Morgan County Parks and Recreation Biddy Buddy Basketball

Rookie Division – Boys and Girls in Kindergarten or First Grade

Player Name: ______Date of Birth: ______/______/______

Grade: ______Age: ______Gender: ______Home Phone: ______--______--______

Address: ______

Shirt Size (circle one): YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL

Parents’ Names:______

Phone: ______Cell# ______Text: Yes No

Email: ______

Emergency Contact Name: ______Contact number: ______

Medical Concerns/ Allergies: ______

Are you willing to volunteer ____Yes ____ No…….. if yes, for ______

In the Rookie Division emphasis will be on developing solid fundamentals of the game.

Skills Include:

  • Left and right hand dribbling
  • Chest, bounce, and overhead passing
  • Proper shooting form and rebounding
  • Basic understanding of man-to-man defense
  • Basic understanding of 2-1-2 defense
  • Position recognition (guard, forward, and center)
  • Exercise, conditioning, and stretching

Actual game experience in this division is limited. Players will however participate in monthly scheduled skills competitions. Practices will be held for one hour, one night per week.

Please indicate what days of week are NOT available for your player for practice: ______

Cost: - $50.00 per player with a $5.00 discount for each additional sibling (Child #2 - $45.00, Child #3 - $40.00….etc.)

(Fee increase due to increased insurance cost)

Make checks payable to Morgan County Parks and Recreation. There will be a $10.00 late fee if received after Nov. 18th.

Registration Fee Non Refundable once Practices Begin.

The Morgan County Parks & Recreation strives to promote fair play, to develop basic skills, and to build a passion for the game. Good sportsmanship is an integral part of basketball and we encourage it in everyone participating in the league, and those attending games. Please remember we are all volunteers. MCP&R referees or board members, reserve the right to ask any individual not displaying good sportsmanship to leave the premises.

Registration will be held at the Berkeley Springs High School Gym on Nov. 13th and 18th from 6 –7:30 PM

You may also mail registration forms to:

Morgan County Parks and Recreation

93 Rockwell St.

Berkeley Springs, WV 25411

Please visit for league information

Any questions, Contact Dawn Beal at 301-331-8400

There will be no try-outs for any division.

Liability Waiver: As a parent or legal guardian of the listed minor child named above, I grant permission for this minor to participate in all the activities of this sport program. I agree to hold harmless the Morgan County Parks & Recreation, and any other associations or individuals working under agreement with MCP&R. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation with MCP&R Biddy Buddy. I further grant permission for emergency first aid to be given to my child in case of emergency.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date: ______