European Economic and Social Committee
PRESS RELEASE No.° 108/2005 / 29 September 2005Outcome of the 420th plenary session
on 28 and 29 September 2005
Louis Michel calls for greater involvement of civil society in development policy
"Bridging the gap": How to bring Europe closer to its citizens
Key opinions adopted by the plenary assembly:
-Better lawmaking (exploratory opinion requested by the British presidency)
-Tourism in areas in decline (own-initiative opinion)
-How to improve implementation of EU legislation (own-initiative opinion)
-European Institute for Gender Equality
-The Northern Dimension and its Action Plan (own-initiative opinion)
-Obesity in Europe (own-initiative opinion)
-Poverty among women in Europe (EP referral)
-European neighbourhood policy: The role of consultative bodies
-Social dialogue and industrial change
Louis Michel calls for greater involvement of civil society in development policy
Addressing the Committee in the context of the adoption of a key Opinion on the future EU development policy, Louis Michel, the Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, called for greater involvement of civil society.
In his speech on "The Future EU Development Policy - the views of civil society", Mr Michel presented the Commission’s Communication, which is intended to make the EU's development policy more effective by encouraging greater cohesion and coordination between EU policy and the policy of the Member States. Mr Michel thanked the Committee for its continued support throughout the process of drafting this crucial document.
He laid particular emphasis on the consultative function and the promotion of social dialogue, in collaboration with the ILO and other international organisations, especially with regard to policies of particular concern to civil society, such as social cohesion or decent work. Mr Michel counted on the EESC "to support us in this effort and to assist us in a strengthened dialogue with the partner countries, including the economic and social partners".
Mr Michel supported the idea of including an explicit reference to the Committee’s role in the joint declaration to be issued by the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. According to MrMichel, this “was already a reality”. The Committee and the economic and social partners also had an important role to play in raising public awareness of development policy.
The European Union development policy – The European Consensus
Mr Michel then attended the debate on the Committee's Opinion on “The European Union development policy – The European Consensus”, drafted by MrZufiaur (Group II, Employees, Spain), in which the Committee proposes that EU development policy have equivalent status to security policy.
In the new context of globalisation, the promotion of the European social model should form a central pillar of EU development policy. The EESC considers that the reduction of subsidies would help considerably to reduce poverty. It suggests that the association agreements between the EU and various countries and regions incorporate a social dimension.
The opinion stresses that the promotion of stable and democratic frameworks for social relations and dialogue are essential objectives of EU development policy. The EESC proposes that debt cancellation measures (approved by G8 countries) be extended to more poor countries. The de-coupling of aid should be one of the key objectives of the EU's development strategy.
"Bridging the gap": How to bring Europe closer to its citizens
In the second consecutive extraordinary debate on "Bridging the Gap", the members of the Committee stressed the need for practical measures to enable civil society and civil society organisations to take part more fully in the process of European integration, as well as the need to demonstrate that the EU was also working to meet the needs of its citizens.
Jillian Van Turnhout, the rapporteur for the forthcoming EESC Opinion requested by the European Parliament on the "reflection period", stressed that the debate and discussions should mainly take place at the level of the Member States "What we do – what 'Europe' does and what the European institutions do – must complement the things that should be done by the Member States" she said.
She then stressed that, "Although the situation with regard to the Constitutional Treaty may have changed, the logic and considerations it led to have not, particularly in regard to the democratic life of the Union, specifically the participation of civil society and civil society organisations through the civil dialogue".
Key opinions adopted by the plenary assembly
Better lawmaking (exploratory opinion drawn up at the request of the British presidency)
Rapporteur: Mr RETUREAU (Group II, Employees, France)
Better implementation of EU legislation (own-initiative)
Rapporteur : Mr VAN IERSEL (Group I, Employers, Netherlands)
For further information please see press release no 106/2005
The European Union development policy – the European Consensus
Rapporteur: Mr Zufiaur (Group II, Employees, Spain)
For further information please see press releaseno 103/2005
Tourism in areas in decline (own-initiative opinion)
Rapporteur: Mr MENDOZA (Group II, Employees, Spain)
For further information please see press release no 103/2005
Creation of a European Institute for Gender Equality
Rapporteur: Ms Stechova (Group II, Employees, Czech Republic
For further information please see press release no 98/2005.
The Northern Dimension and its Action Plan (own-initiative opinion)
Rapporteur: Mr HAMRO-DROTZ (Group I, Employers, Finland)
For further information please see press release no 103/2005
Obesity in Europe - Role and responsibilities of civil society partners (own-initiative opinion)
Rapporteur: Ms Sharma (Group I, Employers,United Kingdom)
For further information please see press release no 92/2005.
Poverty among women in Europe (European Parliament referral)
Rapporteur: Ms King (Group I, Employers, United Kingdom )
For further information please see press release no 100/2005.
The role of consultative bodies and socio-occupational organisations in implementing the Association Agreements and in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (information report)
Rapporteur: Ms CASSINA (Group II, Employees, Italy)
For further information please see press release no 103/2005
Social dialogue and industrial change
Rapporteur: Mr Zöhrer (Group II, Employees, Austria)
For further information please see press release no 103/2005
For more details, please contact:
Christian Weger at the EESC Press Office
99 rue Belliard, B-1040 Brussels
Tel.: 02 546 9396/9586; Mobile: 0475 753 202
The European Economic and Social Committee represents the various economic and social components of organised civil society. It is an institutional consultative body established by the 1957 Treaty of Rome. Its consultative role enables its members, and hence the organisations they represent, to participate in the Community decision-making process. The Committee has 317 members. Its members are appointed by the Council..