RNA April 2008 Minutes
President Tyler Whitmire called the April 8th meeting to order at 7 PM
38 people were in attendance
Board members present: Jeff Bernheissel, David Drouin, Chad Ernest, Nancy Fredricks, Denise Gorrell, Melinda Palmer, Connie Pilcher, Lauren Schmitt, Jeff Selby, Peggy Sullivan, Tyler Whitmire, Catherine Wilson.
Volunteers present: Bonnie La Doe, Jane Rosenstein
Moment of silence was taken for board member Dorothea Van Duyn and her family in the death of her newborn child.
Minutes of March: Peggy S. moved and Melinda P. seconded approval.
Treasurer’s Report: We have $6001.63 in the bank and all bills are paid.
Additions to the Agenda: Item g. under current business Max Line representative. Item h. Officer police report from NE Precinct.
Spring Presentations: Recycling and Rebuilding
Jane Rosenstein updated us on the recycle changes that are about to occur. New roll cart containers will be delivered between now and June. All recycle materials can be combined with the exception of glass will continue to be placed in yellow bins. They still don’t accept paint, hazardous waste, and pesticides. The Master Recycle Program occurs two times a year, which takes hard o recycle items. The next one will be May 3rd.
Genesis of the Rebuilding Center (Our United Villages non-profit) presented next. She shared their history and development of the center. They are to be considered as a community resource. They create and facilitate neighborhood town hall meetings. She left handouts of acceptable items and services they offer. They are located at N. Fremont and N. Mississippi. They are open 7 days a week. 9-6 M-S and 10-5 on Sunday.
Current Business:
CNN Update: If interested in receiving Safety in the City newsletter, sign up. Also a request was made to the board to apply for a grant to cover translation. Chad requested the grant and Denise seconded. Motion carried.
Newsletter: David, Jeff and Melinda got the newsletter out in time for the April 1st delivery deadline. Neighbors were positive in remarks on the format, size and content.
Land Use update: (Tyler, Lauren and Denise) Imagine 82nd is the new organization replacing Think Outside of the Big Box. Portland State students are helping in the visionary process. It was reported that the property, now called Siskiyou Square had been sold but no other information was available. Denise is working with Lauren in helping lead the grad students. There will be a drop-in meeting at Banfield International Offices on April 10 from 5:30-8:30 for neighbors to give input to the students doing the study. It was requested that RNA donate $100 to the students to help cover in the cost of supplies. Lauren so moved and Peggy S. seconded. Motion carried.
Garage Sale: Jane R. updated. Jane, Jeff and Catherine are in charge. It will be held June 28 from 9-4. They encouraged neighbors o fill in the form and submit their $5. The committee will generate the map and make flyers. It will be advertised on Craig’s List and in the Oregonian.
Mural Project: Peggy Sullivan has been working on generating the interest. She is working with the RAC (Regional Arts Council). The owners of the Service Center (Ray & Judy) have provided their wall as a site. She is requesting community input. The RAC can match any amount RNA raises up to $7500.
The Process: Get community input, request artist roughs, submit them to the committee and have them decide. Decide on a budget and then begin raising the money.
Cleanup: Jane Rosenstein updated. It will be May 10th at Roseway Heights from 9-2. She needs volunteers to work. There are several shifts, volunteers can dump for free and lunch will be provided. Many items can be recycled.
John Elizalde of NE Emergency Food Program at Luther Memorial will be at the cleanup. They will be accepting food, clothing and cash. He encouraged neighbors to visit at 4800 NE 72nd Avenue.
Max Line: Denise updated. They are forming community work groups and need a representative from Roseway. They would report back to RNA. Volunteers were requested to fill the position.
Nathan Farney, Neighborhood Watch program coordinator requested Officer Ryan to come to our meeting to update us on Roseway crime report. The crimes were mostly non-person related and were property related (stolen vehicles, car break-ins, larceny and burglary. He would remain for neighbors to ask questions after the meeting.
New Business:
Banners: no report
PDXID meeting: Tyler reported the next meeting would be April 28th at 7:00. They will be setting up a business watch.
Base to Butte: Carter Cummings from Madison South announced the first annual walk would be held May 3rd. He encouraged everyone to sign up and participate.
Grant money for ONI covered under CNN report.
Kelly Duncan, Student Services Coordinator from ELS Language Center announced the information was available to host a home stay student and she would pass that information out to those interested in hosting a student.
Tyler adjourned meeting at 8:27 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Pilcher, Secretary