The Fine Print

The Newsletter of the Maryland Public Purchasing Association, Inc.

January/February 2009


Deborah L. Meehan, CPPB

The Holidays are fast upon us and the promise of a new year is on the horizon. I’m looking forward to 2009 for many reasons. I hope you are too! I can’t believe my term as MPPA President is nearly over. This is my 6th and final President’s Message this year. I will miss sharing exciting moments that touch my life with my friends and colleagues.

I thoroughly enjoyed serving you this year. As President of MPPA, you’re afforded many opportunities. The 1st thought that comes to mind is our meeting with the procurement group from Moldova. What a great day we had. I will remember it always. My 2nd thought and another MPPA accomplishment this year was the NIGP Region II Conference. Chairperson Suzette Moore and her group surely outdid themselves. Thank you, Suzette. We were also successful in recruiting Steve Ports to assist the MPPA Treasurer. Because this is such a busy office to hold, this back up has been a goal of the association for years. I must thank Steve for volunteering (on his days off) to assist the new Treasurer. The success of our Association is due to the people that volunteer to serve. MPPA is a respected and hard-working chapter. This is the reason NIGP has selected us to host the 2011 Annual Forum and Products Exposition.

Vice President, Mary Jo McCabe, was a tremendous support to me this year. I remember calling her frantically at a General Membership Meeting because I was late, and without skipping a beat she ad-libbed until I arrived. Thank you for your support MJ. We’ve had some laughs. I know you’ll do a wonderful job next year as our 2009 President. I’d like to thank our long-time Treasurer Donita Hood, who serves in a very challenging position for MPPA. Thank you Donita for always following the crowd with the checkbook. Nancy Smith is my unsung hero in her role as Secretary. Every email request, suggestion, follow-up, or when we were in need of a vote, Nancy was right there. She was an excellent Secretary to the Association, which would stand to reason since she is a well-respected purchasing professional. Nancy, I don’t know what I would have done without you. And finally, our Board of Directors always rose to the occasion. At the Board Meetings, we felt that we were making good decisions and progress. Thank you Karen Luther, Pat Tarpley, Maureen Dunn, Suzette Moore, and Pam Jones.

I appreciate the work of the Committee Chairpersons, especially Brian Synder for arranging the well-attended meetings, Darla Herbold for her successful recruitment efforts of new members, Sylvia Jacobs, Bill Davis, Brandi Naugle, Kathy Madary, and Jack Wall, who came out of retirement to assist me as Advisory Council. I salute you.

Congratulations to the incoming president and board members. I look forward to working with them next year. I wish you all a Happy Holiday and a prosperous and blessed New Year.

Deborah L. Meehan, CPPB

“Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it.” Sam Ewing


Brian D. Snyder, CPPO

The next general membership meeting is our Installation of Officers and Directors meeting and is scheduled for Saturday, January 24, 4:00 p.m. The location for the meeting is The Friendship Centre at BWI Airport, 7590 Friendship Road, BWI Airport, Maryland 21240. The facility is located on the upper level, back corridor, of the main terminal, between the Observation Gallery stairs and the Security Office. Parking is in the hourly garage and is FREE. Cost of the meeting is $40 for members and guests, payable by cash or check at the door OR via credit card at the web site Retired MPPA members may attend at no charge. Please make your reservations at MPPA’s website or by contacting Brian Snyder at 410-263-7944 or .

Social hour begins at 4:00 p.m. Appetizers include: hot crab dip, vegetable tray, and cheese tray.

Hot buffet dinner will be served at 5:00 p.m. and will include:

Roasted chicken Rice

Roast beef w/gravy Broccoli

Shrimp Creole Bread, Rolls and butter

Mashed taters Green beans

Soda/water Assorted cookies

Music to be provided by DJ Twin.

November’s meeting at Snyder’s was attended by 61 members, who voted for the 2009 Officers and Directors along with a bevy of proxy voters.

Future 2009 meeting dates and locations:

March 12 – Purchasing Month – Location to be determined

May 14 – Support Staff – Location to be determined

July 9 – Location to be determined

September - Date and location to be determined

November 12 – Location to be determined

Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome. Contact me directly.

