Head Teacher Update
March/April 2015
Tel: 0141 641 1677
Asda Fundraising Event
If you are shopping in Asda, Blantyre over the next month or so, please make sure to vote for Park View on the Community Token Board at the front of the store. The Parent Partnership have organised this as part of their efforts to help the school to raise funds.
Parent Partnership
The next meeting is on Thursday 26th of March 2015 at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend! If you would like to find out more about the role of the Parent Partnership, please contact the Parent Partnership on their new email address -.
All the staff and pupils at Park View would like to formally thank our former Chairperson Mrs. Colquhoun for all of the work she has done for the school over the years. Her contribution has been immeasurable and we will officially share our appreciation of this at the next Parent Partnership meeting and at our Summer Celebration.
Parents’ Evening 1.04.15
All appointments have now been distributed. Please note that the maximum time allocated for each child is 10 minutes and the report will focus on your child’s progress in Literacy & Numeracy and on their effort and behaviour. Follow up appointments can be made if required.
Uniform Evening 1.04.15
This will take place from 3:30pm to 7:00pm on Wednesday 1st of April, to coincide with our Parents’ Evening. The staff from Alstons will be based in Room 7. A price list and order form was distributed last month, but additional copies can be downloaded from our school website.
Head Lice
In order to prevent the continued spread of head lice, we strongly advise all parents to check their child’s hair frequently and to visit their local pharmacy to obtain the most appropriateadvice and prevention and/or treatment products. Many of these are free of charge. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated by all concerned. Dawn Louden, our School Nurse, is also available to provide support in this or any other health related matter. If you wish to make an appointment with Dawn, please just contact the School Office.
Egg Decorating Competition
The children have been asked to bring a hard-boiled egg into school on Monday 30th of March 2015. We will provide art materials and the pupils are going to decorate the eggs in class. The children can bring in accessories etc. from home if they wish to do so. There will be a prize for the most imaginative egg design , which will be voted for by parents at the Parents’ Evening. The prizes have been kindly donated by the Parent Partnership, from fundraising ventures such as the Christmas Fayre.
Playground Protocol
In the interests of pupil health and safety, we ask that adults do not enter the playground. Children are instructed not to leave the playground once they have been dropped off.
Parents/Carers should not approach individual children if there are concerns about their behaviour. All concerns should be directed to school staff.
The children are the responsibility of their parents/carers until the school day officially starts, as there is no allocation of support staff to cover the playground prior to this.
At Park View, we take the children into the school 10 minutes early if the weather is inclement, but this is just good will and is not standard procedure in all schools.
The children have been reminded that they should promptly secure scooters and bicycles in the bike shelter when they arrive at school. The children should not play on their scooters and bicycles in the playground.
Finally, the children have been told that they must not speak to adults through the fence during playtime and lunchtime, regardless of whether the adult is known or not. This is to help us to ensure pupil safety. Please pass on this information to friends or relatives who may use the park during the day to avoid any misunderstanding. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Easter Celebration
Our Easter Celebration will take place on Thursday 2nd of April at 11am in Flemington/Hallside Church. The children in Miss Kelly’s classand the P2 children from Miss Sheik’s class will lead the celebration along with Rev. Neil Glover, our School Chaplain. All parents/carers are invited to attend. If you do not wish your child to participate in this activity, please inform the school in writing by Friday 27thMarch 2015 in order that alternative arrangements can be made. Thank you.
Science Week
Our recent Science Week was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who participated and a special thank you to Mr. McKissock for organising the whole event. There are lots of photos on the Gallery page of our website – please have a look!
Early Dismissal
Please note that the school closes for the holiday at 2:30pm on Thursday 2nd of April 2015.
Thank you for all of your support and co-operation. Please remember that you can contact the School Office to make an appointment to discuss any concerns or issues regarding your child’s progress or wellbeing.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. M. Speirs