Prior POW Information

up to/including POW Feb 5


Pharmacy:Mtg w/ Dept leaders this past week, next in approx 1 mo. Goals: new pyxis in sedation unit, peds specific drug concentrations (list given), PharmD to round with inpatient teams and several others.

*Pharm rep will attend weekly Ward Safety Rounds Tuesdays @ 1145

*workaround for pts stuck in chcs1/ahlta limbo with delay in getting pt into essentris (ie admit after outpt clinic visit), RNs can manually enter pt into pyxis, fax MD hand written rx to pharmacist, then call pharmacist – they will activate pyxis profile so you can order/dispense meds from pyxis to pt while PAD works on the chcs1 issue.

*inpt pharmacist resources: 3rd flr icu pharmacist (Summi) – 845-2606, 4th flr icu pharmacist (Barbara) 769-4400 – updated in online scutdog

PSRs: Keep them coming! Dr. Svec is POC for all departmental PI/QI/Safety issues. Dr. Mike McCown (Pulm) is new POC just for inpatient Ward issues. Feel free to email them and give them an FYI that you’ve submitted a PSR (or to report any safety concerns you have) as occasionally the PSRs are not routed appropriately. Email me instead if you feel more comfortable that way… and I’ll make sure they’re aware.

7Center call rooms have beds (3 bunkbeds total) and working phones, needs to be lockable and computers aren’t working. NEW for our use:Call Rm on 2nd Deck, Bldg 9: 319-4168, cipher code 2+4,3. Bunkbed, working comp, shredder, TV, and lockable storage inside. Door labeled as "PICU" call rm but we'll use for Ward call team. We have enough space for medical students again, as the Ward team no longer needs to use the “med student’ call room on the 6th floor.


*Please continue to check for conflicts*

  • PGY1 and 2 Class Day Off:Resident funded and organized. Send me proposed dates and I’ll work to clear class members from call the night before. Cannot schedule past April and not on a rotation switch day. Dates are first come first served for each class. Sooner the better so your off site classmates can request of their rotation supervisors to be off duty in advance. Past activities: DC treasure hunt, kayaking, game days/pot lucks at a resident’s house, brunch then DC site seeing etc. PGY3s: still negotiating to add this back for you this year… stay tuned… consider dates in the meantime.
  • Holiday Requests: Here are your assigned on-call periods…

Xmas: Garcia, Lorkowski, Paz, Seide, Stering, Zuber, Alexander, Ghanjanasak, Hajiaghamoseni, Lozada, McElveen, Senozan, Hiraldo, Pavey, Schuldt, Thompson, Vasta

NewYears: Adams, Costa, BC, MC, Steele, Carter, Choi, Jaskiewicz, McDonnell, Royall, Wagner, Wilson, Gupta, Klein, Bay, Slocum, Torres, Weeks

FYI – you may be post call to start one of your call free holiday periods (Ward NF/NICU NF/Nursery NF)

  • New for the Ortho rotation – Peds Ortho clinic with Dr. Oetgen of CNMC. Ortho page updated.
  • Submit HOLIDAY block requests in Amion by Fri Aug 19: DEC 23-26 OR DEC 30 - JAN 2.
  • Call: Block 4 (reflects new NICU PGY2 responsibilities and OFF service coverage for 1st Sun night of the Block)
  • MICC/Nursery NF Intern Schedules and NICU rounding Shift:
  • MICC rounding Sat & Sun by Nursery NF intern (no PGY3 or off service rounding)
  • NICU rounding shift 0600-~1400
  • NICU+MICC intern coverage gap 7p-9p Sat & Sun : NICU Sr and Fellow cover
  • Continuity Clinic: thru Block 4
  • CPC – all PGY3s have been assigned Topics. You get to seek out a mentor. Let me know who they are and if/when you have been given a case. If no case by 8 weeks prior to CPC date, let me and Dr. Gorman know! Ideally you should get a case at about 6 week prior.
  • C4– Navy PGY1 (you will be contacted approx 45 days in advance of course start date), Army PGY3 (awaiting confirmation of your class dates)

Military Issues

Leave: Army section of the Leave document on Chief’s Corner has been updated given the new Alpha Co location and Theresa and SSG Neeley’s assistance.

Local Army Uniform Purchase Option: Ft Myer Clothing Sales: 703-696-3515.