Brian D. Snyder, CPPO

Facilities Chairperson

Darla H. Herbold, CPPO

MPPA welcomes the following professional purchasing practitioners who were accepted into membership at the meeting of the MPPA Executive Board on December 3, 2008:

Name: Theresa Ammons, CPPB

Title: Staff Buyer

Address:Baltimore County Purchasing Bureau

400 Washington Avenue, Towson, MD 21204

Phone No.: 410-887-3885
Fax No.: 410-828-7914
e-mail address:

Name: Dayle Deemer

Title: Staff Buyer
Address:Baltimore County Purchasing Bureau

400 Washington Avenue, Towson, MD 21204

Phone No.: 410-887-2495
Fax No.: 410-828-7914
e-mail address:

Name: Robert Howard

Title: Procurement Specialist I

Address: Department of Juvenile Services

11001 Frank Tippett Road, Cheltenham, MD 20623
Phone No.: 301-396-5152

Fax No.: 301-372-1839

e-mail address:

Name: Cathie Nash, CPPB

Title: Senior Procurement Officer
Address:Maryland State Retirement Agency

120 E. Baltimore Street 14th floor

Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone No.: 410-625-5656

Fax No.: 410-468-1704

e-mail address:

Name: Guy Werner

Title: Procurement Specialist

Address: Maryland State Retirement Agency

120 E. Baltimore Street 14th floor

Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone No.: Phone 410-625-5660

Fax No.: 410-468-1704
e-mail address:

Name: Gayle E. Mealy, CPPB

Title: Supervisory Purchasing Agent
Address: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

8201 Ardwick-Ardmore Road

Landover, MD 20785

Phone No.: 202-962-5538
Fax No.: (202) 962-5541
e-mail address:

Name: Tina L. Dagenhart

Title: Procurement Specialist I

Address: Washington County Purchasing Department

100 West Washington Street, #320, Hagerstown, MD 21740-4748
Phone No.: 240-313-2330
Fax No.: 240-313-2331
e-mail address:

7  New Members Approved for Membership.


Kathy Madary, C.P.M.


Please remember, if you’d like to forward information to be published (e.g., recent certification, promotion, etc.), please contact me at .

Annual Awards

Please plan to join us for the Installation of Officers on January 24, 2009. After everyone enjoys dinner and the new officers are installed, award presentations will be made.

Although we didn’t receive any submissions last year for the Buyer of the Year or Manager of the Year, now would be a great time to start thinking about the upcoming year. MPPA is very fortunate to have many dedicated and hard-working professionals who deserve to be recognized for their achievements. Please consider submitting yourself or your manager for this recognition. Last year submissions were due by the end of April. Deadlines have not yet been announced by NIGP for the 2009 year.

NIGP Assistance for Getting Certified

NIGP offers several tools to help prepare purchasing professionals pursuing certification. They can be found at the NIGP website under “Cert Prep Central,” and those tools include written prep materials, online self-assessments, and simulated exams. You can determine which areas need more review, and plan accordingly. NIGP suggests a six-month time period incorporating a variety of activities for the most successful outcome. Getting certified would be a great goal to set for 2009! Make a New Year’s resolution to get started on your path to become a CPPB or CPPO!

New Certification/Recertification

If you have recertification information or other certification information you would like to share or recognize, please let me know. These are the results of the first computerized tests.

CONGRATULATIONS to the following individuals:

New CPPB/CPPO (report from NIGP)

1. Laurie S. Checco, CPPB, Buyer I, Montgomery County Public Schools (October/November, 2008)

2. Joy R. Hamlet, CPPB, Procurement Professional, St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (October/November, 2008)

3. Maureen McFadden, CPPB, Procurement Specialist (October/November, 2008)

4. Andres David Olaciregui, CPPB, Procurement Specialist I, Montgomery County Government (October/November, 2008)

5. Frances M. Penner, CPPB, Administrative Officer I, Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (October/November, 2008)

6. Karen D. Reddersen, CPPB, Assistant Director of Internal Services, City of Salisbury (October/November, 2008)

7. Mark L. Winebrenner, CPPB, Agency Procurement Specialist, Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (October/November, 2008)

8. CeCe V. Clement, CPPO, Purchasing Manager, Howard County Public Schools (October/November, 2008)

9. Benjamin S. Hall, Jr., CPPO, C.P.M., Senior Buyer, Anne Arundel County Public Schools (October/November, 2008)

Recertification News


Take Advantage of Educational Aide Opportunities:

Currently, there are two types of educational aid available to members through MPPA, as follows:

(1)  The Stanley D. Zemansky Scholarship Program and (2) The Certification Exam Reimbursement Program.

