St.Matthew’s CE (Aided) Primary School and Nursery Centre

Pupil Premium Action Plan April 2016 - April 2017 £144,870Funding

% accessing funding (including forces) based on 277 on roll R – Y6 44% / Pupil Premium Funding
April 2016/17 £144,870 £1,320 per pupil
£300 Forces per pupil / April £1,900 per Looked after child
103 FSM pupils 37% (including Ever 6) / 20 Forces pupils 7% (including Ever 3)£6000 / 1 CIC child(£633 Summer Term)
Action / Intended Actions / Monitoring /Outcomes
Assistant Head (SENCO) released from class to monitor impact of interventions and provision for SENDand Pupil Premium pupils throughout school. / Monitor and evaluate the impact of intervention programmes, and quality first teaching
Provide support and challenge to teaching and non-teaching staff in terms of their work with SEND and Pupil Premium pupils through providing training and modelling strategies, to secure good and better progress for vulnerable groups / The Assistant Headteacher (SENCO) has been fundamentally important to the raised performance in terms of attainment and progress and closing the gap between National and school figures unvalidated data 2016 indicates by the end of KS 2 the gap between the number of pupils attaining ARE and the national had been reduced in R,W,M, indicating PP funding is being well used by leaders to accelerate the progress of this pupil group to secure ARE.
To co-ordinate the different intervention programmes that run in school to accelerate attainment and progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics to support pupils in attaining age appropriate levels in all year groups.
Learning Mentors will be used to support the delivery of interventions focusing on identifying children working at the same level across year groups. / TAs will be used to effectively deliver specific intervention programmes to support the learning of identified PP pupils. These include:
  • Read, Write Inc – 1:1
  • Toe by Toe
  • Time to talk
  • Wellcomm
  • Speed Up Handwriting
  • Cool kids – EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Champion for vulnerable groups of children at heart of school leadership and management (also SENCO) will;
  • scrutinise performance and ensure impact
  • Analyse data and report to SLT and governors
  • Co-ordinate additional support.
  • Monitor effectiveness of provision and measure impact in liaison with assessment leader
/ Detailed analysis of data for all vulnerable groups completed – including FSM pupils will be completed half termly.
  • RWInc 1:1 Phonics booster – 85% (17/20) pupils attained National expectation for Phonics Screening.
  • Toe by toe boosted confidence in Reading as did 1-1 catch up with Read write inc.
  • All children accessing Time to Talk provision demonstrated increased confidence in communication attempts with adults and peers.
  • Speed Up – 53% (8/15) children who participated demonstrated increased in writing speed and improved cursive style of handwriting.
Detailed knowledge of where FSM children are in school and how they are performing was conducted termly.
Additional TA support is placed within the Reception and Reception Yr1 classes to support FSM/forces pupils entering EYFS at ability levels well below those expected for their age. Children who need extra support in terms of integration into school life, especially as they begin their school career. / Ensurethere is a high ratio of adults to children in the EYFS. 4 x qualified TAs are trained and coached effectively to deliver high quality Early Years provision to accelerate speaking and listening / numeracy skills (part funded by PP) / Attainment indicates there is still a gap to close at
ARE and ARE+
Monitoring of EYFS in house and moderation with other schools / LA to assess progress JE, SV attended LA moderation to quality assure judgements. All were agreed to be in line with other schools judgements.
In house moderation took place to ensure accurate moderation of EYFSP data.
Continue training of all Teaching Assistants/ Teachers within school in order they are fully competent to deliver intensive support to accelerate progress and raise attainment. / Audit of TA qualifications and expertise
Training in:
  • Read, Write Inc - Phonics
  • Read Write Inc - Language and Literacy
  • Grammar
  • LSAT training related to styles of learning and ways to encourage independent learning through the application of strategies and resources.
  • Marking - highlighting/target setting to close gaps in learning
/ TA’s developed greater knowledge of guiding learning in groups to lead to good progress
HLTAs chosen to deliver RWInc to identified groups of learners to ensure rapid and effective progress is made by pupils.
