of Cavour)
Dave VanDeWalle and Nancy Willard from the Beadle County Highway Shop met with the Commission to discuss seasonal help for the summer.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to approve to advertise for one mower/operator and two flaggers.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Drake. Motion carried to approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Beadle County and City of Huron. City has requested from County the right to utilize the services of the Beadle County Deputy State’s Attorney as Assistant City Attorney and County is willing to accommodate City’s request.
Moved by Drake, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Beadle County and City of Huron, to lease office and storage space for the Beadle County 4-H located at 333 9th St SW; (formerly called the Campus Center). Central Park LLC owns the building.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to approve travel request of Beadle County Emergency Management Director Tom Moeding to attend a one day class in Chamberlain on Environmental & Historical Preservation Compliance for FEMA Public Assistance Projects and Homeland Security Conference in Sioux Falls on May 15 & 16, 2012.
Moved by Werner, seconded by Mattke. Motion carried to adopt the following resolution:
On recommendation of the Beadle County Planning Commission: BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Beadle County Commissioners that the plat of ”Lots 1, 2 & 3, McGillvrey Addition a replat of McGillvrey’s Addition a part of the NW4 of Section 24, Township 111, North Range 64 West of the 5th P.M., Beadle County, South Dakota as described above and drawn hereon be approved and accepted and the Auditor hereby is instructed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and to certify the same.
The Board adjourned to meet next on March 28, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.
Rick Benson, Chair of the Board
Debbie Jungemann, Beadle County Deputy Auditor
**Minutes are also available online at the Beadle County web page:
Published once at the total cost of $______