Private Speech Pathologists Association

Western Australia

Professional Development Application Form

To apply for funding from PSPAWA for Professional Development, please answer the following questions. Your application will be evaluated by the executive committee and you will be informed of the outcome within 7 days of submission.

Applications must be submitted at least one month before the date of the course you wish to attend.

  1. Name:
  1. Membership (Full / Corporate / Associate / Provisional)
  1. Practice/Organisation:
  1. Title of course:
  1. Description of course:
  1. Cost:
  1. Does the course provide you with a professional qualification or certification (yes/no):
  1. Are you requesting full or partial reimbursement (please specify exact amount):

Half reimbursement / Feedback requirement: minimum one-page written summary and feedback presented at a PSPAWA meeting within two months of attending the course.
Full reimbursement / Feedback requirement: minimum one-page written summary and facilitation of a clinical forum (related to topic of course) with PSPAWA members.

Please note, feedback may be presented in person or via teleconference (half reimbursement only) and the presenter must be available to answer questions. Feedback is expected to cover the main points of the course, summarising key elements, resources and recommendations. A minimum one-page written summary is also required, which may include an overview of the course, key research findings, useful resources etc.

Slides, notes or other official course materials may not be reproduced as part of the written summary. Please see the attached template as a guide for written feedback – this can be modified as required.

Written feedback will be uploaded for members to access online and feedback presented at a meeting or clinical forum may be video recorded for all members to access.

Meets Evaluation Criteria / Yes / No
Attendee does not receive individual qualification/certification
Attendee has committed to feedback requirements of full or half reimbursement
Topic of course is relevant to therapists in Private Practice (clinical area, student/staff supervision, management skills, relevant to role on executive committee)
Topic of course has not been presented to membership in the past year
Cost is within PSPAWA Professional Development budget

Outcome: Fully funded / partially funded / not approved

Feedback date:

Professional Development Feedback Template

  1. Details of course (title, presenter, date, location)
  1. Overview of course
  1. Key research findings (may include references for further reading)
  1. Useful resources
  1. Clinical recommendations