Key TAs chosen to deliver key intervention programs based on their individual skills. TAs moved class bases to ensure that those TAs with most experience and expertise were utilised to support identified groups of learners in specific areas.
PP Governor attend updates on legislation and disseminate to SENCO. / Pupil Premium training for 1 X governors and 3 Senior Managers with Traded Services: implications of funding, Data / Raising Attainment Planning , impact of provision on progress and attainment
Finance Team Training – value for money , targeted spending of PP grant / Governors increased knowledge of their responsibility and developed knowledge of key priorities for the academic year.
Governor attended meetings and developed greater knowledge of data, raising attainment plans and Pupil Premium with key members identified to take lead on PP, data and RAP documents.
Identify and address inclusion issues with targeted children identified to have significant social and emotional issues so that their behaviour does not become a barrier to their learning and that of their peers. Provision will enable children to function effectively in a mainstream class in the future without significant intervention.
Learning Mentors used to support the delivery of interventions focusing on developing social and emotional skills with identified groups of pupils. / Learning Mentors delivering Social and Emotional focused work:
  • Rocket Room 1x fortnightly
  • Worry Group 1x weekly
  • 1:1 provision 1 x weekly per child
Individual need will be reviewed half termly and where necessary new children will enter the programme/specific work identified.
Learning Mentors to complete Boxall Profiles for all children accessing group provision linked to social skills and development. Review and analyse impact of provision using the Boxall Profile data.
Learning Mentors to support in class for those children that need more focussed supervision.
SENCO and Learning mentor released to attend CAF, TAC and TAF meetings to identify ways to effectively support vulnerable children and families.
Consultation work delivered by the schools link Educational Psychologist: Helen Regan
Learning Mentor and Business Manager to work in liaison to target specific individuals and families with persistent lateness and absence.
SENCO to work closely with external agencies and parents to reduce the number of exclusions through ensuring appropriate provision is implemented for pupils.
Activities and extra-curricular activities such as Dance connections and Karate sessions used in order to engage disadvantaged pupils, raise self-esteem and develop positive learning behaviour. / 100% children demonstrated improvement in the majority of areas of their boxall profile demonstrating an increase in social skills and confidence.
Children that showed an increase in anxiety at the start of the school day now enter school in a positive manner ready to learn.
Those children that had more intense support on a 1:1 basis had parental meetings initially to improve home school communication. Targets were set and monitored.
Learning mentors arranged a number of parental meetings regarding attendance and punctuality. Not all meetings were attended by parents, but on these cases written communication was sent outlining the school policy around attendance and punctuality which outlined the next steps that the school would be taken.
Those meetings that were attended by parents has seen an improvement in that Child’s attendance and/or punctuality.
The learning Mentor and Business manager arranged parental meetings with the school nurse to try and put support in place for those children that parents have communicated that they have health issues impacting on their attendance. No parents attended these meetings.
Increased sessions of Karate have been introduced during the school day to engage more children and to promote positive behaviours.
Continue to accelerate attainment for looked after child in Y6, and those who are working well below national in reading. / To provide additional support in classrooms for identified PP children groups through intervention programmes:
  • Toe by Toe daily support
  • Read, Write Inc Phonics – 1:1 support
  • Fresh Start (Small group intensive tuition)
  • Beanstalk Reading Support 2x weekly (3 pupils).
Termly PEP reviews held to discuss progress with Telford and Wrekin Social Care Team to be attended by R. Wilson. / Regular meetings were held to ensure progress was being accelerated.
PEP reviews were held with Telford and Wrekin Council social Care team to review progress termly and to establish next steps and future targets.
ARE was achieved in the Reading SAT at the end of KS2.
Improveprogress and attainment of PP pupils in writing to at least in line with National expectations.
