Primary Programme – Stop Motion Revolution CompetitionJune 2014

Topic: History – French Revolution

To understand the importance of symbols
To know facts about the French revolution
To be able to use primary sources to understand historical events / Outcomes:
The children will produce a short movie in groups of 3-4 using Legos, play dough, clay, acting, computer animation, animated drawing… about Bastille Day / Resources:
Copies of Revolution prints
Choice of Legos, play dough, clay
Cameras or Ipads
Computers (session 3)
Session 1 / 1 hour
Starter / Main activity / Plenary
Remind the children about the assembly.
Use the Who wants to be a millionaire quiz to check understanding.
Put back in order on the interactive whiteboard the events of the Bastille Day / Put the children in groups of 4 and explain that they are going to write a plot for a film about Bastille Day. Present to them the resources they will be able to use (Legos, drawing, playdough…)
Show some of these examples of films that have been made by other students

Give each group a storyboard frame. More able pupils can do one on their own as part of the film. They need to draw one event in each frame (i.e.: people bursting the door of the Bastille). Explain that each frame will then be turned into 10 shots showing movements.
Display on the board the rules for the competition:
The film has to show the events of Bastille Day
The film has to be no more than 4 minutes.
The film has to be done as a group work / Each group present their collaborative story board and review each other’s work.
Session 2 / 1 hour 30 min
Starter / Main Activity / Plenary
Children sit with their group and look at their story board. Then one person from each group goes to another group to explain their story board. / Children are given roles (director, resource manager, cameraman/woman, editor)
They all collaborate to make the resources for the film. Maybe one child could be responsible for one of the frame for the story board.
Explain that each frame is an event and that now they are in charge of recreating what is happening in the picture and make it move to create 10 shots.
The children create their movie by taking 10 pictures each. / Children look at the pictures taken and decide which one is the best. Show it to the class and explain why.
Session 3 / 1 hour
Starter / Main Activity / Plenary
Children look back at the pictures they have taken and discuss what is missing or what is not needed.
Look again at the examples given. / Children edit their film with their groups using video maker or other software.
They add effects, titles, captions and music. / Children watch each other films and decide on the three winners to enter the competition.