Army: New Alpha Co and HHC (formerly called Student Co) Location:Tower (Bldg 1), 16th floor. Contact Info for Student Co: 400-2956/7. For Alpha Co: 400-2959.

Future army shuttle services from other bases. File attached.

Navy PFA:10 Week Notice. Call 295-5502 to sign up. Oct 10 – Nov 18. Complete PARFQ @ BOL-> CAC login -> scroll down to PRIMS -> Member ->click arrow next to your last name to “expand” -> PARFQ -> Add PARFQ -> Save, Print

Uniform Guidance:Takes effect Monday Sep 12. Uniform Chart / JTF Directive

-Scrubs: waiting on clarification, continue to wear weekends/night shifts on Ward.

-Dr. Burklow has requested Peds Inpatient Unit be exempt from Mon-Thurs required ASU wear, assume you’ll wear ASUs until notified otherwise, plan accordingly.

-Fridays – may/can wear ACU/ABU/NWUs, per Burklow wear is not required, although many feel we should all look the same so this may change. Best idea is to make sure you have this uniform type if you don’t already.

Army Resident In-processing at Bethesda:Start at booth outside Clark Auditorium on the 2nd deck. No orders or DA form 31 needed! Sign at the tables inside and get your new WRNMMC pink badge.

Annual Training Matrix:Postedon Chief’s Corner.

Medical Student Open House: during week of GME selection board. Would like Resident volunteersto help with recruiting that night, likely Wed Nov 30th, location info here. Submit Call Relief request and email me if interested.

Military Email Inboxes: check daily.

Navy GME2+/fellowship application. Deadline Sep 30th.

Air Force Orders: Per Laurie Creel, no need for modification as you are still essentially stationed at Andrews (info thanks to Nitasha).


  • Navy e-Leave: submit via NSIPS. Check out an e-Leave Go-By on Chief’s Corner.
  • Air Force: contact info updatedon Chief’s Corner.

Administrative Issues:

Medical Licenses: necessary for Humanitarian Medicine trips. PGY2s/3s – if you don’t have one, get started on an application. PGY1s – can start sending in app and supporting docs before you graduate, see link for state requirements.

Duty Hours: Great job by inpatient residents in submitting duty hours for Block 6. If we come up with an easy to use duty hours submission form I may be able to excuse you all from using evalue for this purpose. Here’s a draft: Duty Hours Logdraft. Please send comments, or just fix it for me (I’m no excel genius). Plan would be: after entering work hours (automatically tallies totals), print, initial where indicated, sign, then drop off with/email to Theresa.

General Housestaff Council: Updates from the last meeting, solicitation for feedback from Jenny Jaskiewicz -> HSCouncil Minutes. Reminder, your Reps are: Dan Adams and Jenny Jaskiewicz, Alternate is Kari Wagner.

PBO Slots: reminder: “provider book only”, have a colleague with booking keys, myself, Ms Linda Starks, or a front desk staff book for you. # per half day of clinic: PGY1(1), PGY2/3(2). Convert to non-PBO slots on day of appt.

New ID Badges: If you don’t have one, email SSG Neeley (find her in outlook).

Clean Utility Rm on Big Bird Hallway: new code 1,2,3,4 *

Red Parking Tags: Pick them up ASAP (before they decide to change the GME rules). Published distribution times: M-F 0500-1700 thru Sep 7th. Bring registration and insurance, CAC.

eImmune access: username - cmikita/pwd - JohnJohn80!!
Organization - Allergy and Immunology

Co-signaturePolicy:PGY1s send ALL notes for co-signature. PGY2/3 run list at half and end of day point. ASK preceptor IF they want encounter sent for co-signature. This is still preceptor and situation dependant.

Follow Up on Labs: Staff in clinic are getting calls from your patients’ parents…. if you ordered it, you’re responsible for notifying the family of the results. Check under New Results on the left hand navigation panel. Assign (via CHCS1) another Resident to get your New Results when you are on leave. Get them to agree first as they’ll have to specifically go into CHCS1 to check daily.

DO NOT move furniture/chairs/computers: in America Bldg, neither within or between rooms til OCT 1st. see Dr. Burklow’s recent email for more info.

Mass Transit Benefit Program:sign up here if you plan to use the Metro to commute full time. User’s Guide hereor from Help link at their site. I can be your “Supervisor.”