Focus will be given to all year groups to ensure progress is at least good and attainment is raised. / Identified pupils in Yr5 and Yr6 are accessing the Fresh Start programme daily.
Identified pupils in Yr6 are accessing English with an experienced Yr6 teacher, in a group of 1:8, to accelerate progress and raise attainment by the end of Yr6.
TAs provide intervention for PP/SEND pupils:
  • Toe by Toe daily support
  • 1:1 Read, write Inc phonics
  • Speed Up Handwriting
  • Beanstalk Reading Support 2x weekly (Yr6 – 3 pupils)
/ RW has monitored and assessed impact through analysis of data that has been shared with LMT and Governor Champion.
All pupils reintegrated back into class after making accelerated progress within Fresh Start and demonstrating ability to accessing Reading and Writing tasks at a higher level.
1-1Beanstalk volunteer reader to support 1 LAC
and 2 Yr 6 PP children. / Beanstalk voluntary reader 2 x weekly (Yr6 – 3 pupils)
Raise attainment in reading through the implementation, delivery and monitoring of Read Write Inc Phonics and Language and Literacy programmes.
Increase motivation and enjoyment of reading for different purposes through daily whole class reading sessions for the final 15 minutes of the school day. / Beanstalk – 3 pupils demonstrated increased confidence in reading following support provided.
Improve progress and attainment of PP pupils in reading to at least in line with National Expectations:
  • Key Stage 2 focus.
Focus will be given to all year groups to ensure progress is at least good and attainment is raised. / To provide additional support in classrooms for vulnerable groups. This will be achieved through the delivery of:
  • Read, Write Inc - Phonics
  • Toe by Toe
Y6 English booster club
Y6 Maths booster / The progress of PPG pupils in Reading continues to be an area of focus for the next academic year.
Whole school thematic approach to accessing reading linked more closely to curriculum topics is being trialled for the course of the Summer term with impact of raising standards in reading to be evaluated in July.
To ensure equal access for all children to additional experiences to enhance the curriculum / Residential offer to all pupils, subsidised where needed:
  • Y2 Kingswood Forest School
  • Y6 Arthog outward bounds
  • Music 2 the 4
  • Class day trips /visitors to school
  • University Trips
  • Transition project
All subsidised where needed linked to curriculum emphasis
Learning mentors to attend residential and class day trips where necessary to support vulnerable learners. / Termly summaries to Governors to analyse impact of pupil premium spending took place between RW, AC and GH.
Social, emotional, health and wellbeing opportunities raised confidence and provided pupils with a greater ability to face challenges and increase team building skills.
Ensure Speaking and listening skills are a priority for EYFS children who were underperforming and for language poor children throughout school. / Implement new language programme, ‘Welcome’ within Nursery / Reception to develop speaking and listening skills of learners.
Implement the programme: in the Reception Yr1 class to support the development of speaking and listening skills for those children now in year 1 who underperformed at EYFS.
EAL lead teachers to conduct language audit of children across school to establish language groups from Nursery – Year 6.
LSAT to support with the delivery of language training throughout school. / EYFS Leader / English SL / Assistant Head to assessed the impact of ‘Time to Talk’ and ‘Welcomm programme’ reported findings to governor champion through termly governor reports.
Children demonstrated increased confidence and appropriateness in communication attempts with others.
Increased participation in speaking in EYFS / Reception, increased attainment.
100% of Nursery and Reception pupils made accelerated progress in Speaking and Listening.
Support PP families identified as having difficulties through CAF / TAC/ TAF provision through additional provision / SENCO released for all CAF / TACs , encouraged to be held within school to build parent confidence and relations with school, transparent process.
Support in devising strategies to support at home and school / Families supported through the CAF/TAC process have demonstrated increased confidence in identifying and managing concerns raised and have now built positive relationships with school.
Barriers to learning have been removed through the implementation of individualised plans implemented effectively through external agencies working in cooperation and coordination with school and families.
