FUN DAY – October 16th, Theme: Fiesta You all should have received the fun day flyer, registration and awards form (three pages) in the mail. If not, please get hold of me ASAP. I know of one chapter that did not receive through snail mail and now I am concerned about others. This year I mailed all chapters the information as some leader’s software and mine don’t communicate, different versions. I hope that all the information has been passed on to all the members and several members from your chapter will be attending. I MUST HAVE ALL THE AWARD SHEETS AND REGISTRATIONS BY THE SEPTEMBER 30TH DUE DATE. THE HOST CHAPTER NEEDS TO PURCHASE THE FOOD AND I NEED TO PUT MY AWARDS TOGETHER AND PURCHASE THE AWARDS. REMEMBER WEIGHT RECORDERS LIST ONLY THE MEMBERS THAT ARE ATTENDING ON THE AWARDS SHEET – exception Most Inspirational Member and Chapter Ambassador do not have to be in attendance.

LEADERS CORNER – TOPS WEBSITE Leaders there is some new and exciting material that can be use for programs that can be found in the leaders corner. TOPS have just posted a series of four Quick’n Easy Programs about “Body Image”. These programs can be found in Leaders Corner: Meeting Ideas”Quick’nEasy Programs. There are also several other programs and contest posted for your chapter to use. If you do not have access to a computer and want these programs, please let me know and I will download and send them to you.

ESTER MANZ VIDEO – Have you wondered how TOPS got started? It started in 1948 by Ester Manz and a DVD video has been put together of Ester and TOPS. This video has been posted on TOPS You Tube page. There is a link posted on the website – go to About TOPS and click on Ester Manz Video. This DVD video will be available for purchase by using an order coupon in the October TOPS News and is currently available in the web store. I purchased a copy at IRD and have played it for a couple of chapters. It is very well done.

NEW CHAPTER – I would like to extend a “Welcome to the TOPS Family” to our newest chapter KS 1095, Wichita. This chapter is located at the Georgetown Villa and is made up of Georgetown residents. Georgetown is a Senior Residence.

SENIOR EXPO – Thursday, September 23rd. Over 3,000 seniors participate in the Senior Expo and again TOPS will have a booth. The TOPS Booth will be located at the Botanica-WichitaGardens. If you attend, stop by and see us. I would like to thank Dora Presley, KS 0948, Wichita and Debra Burnett, KS 0990, Wichita for their willingness to help at the booth.

SRD – April 29 & 30th in Wichita. It is time to start encouraging your members to put these dates on their 2011 calendar. Since it is in Wichita it will be a great opportunity for our members to attend. The theme: Move & Groove 70’s Style. Think back to disco, bell bottoms, John Travolta – Stay’n Alive, polyester clothing (never wore out), and disco balls. Make plans to join us for the fun and inspiration that SRD provides. LEADERS: Plans are to send out the SRD Packets the first week of December. You do not have to take on the responsibility of promoting SRD, get one of your members who has attended SRD to promote – announceeach week – thru posters, skits, etc. as a consistent reminder to members, collect the money and give to treasurer and see that the registration is sent in on time.Some chapters have a SRD chair.

TOPS WALK – THIS SATURDAY at SedgwickCo.Park. Check in starts at 8:30 a.m. and the three mile walk starts at 9:00 and the one mile shortly there after. We do have some great door prizes. Again seating is limited, if you have a lawn chair, please bring.

OPEN HOUSE/WELCOME BACK – If your chapter is planning to have an Open House/Welcome Back to members who have dropped out, please let me know. I will be glad to come and help in anyway. So far I know of two, KS 0942, Colwich and KS 0948, Wichita. These must be held before October 15th to receive the certificate from TOPS at Fun Day.

If there is anyway I can help you, please call. I do care.

Beverly Rummery

Area Captain

(316) 942-0850