Working Better Together – key actions
Following the Social Sector engagement event held on 2 February 2017, an action plan has been produced which will be developed further to ensure that all parties play a role in helping us all to work better together. The key themes that emerged from the event related to the following:
- Improved communication
- Simpler commissioning and procurement processes
- Better knowledge, awareness, training
- Communications
Issue raised / Response / By / When
Organisation / Person
It is unclear who the Council’s commissioners are and what their role is? / A list of commissioning officers and their role and responsibilities, together with contact details will be provided. / Knowsley MBC / Tony Quail / Summer 2017
The Council’s web site doesn’t always seem up to date. / Maintain and update Council website on procurement and commissioning opportunities / Knowsley MBC / Tony Quail / Ongoing
The Council’s governance arrangements and structures are unclear / The Council’s structures are contained on its Website and a link with be provided. / Knowsley MBC / Tony Quail / Summer 2017
It would be helpful to know what social sector organisations operate in Knowsley and what they do. / A directory of organisations and the services that they offer will be developed and maintained / Knowsley CVS / KCVS / Summer 2017
Communication between the Council and the Sector could be improved. / A communications plan will be developed to identify the most appropriate method of communication / KCVS / KCVS / Ongoing
There needs to be more / better communication between the Social Sector itself. / Create stronger networks / communication within the Social Sector itself to increase collaboration / KCVS / KCVS / Ongoing
It would be useful for social sector reps to meet individual commissioning officers to put a face to a name / Commissioning officer will be asked to attend future Working Well Together events / Knowsley MBC / Lead Commissioners / TBA
More advance notice of contracting opportunities wold allow the market to respond better. / Share details of forthcoming contracts (pipeline) / Knowsley MBC / Lead
Commissioners / Ongoing
Use of simple language / plain English / avoid acronyms / All partners will endeavour to adopt a plain English / All / All / On-going
Social sector organisations should have more of a role early on in the commissioning process, particularly when identifying service user needs. / The Council will involve social sector partners in the pre-specification phase of the commissioning process / Knowsley MBC / All
- Commissioning and Procurement Processes
Issue raised / Response / By / When
Organisation / Person
The Council needs to re-introduce small grants where appropriate as opposed to complex procurement processes for small commissions. / The Council will explore the use of simpler funding sources such as grants. / Knowsley MBC / Justin Thompson / Summer 2017
The model for Social Value should be simple easily measurable. / Develop the model of measuring Social Value / Knowsley MBC / Tony Quail / Ongoing
It is unclear what Dynamic Purchasing Systems are and what part the Social Sector can play. / Raise awareness of Dynamic Purchasing System frameworks and how the Social Sector can access them / Knowsley MBC / Tony Quail / Summer 2017
It would be helpful to be able to get advice and guidance on procurement and commissioning processes. / Provide better advice and guidance on procurement and commissioning processes / Knowsley MBC / T. Quail / Lead Commissioners / Ongoing
Sometimes contracts are too short in length and this causes uncertainty for the future. / Consider longer contract periods to provide greater certainty for the future and sustainability / Knowsley MBC / T. Quail / Lead Commissioners / Ongoing
More events to network would help develop relationships and common understanding. / More service provider workshops / engagement / networking / Knowsley MBC / Lead Commissioners / Ongoing
The Social Sector could play a part in the pre-procurement process and help select providers. / Tap into local Social Sector expertise to inform specifications to inform need and role on evaluation panels / Knowsley MBC / Lead Commissioners / Ongoing
Could any help be provided to help small organisations’ cashflow? / Consider improving cash flow for the Sector through interim payments / Knowsley MBC / Growth Hub / Ongoing
TUPE is confusing and a real area of difficulty in developing bids. / Specific advice and guidance on TUPE / Knowsley MBC / Mike Dearing / Ongoing
Use our local supply chain. / Seek to “keep the pound local” / All / All / Ongoing
- Knowledge, awareness and training
Issue raised / Response / By / When
The Chest can be difficult to use. / Provide more training on the use of the Chest system / Knowsley MBC / Tony Quail / Ongoing
It is unclear what the offer from KCVS is. / KCVS to clarify their role / offer / create shared values for the Social Sector / KCVS / KCVS / Summer 2017
There is a lack of understanding of some business development, TUPE and bid writing. / Provide training on business development including bid writing / technical issues such as TUPE / Knowsley MBC / KCVS / Growth Hub / Ongoing
The Sector would like to have better relationships and know face to face who are the commissioners at the Council. / Commissioners to spend more time with the Social Sector to understand their businesses / Knowsley MBC / Lead Commissioners / Ongoing
Volunteers need to be trained on some issues. / Provide training for volunteers / All / All / Ongoing
Tony Quail – Head of Procurement, Programmes and Projects Support
Deb Thomas – Head of Whole Life Commissioning
Julie Tierney – Head of Health Improvement and Public Health Commissioning
Mike Dearing – Head of Legal Services
Justin Thompson – Assistant Executive Director of Neighbourhoods
Pauline Benbow – Projects and Programmes Manager