SEAPORT-E Contractor Information Registration Data
TeamMemberName: / Modern Technology Solutions, Inc.ExistingSeaPort-ePrime: / Yes
Address: / 4725B Eisenhower Ave.
City: / Alexandria
State: / VA
ZipCode: / 22304-4805
CAGECode: / 0X988
DUNS: / 807454640
EPOCName: / LisaMaltagliati
EPOCE-mail: /
EPOCPhoneNumber: / 703-212-8870 X158
AlternateEPOCName: / SeverinPichon
AlternateEPOCE-mail: /
AlternateEPOCPhoneNumber: / 703-212-8870 x169
LargeBusiness: / Yes
SmallBusiness: / No
SmallDisadvantagedBusiness: / No
WomanOwnedBusiness: / No
HubZoneRepresentation: / No
VeteranSmallBusiness: / No
ServiceDisabledVeteranOwned: / No
EmergingSmallBusiness: / No
8(a)Program: / No
TechnicalCapability: / Survivability and Effectiveness analysis for air vehicles. Assess the military utility of potential system upgrades in areas such as RF and IR signature reduction, electronic warfare system upgrades, sensor upgrades and weapons upgrades.
Tasking: / Use modeling and simulation to assess utility of air vehicle system upgrades.
FunctionalAreas: / Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
SubcontractingGoal: / The addition of MTSI-VA to our Seaport Team should have very little impact on our Subcontracting Plan or our Subcontracting Goals. The request for the addition of MTSI-VA is in anticipation of our response to Seaport-e solicitation #N0024-08-R-3153. MTSI-VA has specific experience in Air Force and Joint Air Force and Navy programs that are pertinent to the requirements in this solicitation. The expected effort for MTSI-VA in the eventual execution of this tasking is only for a couple man-years per year and expected to be in the order of $1M for this Task Order. This will have minimal effect on our current plans and goals for small business participation. This is for new work for our team, so no work will be taken away from any of our small business teammates.
PastPerformance: / ITT Modeling and Simulation
MTSI conducted mission-level analysis of Electronic Warfare systems for ITT Electronics. A detailed database of foreign radar system characteristics was developed. MTSI conducted analyses to determine EW system requirements such as power levels, number of simultaneous engagements, bandwidth requirements, receiver sensitivities, and bandwidths.
POC: Mr. Mitch Sparrow
ITT Electronic Systems
Electronic Warfare Systems
77 River Rd.
Clifton, NJ 07014
Phone: 973-284-4280