E*Value Duty Hours: annoyed with emails? I am! Working to cancel this requirement and start internal tracking program. Waiting on fixes or approval to cancel (in use by all NCC residency programs currently, we were one of the last hold outs).

DHMRSi: ignore emails, this has never been a resident responsibility, Theresa will enter these for you when her administrator access has been granted.

AFCCP Updated Contact Info: after hours numbers posted on scutdog online. Guidance from Dr. Craig.

Clinic Staff Photos: Dr. Higginson has posted them in the Resident Workroom and Continuity Conf Room. You can also find them on the Chief’s Corner.

Intern Composite Photo: Final version sent to printers!

Pyxis Access:form + tutorial certificate to main pharmacy for clinic Pyxis access. Supplies on 3W (new inpatient Ward) will not be locked. Ward Pyxis access for residents not needed.

NEW GME parking stickers: have to update to new round version. Why? Who knows!? Will parking rules/stickers/passes change? Likely! For now, bring registration, driver’s license, proof of insurance to Pass&ID if your GME sticker is expired. Allows access to Staff (B) garages and GME parking spots.

Why can’t a patient make an appointment with me?

  • They are probably enrolled to another provider or at another MTF.
  • To make appointments: (1) use your or another residents’ booking keys , (2) ask the clinic RNs, (3) front desk staff (295-6168), or (4) Mrs. Putney. For patients with the PCM “JTF Reassignment Provider” – enrollment can’t be assigned until after ~Aug 14th.
  • Parent Questions? Have themcall the “Primary Care Reassignment Hotline” at 202-782-3376 (Mon-Fri 6a-6p) – a Customer Service/Complaint line.
  • Booking keys: see Dee Dornell, administrator at the Peds Subspecialty desk x4959. Set up time to go over a quick ‘tutorial’ with her.
  • Keep sending me the lists of patients you want to be part of your continuity panels so that I can get them enrolled to you!

Clinic Late Policy: there isn’t one. Try and say “yes” when you can. If a patient is very late, and not acute, seek preceptor approval to have the patient re-scheduled. Beware: acute appts may get filled on short notice, check in with front desk if you need to leave the clinic.

AHLTA encounters: sign or send for co-signature within 72 hours.

STAT labs: you’re right - must be walked over to main hospital basement lab immediately by any available staff (HMs, high school student etc).

Transport Clinic: please use this clinic to record all of your transport intakes (instead of Peds After-Hours). Issues should have been fixed last week.

*NEW* inpatient standard order sets for WR-B:Browse them on NNMC Essentris under PEDS ward, use training patients. Let me know if there is an order that should be added/modified.

Resident Workroom: fridge requested, awaiting approval. Bulletin board ordered,white board in. Working shredder borrowed until ours replaced, or locked box delivered. Both requested.

Medical License:CompareState requirements and application fees.

IT Issues:

New Clinic Printers: Map to new clinic printers: \\nnmc-prnt04 -> NNMCPRT-Pediatrics01(check-in), Pediatrics02(check-out).

H drives: request via ITD Helpdesk ticket.

Printer Mapping:\\nnmc-prnt03 PedsR01 = Cont Conf Rm printer, resident workroom \\nnmc-prnt04 PEDWR \\nnmc-prnt03= PEDIS02,PEDIS03, PICU01, PICU02\\nnmc-prt-01 = PEDSIR5870,PEDS16… \\nnmc-prnt04 = 3W nurses station printer(insert CAC into Ward/PICU machine for scan to email function)

VPN Request Froms = New NNMC laptop request forms: I sent out the blank forms. Fill these

out to get your Navy laptop. Instructions linked in POW. Drop off with Theresa when

completed. We’ll get them signed in bulk. VPN Instructions

AHLTA S/O problems: OSS must re-install on each individual computer. Faster to do on your own, but I’ll post this re-install requestform in the workroom, and call in multiple at once.

PureEdge Viewer: for completion of Army DA form 31 (leave). Call OSS to get loaded onto your computer if not already present.

Pagers: common access # 1-866-295-4913. Army pager probs call Sgt Neely @ 782-6651, Navy probs call x6300. Let me know ASAP when/if inpatient service pagers don’t work (ex admit pgr).

