Position action: ______
Dean: ______Budget Authority: ______
VP: ______Grant Acctg: ______
Tracking #
Choose a Division...1000 Academic Affairs2000 Student Affairs, Univ Planning and Analysis3000 University Advancement4000 Intercollegiate Athletics5000 Access & Enrollment Management5000 President6000 Administration and Finance
PAR Originator / Date / Phone / e-ID / MSC / Division
Section I: Employee Information
First Name:
/ Middle Name: / Last Name: / Suffix (i.e. Jr, Sr, III)
Employee ID:
/ Student ID: (for student employees only) / Social Security Number:
Section II: Assignment
Start/Effective Date: / End Date (Last day worked): / Replaces: / Class: / Shift:
Choose oneNot applicable9 month9 1/2 month10 month10 1/2 month11 month11 1/2 month12 month / Choose oneNot ApplicableDay (Mon-Fri)Night (Sun-Thurs)Other (Specify Below)Varied
Position #: / Department Name: / Dept/Org Code: / Contract/MOU / Account Code:
Choose OneAttachedSent SeparatelyNot Applicable / Choose One112100 A&P Faculty112130 Recurring Non-Teaching, Salaried (RNT)112140 Part-time, Salaried (PTS)112160 Quasi Non-Teaching, Salaried (QNT)112300 Classified112600 Instructional Faculty112700 Classified, Police Officer112800 Classified, Information Technology112810 Full-time Instructional Faculty, IT112820 Full-time A&P Faculty, IT113100 Bonuses/Incentives113115 Full-time Bonus-Award/Recognition113125 Part-time Bonus-Award/Recognition113900 Special Payments for Academic Services114100 Wage114400 Institutional Employment114500 Adjunct Faculty/Part-time Teaching114530 Temporary Non-Teaching, Salaried (TNT)114531 Adjunct Faculty-Summer School114540 Stipend114600 Federal Work Study114900 Wage, Information Technology114910 Part-time Instructional Faculty, IT114920 Part-time A&P Faculty, IT
Section III: Action/Reason
Hire Indicate a reasonNew Employee to JMUConcurrent Job
Transfer Indicate a reasonVoluntary DemotionInvoluntary DemotionTransfer
Additional Pay Current Empl StatusAdjunct Faculty/Part-time TeachingA&P FacultyClassifiedDegree AttainmentGraduate AssistantInstructional FacultyStudentTemporary Non-Teaching, SalariedWage / Bonus Pay Indicate a reasonIBB - Change in DutiesIBB - Internal AlignmentIBB - Knowledge, Skills and AbilitiesIBB - RetentionRecognition AwardSign-on Bonus
Position Change Indicate a reasonConvert AP Fac to ClassifiedConvert Classified to AP FacConvert Inst Fac to AP FacEstablish New PositionPosition InactivatedRole ChangeTransfer
Data Change Indicate a reasonContract ExtensionTerm of Contract ChangeData UpdateCorrection Account CodeCorrection Dept/Org CodeCorrection Job CodeCorrection Pay RateCorrection Position Number
Pay Rate Change Indicate a reasonCompetitive Salary OfferContract RenewalEmployee Class ChangeEnd Temporary PayIBA - Change in DutiesIBA - Internal AlignmentIBA - KSA'sIBA - RetentionInvoluntary DemotionLateral Role ChangeMerit (Student only)PromotionShift TransferStart Temporary PayTerm of Contract ChangeVoluntary Demotion / Paid LOA Indicate a reasonEducationalMilitarySeparation PaySeverance
Unpaid LOA Indicate a reasonEducationalFamily/Medical LeaveHealth ReasonsMilitary ServicePersonal
Return from Leave
Separation Indicate a reasonDeathDenial of TenureDisability RetirementDisciplinary ReasonsDissatisfied with PayElimination of PositionEnd of ContractEnd Wage JobGraduationInvalid I-9Job AbandonmentMutually Agreed UponMisstatement on ApplicationHealth ReasonsOther Position off CampusPersonal ReasonsRelocationResignationReturn to SchoolRetirementTransfer-Other State AgencyUnsatisfactory PerformanceVSDP - LTDWork Conditions
Section IV: Job Information
Compensation: / TypeAdditional Pay - BonusAdditional Pay - Equal Payments over TimeAdditional Pay - Lump Sum after CompletionAdditional Pay - Other (Specify Below)Additional Pay - Temporary PayHourly RateSalaryUnit (Students only) / Amount: / Probation End Date:
Working Title/Rank: / Contract Terms: / Choose oneHas TenureNot ApplicableOne YearTenure Track / Tenure Application Date:
Campus Address/Building: / Room: / MSC: / Work Phone:
Supervisor: / Supervisor
Employee ID: / Supervisor Position #: / Supervisore-ID:
Conditions of Employment:
FOR PART-TIME INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTY ONLY  / Course #: / Section #: / Total credit/contract hours:
The average number of hours per week must be indicated here 
The projected total number of hours for this assignment must be indicated here 
Part-time employees are limited to working no more than 29 hours per week on average (a total of 1,500 hours maximum) over the course of the measurement period, May 1-April 30. Part-time hours are cumulative for all part-time work performed at JMU. / Hours per Week:
Hours Total:
Section V: Signatures
Budget Authority / Date / Phone / e-ID / Human Resources - MSC 7009 / Date / Phone / e-ID
Dean/AVP/Dir (If applicable) / Date / Phone / e-ID / Student Work Exp Ctr – MSC 3519 / Date / Phone / e-ID
Grant Accounting (If applicable) / Date / Phone / e-ID / Payroll – MSC 5706 / Date / Phone / e-ID
Vice President (If applicable) / Date / Phone / e-ID
Human Resources Use Only
HR: / Role Title: / Role Code: / Supervises Y/N / Restricted Y/N / Exempt/Non-Exempt
Effective Date: / Pay Band: / Approval: / Date:

Revised July 2014