Electronic Supplementary Materials 1

Items included in the questionnaire for UC patients:

personal information (name, sex, date of birth, address, telephone number, place of residence at birth [prefecture], place of residence at disease onset, month and year of onset, date of first consultation, type of health insurance, authorization to receive disability benefits, authorization to receive nursing care, social and personal activities, date of first authorization for registration as a UC patient [reauthorized patients only], and frequency of medical consultation);

disease characteristics (onset and course, contact details of former attending doctors, type of course, number of admissions, intractability, severity [modified Truelove & Witts’ criteria1], and body area affected by the disease);

treatment (medication, side effects of medication, and surgery);

height and weight;

objective and subjective symptoms, laboratory data (stool microbiology, blood tests: red blood cell count, hemoglobin, white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, total protein, and albumin);

colon roentgenography, endoscopic and pathologic findings;

differential diagnosis

Items included in the questionnaire for CD patients:

personal information (same as for UC);

disease characteristics (onset and course, contact details of former attending doctors, body area affected by the disease, severity according to the International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease [IOIBD] assessment score2, complications, and familial history of UC and CD);

treatment (same as for UC with the addition of nutritional treatment);

height and weight;

objective and subjective symptoms, laboratory data (same as for UC with the addition of tuberculin test, and platelet and cholesterol counts);

colon roentgenography, endoscopic and pathologic findings;

differential diagnosis