  • Navy pagers requested for those who didn’t have them: charged and in your mailboxes. Tanya – yours didn’t work, so requested a new one.
  • According to WRAMC IT, the army pagers WILL work after merge. Carry both until merge.

Long Distance Codes: Form in Resident Workroom. Fill out form, sign the bottom, drop in my mailbox. Code will be emailed to your NNMC outlook accounts.

Want to Scan documents to your desktop?: Have OSS (x6300, opt 1) download eCopy 9.2 to your desktop. Took 15 minutes.

  • Choose copy machine at Check-in desk (“Peds16” and/or at Check-out/Pt Admin desk (“PedsIR5870” Map to those printers via


  • Stop by my office and I can walk you thru it for the first scan. It’s not convenient, but the current solution for scanning docs in Peds clinic.

Educational Issues:

Scholarly Project: PGY3s: by April 1, send Theresa Kiefer a word doc draft of your work to date towards this graduation requirement. See the Housestaff Manual on nccpeds. Not sure if the work you’ve done/have planned ‘counts’… discuss with Drs. Gorman and/or Stokes.

Let’s Move! AAP Initiative:AAP’s obesity initiative, information and opportunity to pledge support/sign up. Check this out and consider adding to your anticipatory guidance/obesity tx plan: Rx for healthy living. Provided by Nitasha (your AAP somroft Rep).

Sweat Chloride: New lab value cutoffs for normal/abnormal linked here. See institutional email from Dec 5th.

CNMC PICU Resident Guide: Nitasha’s ppt is now linked under ‘Resources’ on the CNMC PICU site on Send updates/suggestions to Nitasha and/or myself.

AAP New Century Scholars Program: Please see Dr. Gorman’s email earlier this week regarding this program for under-represented minorities interested in academic pediatric medicine. Open to PGY2s.New Century Scholars.

NRP Renewal: 1. Study: Get book from SAFD, 4th flr Bldg 5 (400-0703). 2. Pay and take online test: AAP NRP online exam. AAP guide on new NRP process. 3. Email Sierocka, Beth Beaston (NRP instructors) to set up your hands on test-out, bring online test certificate. – courtesy of Justin Costa.

Research Submission/Presentation Opportunity:Pediatric Academic Societies meeting April 28 – May 1 in Boston. Submission deadline is November 17th @ 1159. You can submit the same case report/abstract that you sent in last Oct for the March ‘11 meeting.

PALS/BLS Course Dates & Info: see links under ‘Resuscitative Medicine Course Schedules’ Questions: Jennifer Fellows 202-297-2086.

Teach a Physical Exam to MS3s: Dates for the daycare toddler sessions: SEP 15, 29, OCT 6, 20, 27, NOV 3, 10, 17. OPEN Dates for the high school adolescent sessions: SEP 15, 22, OCT 6. 28, NOV 3, 10, 17. Contact Dr. Balog.And remember to request the time away from your rotation supervisor!

Immunization Tool Kit Website:

Air Force - full access to Lexicomp PDA app: via
There is required CAC login up front but you can request a username and
password for future home use of UpToDate and MD consult - thanks Nitasha.

Teaching Opportunity: Email Dr. Eberly if interested. See his email.MS3 ICR afternoon courses: PediatricInfections, Growth Disorders, NeonatalTransition, DevelopmentalDelay.

New PALS renewal and Instructor courses:Schedule up on Chief’s Corner. PGY3s, enroll now if your certification has expired.

USPS Research Competition: Seattle March 10-13, deadline for submissions OCT 2nd. Check out AAP website for rules and information.

AAP National Convention & Exhibition: Boston Oct 15-18. Early Bird Registration Ends Sep 2nd.

Simulation presentation Sept 10th: opportunity to demo simulation methods at a National Conference in VA, if interested contact Dr. Loprieato () for explanation of skills required.

Dr. Loprieato and Hutchinson PALS study: ongoing from last year. Videotaped mock code scenarios. Goal: identify if/how fast PALS skills decline over time. I will contact interns to get the first training sessions set up.

Research Opportunity: Dr. Min (GI Fellow) – looking for resident interested in participating in: “small retrospective study looking at kids coming in to ER with abdominal pain, and finding thickened bowel wall on their CT scans and whether that is a clinically significant marker that warrants GI eval and endoscopy.” Email him directly: