PLACE Corps Cohort 11 Welcome Orientation Detailed Schedule

April 15th – 17th, 2011, updated 4/4/11

Hotel LAX shuttle service available 24-7.

Overnight accommodations available Thursday and /or Sunday if needed at the hotel.

Friday and Saturday accommodations at PLACE Corps community homes.

Wednesday Shopping/sorting


AM Staff may opt to purchase flowers

3:00 Hospitality Suite available for set –up

Staff member to go earlier to “register” at hotel, if possible.

4:30 Captains’ pick up supply bins

5:30 Hospitality Suite set up at hotel with “pre-Hostess” and/or Hostess

Friday (casual dress, jacket/sweater for cooler evening)

AM Staff purchases flowers before arriving at LMU, if not purchased on Thursday

7:30 am PLACEr host/hostesses arrive at hospitality suite

8:30 Suite open

11:45 All at the hotel will carpool to LMU. Hostess hands out Tour Points. Locals drive and tour neighborhood and campus.

12:00 Vehicles leave for LMU.

12:30 New PLACErs arrive at LMU, Macintosh U-Hall #3900

Light lunch: pin-wheel sandwiches, fruit, etc.

Hospitality Hostess brings all extra food and cooler to 3900, then stays to help at least an hour.

Snacks: mini-glass apples, peanut M&Ms and trail mix (1 per table), cooler with sodas and jugged water/cups, basket of apples

Bring: Map of diocese, map of where PLACErs are from, CBEST/CSET books, grad bulletins, office to go, FAQ’s and paperwork sent to them in welcome aboard packet, tickets/basket, give-aways (3 or 4 items for bookstore + something for Y2 Punctuality Pay-off)

Other: bio boards for current cohorts, photo boards, etc.

Bring: anything being distributed to Y2

Bags: Canvas PLACE Corps, First Days of School, PLACE Corps Handbook, LMU/PLACE Corps lanyard with name tag attached

Punctuality pay-off tickets distribution (LMU item from bookstore donation)

Getting started PLACE Corps Orientation,

Introductions, Ice Breaker, location of restrooms, PLACE Office, format of weekend and rationale behind what talks/sections when, what’s in store for retreat, FAQ’s, email addresses, summer address, emergency cards, parking at LMU, P2, P1 – tickets, P3 (storage unit), etc.,

1:30 Introduce Associate Dean, Welcome to new PLACErs


2:15 Introduce finances, distribute Controller’s Worksheet, Authorization to Review Accounts , AmeriCorps, 40%, housing charges (disclaimer on summer $200), SAP

Graduate Financial Aid, LMU GFA application, Controller’s Worksheet

2:45 Summer housing lists, ONE Card, Summer Housing (Chris Vakili – brings additional paperwork), recreation center availability for PLACE Corps

3:15 Summer housing breakout groups


3:45 Schools, lists, maps, cars and transportation, meeting principals – professional dress, general program information, release to use PLACEr photos, explain releases for own students

4:00 Returning cohort meeting in Marymount Center 3000, Punctuality payoff drawing for returning cohort, bring handbooks!

Distribute to returning cohort anything new/relevant: welcome orientation schedule, COSTCO obligations, new cohort list, Archdiocesan pay scale, contract amendment, school list, birthdays, retreat info, etc.

4:45 New and Returning Cohorts Meet! (“Connections” activity)

The room is rearranged with tables pushed to end of the room and chairs are put around what’s left of the room.

The returning cohort is invited in.

Welcome to the returning cohort who was in this exact same place just 1 year ago.

A short introduction about how we all make connections and are connected is made (1 minute).

The “Connections” game goes like this:

Someone will start and say their first and last name, where they are from (hometown/state), where they went to school, if a returning PLACEr where they teach, what they teach and in which convent they live. The next person who finds a “connection” is up saying something like “I’ll go.” Then that person starts with “I, too, went to Michigan State” or “my name is also Jennifer” or “my dad went to that school,” etc. And that person shares his/her basic information. Someone spontaneously pops up with, “I have a connection (to the last person) and shares his/her connection and then information. And so it goes. There has yet to be a dead-end. Everyone has managed to stay on the “connections” train. And then we finish up by having new PLACErs “connect” with returning PLACErs from the community in which they will be staying for the weekend.

The returning PLACErs are there to make sure that driving directions are clear if the new PLACEr is driving and where to park at the convent. The returning PLACErs are also there to help those with luggage with their gear and assure the transportation needs are fully met. The returning PLACErs will make sure that the new ones up to the BBQ and, on the ride up to the Bird Nest, the returning PLACErs will share everything they can about the layout of UHALL and whatever is pertinent about the LMU campus/layout.

5:45 Wrap up and head to Bird Nest BBQ, touring along the way

[designate guides for University Hall/walking tour to upper campus] Some returning PLACErs should assist with “bags” per community

University Hall/Upper Campus, point out: SOE 2600 and 2100, Roski dining room (no summer meal service), summer classroom (Dr. Poindexter’s 2426), computer lab, computer classroom, PLACE Corps offices, Student Accounts, Controller’s Office (rent/reimbursement checks), Dean’s Suite – GFA/Credential Office, Lion’s Café, Ahmanson Auditorium, US Post Office, Marymount Center, bridge to upper campus, Drolinger parking lot, Jesuit Residence, Hilton, St. Robert’s (ONE Card office and summer housing), Malone (bookstore, cafeteria, Campus Ministry office, The Hill), Chapel, and the Bird Nest

6:00 BBQ [All cohorts invited and Community Support Persons]

6:30 Grace

6:45 Group photos (new cohort, returning and new, all with alumni)

7:00 Begin serving

After BBQ To respective community homes for a MELLOW evening

Saturday (very professional dress – all PLACErs)

8:30 Breakfast in Community House

Before 10:00 Leave for LMU (after breakfast in community homes)

10:30 Macintosh U-Hall #3900

Files available for “review” by coordinator if necessary

Orientation continues, punctuality pay-off

Professionalism, questions to ask principals, what not to ask principals, answer questions and tie up any loose ends

Before principals arrive have check-in table and displays ready in East Atrium.

12:15 Principals arrive U-Hall Atrium West, (bags/folders, etc.) directed to Crimson Lion

12:15 Restroom break for PLACErs and “march in” to lunch together

12:30 - 1:45 “Welcome” to principals, grace, salad lunch and get acquainted

Principals and PLACErs continue into a “business meeting”

2:00 Registration for academics and summer housing - School of Ed Computer Classroom #2418

Coordinator, assisted by LMU PLACEr(s)

(Coinciding with principals’ assembly in Ahmanson U-Hall #1000)

2:00 – 2:45 Principals’ Assembly – Ahmanson U-Hall #1000 (If Ahmanson is not available and trek is to upper campus – St. Roberts or Hilton - add 15 additional minutes prior to beginning assembly, adjusting general assembly by 15 minutes as well, and take 15 minutes off schedule prior to Mass at Sacred Heart Chapel)

Coffee service supplied by Sodexo

Bring/set-up: Bags for DCS staff and principal w/o new PLACEr, US map with hometowns/colleges, M&M’s and trail mix in 2 large apple bowls, leftover desserts from lunch, basket of napkins, nametags

Director: comments, going through folders, questions/comments

PLACErs: 2 Year 1’s, “what we need as new teachers,” “what was appreciated (ideally 1 or 2 from high school, 1 or 2 from elementary)

3:00 – 4:00 General Assembly [All current and incoming PLACErs, all principals,

Coffee Service and snacks and any leftover desserts

Department of Catholic Schools staff]

Director’s comments (5 min)

Archdiocesan Representative (5 min)

Principal (10 min)

PLACErs (10 min)

Slide Show (10 min)

Excuse first all who are assisting at the Mass

Some may be driving, others walking, need “travel time”

·  3:05 begins

·  Director welcomes until 3:15

·  (Generally) Archdiocesan rep(s) until 3:25

·  Principal until 3:35

·  PLACEr Year 1 speakers until 3:45

·  Slideshow, 10 minutes until 3:55

·  (5 minutes of wiggle room)

4:30 Mass, Sacred Heart Chapel [all above plus School of Ed Faculty, Selection Committee]

After Mass Reception at “The Hill” [all]

Check in on balcony

6:15 Dean and Director welcome and address group/grace

6:30 Dinner Served

Community Captains and “host/hostesses” are seat fillers, only after no-shows taken into consideration

9:00 Bowling [Current and incoming PLACErs – casual attire]

Sunday (business casual)

9:30 [New cohort] Continental Breakfast, Macintosh U-Hall #3900,

9:45 Punctuality payoff, loose-ends in handbook, QA’s, tie-up any loose ends and unfinished business retreat carpool sign-ups, welcome orientation evaluations

10:30 Academic Orientation, Dr. Litton “overview” and program associate academic directors

Noon “Finale” with current cohorts, turn in evaluations

12:30 PLACErs available for school visits, should be pre-arranged with school

(Transportation to LAX can be pre-arranged with either principal or host PLACEr)

F:\Betty's Documents\PLACE\Welcome Orientation\Schedules\2011\2011 Detailed Schedule.doc

Updated April 4, 2011