Works Citied

Anzovino, Theresa, and Deborah Boutilier.Walk a Mile: Experiencing and Understanding Diversity in Canada. Nelson Education, 2015. Print.

CampbellJones, Franklin, and Brenda CampbellJones.The Cultural Proficiency Journey Moving beyond Ethical Barriers toward Profound School Change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2010. Print.

Gallavan, Nancy P. Navigating Cultural Competence in Grades 6-12: A Compass for Teachers. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2011. Print.

Lee, Enid. Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Teaching for Change, 2002. Print.

Lindsey, Delores B. Culturally Proficient Learning Communities Confronting Inequities through Collaborative Curiosity. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2009. Print.

Lindsey, Randall B., and KikanzaNuri Robins. Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2009. Print.

Seeing the Rainbow: Teachers Talk about Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, and Two Spirited Realities. 2nd ed. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Teachers' Federation ;, 2003. Print.

Sparks, Louise. Anti-bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1989. Print.

Terrell, Raymond D., and Randall B. Lindsey. Culturally Proficient Leadership: The Personal Journey Begins within. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2009. Print.

Wells, Kristopher. Supporting Transgender and Transsexual Students in K-12 Schools: A Guide for Educators. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Teachers' Federation, 2012. Print.


(slide 2) Insert strategic goal number 2

(slide 4) Insert backpack video


"Definition of Class in English:." Class: Definition of Class in Oxford Dictionary (American English) (US). Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

(slide 19) “Four feet up” video

(slide 29 ) “2011 report card on child and family poverty in NS from 1989 -2009”


(slide 37)YouTube video “gender identity” by Mia Shelton

"20/20 - My Secret Self Pt.1."YouTube.YouTube.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

"Definition of Gender in English:." Gender: Definition of Gender in Oxford Dictionary (American English) (US). Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

(slide 54) websites and “Guidelines for Supporting Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students –NSEEDC” and “Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Project-Halifax, N.S. *Recommended Websites and on-line videos”


Anzovino, Theresa, and Deborah Boutilier.Walk a Mile: Experiencing and Understanding Diversity in Canada. Nelson Education, 2015. Print.

CampbellJones, Franklin, and Brenda CampbellJones.The Cultural Proficiency Journey Moving beyond Ethical Barriers toward Profound School Change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2010. Print.

Lee, Enid. Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Teaching for Change, 2002. Print.

Gallavan, Nancy P. Navigating Cultural Competence in Grades 6-12: A Compass for Teachers. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2011. Print.

Merriam-Webster.Merriam-Webster.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

PBS.PBS.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

"Peggy McIntosh on Facing Her Own Race."YouTube.YouTube.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

"Race (human Classification)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

Sparks, Louise. Anti-bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1989. Print.

Terrell, Raymond D., and Randall B. Lindsey. Culturally Proficient Leadership: The Personal Journey Begins within. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin, 2009. Print.

Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

Sexual Orientation


Wells, Kristopher. Supporting Transgender and Transsexual Students in K-12 Schools: A Guide for Educators. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Teachers' Federation, 2012. Print.

"It Gets Better - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (BC)." YouTube.YouTube.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <


"VarTempText = Document.title; VarTempTextArray = TempText.split("|"); Document.write(tempTextArray[0]);." Understanding Accessibility.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

"Children with Disabilities and the Educational System — a Provincial Perspective."Children with Disabilities and the Educational System — a Provincial Perspective.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

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"Teen Mental Health."TeenMentalHealthorg RSS.Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <

Glasgow, Neal A., McNary, Sarah J. & Hicks, Cathy D.(2006). What Successful Teachers do in Diverse Classrooms: 71 Research-Based Classroom Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers. SAGE:US

Stephens, Diana L.& Lindsey, Randall B. (2011).Culturally Proficient Collaboration: Use and Misuse of School Counselors. SAGE:US.