Continue to access Psychological Support Service, and Core Behaviour Support Service / Enhanced training for staff and increased support for families / CAHMS involvement for children considered to be ‘at risk’ emotionally or with specific complex behaviours / Identified families continued to receive appropriate and valuable support providing structured support.
Identified pupils demonstrated more positive learning behaviour and are now accessing the curriculum within their own classrooms implementing strategies suggested by external agencies and through individualised support.
To improve attendance of PP children who have transport issues due to parent disability / sibling illness/ safeguarding issues / Breakfast club offered to PP children under TAC/TAF plan process to improve persistent lateness / Poor attendance / consistent lateness decreased due to the extended offer of before and after school provision.
Identified families continued to be supported by the FIT team with external agency involvement ceasing at the end of the academic year.
Persistent lateness diminished with identified children gaining greater access to a full day of learning.
The school attendance figure continued to remain above National.
Attendance improved. 63% of PP pupils (5/8 pupils) have improved attendance from the September 2016.
Learning Mentors will implement specific tailored support for LAC child to raise self-esteem levels, manage behaviours and build positive relationships. / Intervention planned in detail
Learning mentors to offer 1:1 interventions and/or group based sessions to address individual child’s need.
Half termly review of work conducted by the Learning Mentor – G. Hudson.
Termly review for PEP involve teacher in discussing allocated provision and how this is going.
Social Work Team regularly consulted to review school work. / Pupils identified and prioritised according to needs and tailored 1:1 sessions delivered to support.
Behaviour reward programme introduced to select pupils. Initially, there was a marked improvement but we are now challenging some behaviours as we increase the requirements.
Peer mediation sessions in year 6 have encouraged greater emotional resilience towards each other. Mediation has successfully supported parents and allowed for new collaboration.
Learning Mentors will lead dinner time activities and supervision to ensure children are engaged and ‘playing’ is being modelled to them. / Raise self-confidence and self-worth.
Develop perseverance and tolerance towards others
Learning mentor to monitor thecontinuation of the Year 6‘Peer Buddy’ scheme supporting KS1 at break times. Developing appropriate play and to encourage social skills.
KS1 playground to offer a variety of play equipment to encourage appropriate play and fitness. / The introduction of the ‘Peer Buddy’ scheme has seen a decrease in incidents of negative behaviour on the KS1 playground.
Infants have been encouraged to play appropriately shown through Year 6 children modelling expected behaviour.
The introduction of a football coach during lunchtimes 93 times a week) encourages KS2 children to play appropriately, following rules and instructions. This has also seen a decrease in incidents of negative behaviour during lunch times.
Continue to offer a subsidised Music tuition for keyboard, guitar, woodwind, flute and drums / To inspire and challenge children to develop their knowledge of musical instruments and their therapeutic benefits , encourage a greater degree of commitment to the arts / Pupils show increased ability to focus on a target.
Pupils are making significant progress musically and are developing the skills for group work.
Accelerate progress in mathematics, reasoning, basic skills and fluency. / Continuation of the implementation of daily ‘Big Maths’ timed ‘beat it’ sessions across school from Yr1 – Yr6.
Continuation of weekly arithmetic tests for all pupils from Year1 through to Year 6.
Success with Arithmetic delivered from September 2016 / Big Maths continues to raise the fluency of pupils recall of their times tables and addition facts.
Weekly arithmetic lessons continue to raise the children’s attainment and fluency in arithmetic skills.
Success with Arithmetic was successfully delivered to 8 pupils in year 5 and 6.
All pupils demonstrated increased attainment following the delivery of the programme.
Improve progress and attainment of PP pupils in Maths to at least in line with National Expectations.
Focus will be given to all year groups to ensure progress is at least good and attainment is raised. / To provide additional support in classrooms for vulnerable groups through intervention programmes:
  • Max’s Marvellous Maths
  • Numeracy Support Programme
  • Maths Booster sessions – Yr6
  • Success with Arithmetic delivered from September 2016
/ PP children are making at least good progress in the area of Maths.