TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 2:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m.



Jamar Banks Anthony Brumfield

Center for Student Involvement and Leadership Multicultural Student Development

244 J Plemmons Student Union 255 Plemmons Student Union

262-6252 (work) 262-6252 (work)

Office Hours: available: 8:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M. Office Hours: 1pm – 2:30pm M-F

Email: Email:

Course Purpose:

This course is designed to engage students in opportunities for individual assessment, self-exploration, study theories and principles of leadership from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Course Objectives:

To conceptualize the meaning of leadership and understanding the application process therein;

To provide opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth through active


To develop an understanding of and appreciation for the increasing complexity

In a global society;

To become aware of personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader;

To provide students the opportunity to participate in co-curricular learning;

Course Structure/Materials:

Leadership Theory and Practice Sixth Edition by Peter G. Northouse, 2012

This course is based upon the premise that students, when given adequate information and opportunities to develop competencies in leadership, can assume a more responsible and intentional strategy for their growth and development.

The course consists of two components. The first is the in-class instructional time and out of class assignments. The format for this component will include group discussion, self-exploration, readings, lecture, presentations, writing assignments, etc. The second component is an experiential learning requirement. Each student will be required to participate in a group service-learning project during the course. Each student is EXPECTED to read the course text in order to prepare for class assignments and participation. Materials from the book will be covered ALL YEAR.


Students are expected to attend class prepared to participate in discussions,

be attentive to the information presented, and participate in learning


Students are expected to complete all assignments on time and turn in all

required assignments.

Students are encouraged to discuss concerns affecting their class performance

or other issues which might affect them in a timely and appropriate manner.

Students are expected to perform at their highest level possible.

Students are expected to meet with the instructor at least twice during the

course in an individual conference outside of the class.

Students are only allowed 3 absences; Subsequent absences will result in a 1/3 of a letter grade reduction

What Student’s Can Expect:

Instructor(s) will follow the course syllabus and inform students of any

changes which might be necessary in a timely manner.

Instructor(s) will attempt to include a variety of teaching techniques that

will actively involve students in the learning process.

Instructor(s) will stay current on literature and developments in the field

and will be prepared for class each session.

Instructor(s) will provide timely feedback on course progress and return

assignments in a timely fashion.

Course Evaluation:

Evaluation is a part of every course at the institution and of course a final grade will be given for this course too. All students have the potential to earn an “A” in this course. You will be evaluated on a variety of factors which will contribute to your final grade. It is important to realize, that while everyone has the potential to earn an “A”, not everyone will necessarily earn one. The class has many aspects to it that contribute to your development and as a measure of your success in the class. Each part of the course is important and you should strive to do your best with each. Working harder in one area versus another will only result in you not getting as rich of an educational experience as possible. It is also important to realize that mastering the concepts discussed in class is not the only measure of your effectiveness and does not necessarily mean that you will be successful as a leader. Leadership success is based upon many things of which mastery of concepts and materials is only one. The application of these concepts and theories is perhaps more important than the concept itself.

You will be evaluated on the following course components:

·  Attendance and Participation: Your attendance is required and participation is highly encouraged. You will be graded on both. 125 points


·  Research Project and Presentation: Each class member will identify an area of leadership that they would like to perform research. Students are expected to secure library resources in order to complete the assigned task. The use of library services are vital as this is a complex assignment. The grade for this project will be based on the research paper and a 20 minute presentation. 150 points

·  Exams: Each student will show competency in leadership by taking a mid-term (50 pts.) exam and 5 quizzes during the course of the semester. 100 points

·  Service Activity: the class will select and organize a service learning experience as a group with the approval of the instructor. The class will present their final project and reflection during the final exam week. This will count as the final exam. 125 points

·  Writing/Reading Assignments: throughout the class students will be given various writing assignments. You will be assessed on the quality of your writing, depth of understanding, and creativity. Students will also view movies and analyze case studies. Writing assignments will factor in to your attendance and participation grade. 100 points

Course Grading:

A 93-100 points C+ 77-79 points

A- 90-92 points C 73- 76 points

B+ 87-89 points C- 70-72 points

B 83-86 points D+ 67-69 points

B- 80-82 points D 63-67 points

D- 60-62 points

Statements of Disability Services

Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable
accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities
in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking
accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact
and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at <>
<> or 828-262-3056. Once registration is
complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility
and appropriate accommodations.

Introduction to Leadership Development

Section 101

Spring Semester 2014

Tentative Class Schedule

14 January: Review of Syllabus and Expectations; class introductions; Students draft their own set of expectations for the course.

