Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2), Leeds, UK 2017
Instructions to authors
Title in EnglishThe maximum length for the title is 150 characters (including spaces) and the title should be in lowercase letters except for the first letter, proper nouns, and acronyms.
[First Name] [Last Name] & [First Name] [Last Name] (Please indicate the presenter in bold font)
[Department], [Affiliation], [Country], [Presenter’s Electronic Address, email] (Same affiliation)
[First Name] [Last Name]
[Department], [Affiliation], [Country] (Other affiliation)
ABSTRACT: Please find below the instructions to submit your paper for the 2nd Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2), Leeds, UK 6-7 September 2017. Papers should be typed in Times New Roman 9 (TNR 9) A4 format and should not exceed 6 pages. Files should prepared in PDF format and uploaded to the EasyChair system at .To submit your full paper by 30 April 2017 please login to EasyChair, select your abstract submission and click ‘update information’ in the right hand column. You will then have the opportunity to add/upload a new PDF paper.You are invited to directly use this template to type your paper.
KEYWORDS: please provide a relevant keyword list (1 line only).
Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2), Leeds, UK 2017
First paragraph (no indentation). Just write your text according to the template format (you may use the paintbrush icon to reproduce the relevant item format).
Second paragraph (indented, no open line between paragraphs). References are introduced in the text as follows (Gibson and Henkel 1954, Darcy 1856).
1 .1 Second level heading
Please put one open line before a Figure (centered, see Figure 1) or a Table (use the Figure tag or use paintbrush).
Figure 1. Figure caption (TNR 8). Please provide good quality drawings (min. 300 dpi) with fully readable Figure legends (characters size >1mm). Number Figures consecutively.
Please use colours to differentiate the curves on a graph (Proceedings will be electronic format).
1.1.1 Third level heading
One open line before and after Tables (see Table 1).
Table 1. Table caption (TNR 8), numbered consecutively. Tables placed below caption. TNR 8 for text and numbers in Table.
Parameter / a / bParameter x (unit) / 14.0 / 19.2
Parameter y (unit) / 8.4 / 0.5
Equations (between two open lines) should be numbered at the end of the line in parentheses (see Eq. 1).
Thank you for following these instructions.
Gibson R.E. and Henkel D.J. 1954. Influence of duration of tests at constant rate of strain on measured “drained” strength. Géotechnique 4 (1), 6-15.
Darcy H. 1856. Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon. Dalmont, Paris.