Assignment for Next Class: What is Leadership?

The paper should be typed, double spaced and less than 200 words.

16 January: Leadership Discussion

Assignment: Read Chapter 1 The Introduction

21 January: Discussion on Chapter 1 Leadership Activity

Assignment: Read Article and Reflection Paper

23 January: Discuss article and view video clip

28 January: Service and Leadership Assignment: Read Chapter 2

Club Hub (Act Office, BSA, APPS, Club Sports, SGA, Club Council, Fraternity/Sorority)

30 January: Trait Lecture

Service and leadership project discussion; Assignment: Find a research article that discusses in details the vital elements of trait theory is prepared to discuss your findings in class

4 February: Trait Article Review Discussion

Group assignments given

6 February: Case Studies from Chapter 2

Read Chapter 3 Skills Approach Also; find an article video or other that talks about skills and the approach

11February: Problem Solving Analysis

13 February: Chapter 3 Reading

Assignment: Submit ideas for research assignment

18 February: Chapter 4 Lecture Style Approach

20 February: Student Led Style Approach Activity Read: Chapter 5 Situation Approach

25 February: Movie: Red Tails

27 February: Read Tails response questions

4&6 March: Case Study and Discussion

10-14 March: Spring Break

18 March: Prepare for Mid-Term

20 March: Mid-Term

25 March: Women in Leadership Assignment: Article Review (Leadership)

27 March: Discussion on the article Assignment: Read Chapter 6

1 April: Chapter 6 Lecture

3 April: Continue Contingency Theory Discussion

8 April: Chapter 9 Lecture

10 April: Chapter 9Activity

15 April: Lecture Discussion by the Students Assignment: Read Chapter 11& 12

Assignment: Service Project must be completed

17 April: Leadership Perspectives: A Leadership Panel Discussion

22 April: University Break

24 April: Assignment: Research Presentations

29 April: Assignment: Research Presentations

1 May: Assignment: Research Presentation

Preparation for Service Project Presentation

3 May: Reading Day

5-9 May: Assignment: Presentation


HPC 2700


Many leadership theories have as one of their core values the recognition of the importance of a leader first learning to serve those with whom s/he works. Further, a leader should be someone who understands the importance of community and recognizes that each member of a community has an obligation to make that community a better place for all of its members. Appalachian State University students have long recognized the importance of community involvement. It is part of the legacy that a student can leave behind after s/he has left this great institution.

Appalachian has also recognized the inherent value that service has on the learning process for our students. Service learning is an integral part of many classes at Appalachian. From a leadership perspective, service learning teaches students the value and responsibility of community, develops planning skills, teaches one how to positively affect the lives of others, and promotes a deeper understanding of the privilege and responsibility that one has as a college student leader. As part of this course, you will be responsible for the selection, planning, and implementation of a service learning experience of your choice. You will work as a group. There are a few guidelines or expectations that you must fulfill as part of this experience. They are as follows:

·  The activity or service selected must be approved by the instructor.

·  The activity or service selected must be completed by April 15, 2014

·  The activity or service selected must involve all members of the team and be involved enough in terms of its complexity and effort required to give all team members equal opportunity to contribute.

·  The activity or service must benefit the campus or surrounding communities (Watauga, Caldwell, Ashe, Avery or Wilkes County).

·  All members of the team will be expected to submit a reaction paper (minimum of three pages) which discusses the process followed in terms of conceptualizing and implementing the activity or service, the challenges faced and your perception of the teams success in addressing these challenges, and what you as a member of the team contributed and learned from the activity. The paper is due by the second class meeting after the project is completed.


HPC 2700

Research Analysis

One component of the Principles Class is the Research Analysis. This project presents an opportunity for class members to identify a subject area in leadership theory to evaluate. The following guidelines should help students prepare for and complete this project.

·  Identify a subject for observation and research

·  Utilize library resources

·  Organize meetings with individual faculty or staff who may have background in the area

·  Analyze the historical context of your subject

At the conclusion of the observation/research phase of the project, students will submit a paper with their findings. Minimally, this paper should:

·  Be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced and typed, and proof-read for spelling and grammar

·  Contain a synopsis of the research (describe the research subject)

·  Contain a rationale for why this subject was chosen

·  Describe in detail the method you chose to analyze the subject or set of subjects i.e. Transactional vs. Transformational compare and contrast

·  Provide an evaluation of the organization/program (is the subject effective? Why or why not?)

·  Relate to in-class discussions on leadership theory, style and philosophy

The Research Analysis must be completed by on May 3, 2014.