Please visit the MPPA website to view the instructions and application for each.

Assistance from NIGP is also available through the Lewis E. Spangler Professional Development Foundation, which offers financial support to members as well as public procurement researchers. The Foundation relies on tax-deductible contributions, and you can get more information if you’re interested at

“March is Purchasing Month”

NAPM – Maryland, Inc.

PO BOX 133




December 28, 2008

Dear Fellow Professional:

It is my pleasure to inform you that the Officers and Directors of NAPM-MD, Inc. have endorsed the 22nd Annual Celebration of Purchasing Month in Maryland activity, scheduled for March 6, 2009.

The activity will be the premier event to officially promote Purchasing Month (March 2009) in the State of Maryland. This splendid affair is being held to emphasize the importance of the Supply Management Purchasing Profession and to recognize the vital role of the professional practitioner.

In addition to the luncheon, there will be vendor exhibits and three (3) seminars with a focus on Ethical Business/Procurement Practices, Supply Management Globalization and Buying “Green”. The overall activities will involve representatives from National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, National Association of Educational Buyers, Maryland Public Purchasing Association, and a number of representatives from the business and educational communities.

The activity is scheduled as follows:

Date: March 6, 2009, 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Place: The Rose Restaurant

6055 Belle Grove Road

Baltimore, MD 21225

The activity is recognized by the Institute of Supply Management. Those participants who attend all three (3) seminars will be granted continuance education hour points toward professional certification or re-certification. Certificates of achievement will be presented at the end of the activity. It is anticipated that the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing will also recognize the activity. I have enclosed a schedule of activities and a registration form.

As you consider your attendance, please remember that your presence will also attest to your support of the purchasing profession. In addition, your personal support will enhance the professional stature of our fellow practitioners and peers.

Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact William F Armstrong at 301-503-8936 or email . I look forward to seeing you on March 6, 2009 at Purchasing Month in Maryland.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


William F. Armstrong, C.P.M., A.P.P.

Chair, Purchasing Month Committee

“March is Purchasing Month”




Name: ______

Company: ______

Address: ______


Telephone: ______Fax: ______

E Mail Address: ______

Additional individuals to be registered








A. ______Early Bird (PRIOR TO 2/1/09), (Number of individuals) x $75.00 (full participation including three (3) seminars).

B. ______Registration after 2/1/09 (Number of individuals) x $100.00 (full participation including three (3) seminars).


I. Total: A-B= ______

C. ______(Number of individuals) x $35.00 (includes Exhibit Expo and Lunch) Registrations received after February 1, 2009, there will be a $10.00 late fee required for Expo and Lunch

II. Total: C ______

Check enclosed for total of ______(NAPM MD’s Federal ID #: 52-0789374)

Credit Card Payment ______Card Number

______Expiration Date

______Name As It Appears On Card

Mail registration form and payment to:

William F. Armstrong, 601 Concerto Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20901

NOTE: You may fax your registration form to: (301) 593-8871.

“March is Purchasing Month”


Cordially invites you to attend the Twenty-Second Annual Purchasing Month in Maryland Celebration.

WHEN: Friday, March 6, 2009

WHERE: The Rose Restaurant

6055 Belle Grove Road

Baltimore, MD 21225 (410) 636-0300


7:45 - 8:30 a.m. Registration with Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 9:40 a.m. Seminar #1

9:45 - 10:50 a.m. Seminar #2

11:00 - 12:30 p.m. Opening of Vendor Exhibits (FREE ADMISSION)

12:30 - 1:45 p.m. Lunch - Speaker: TBA

2:00 - 3:10 p.m. Seminar #3

3:15 - 4:00 p.m. Wrap-up, Silent Auction Results and Drawing of Door Prizes

Information and registration forms are available from William F. Armstrong, by calling (301) 503-8936 There is Free Admission to the Vendor Exhibit for Everyone.

MONTHS FOR PUBLICATION OF 2009 ISSUES: March, May, July, September, and November


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Please send all contributions to:


c/o William (Bill) Davis, CPPB – Administrator (Editor)

Maryland Department of General Services -

General Professional Services Selection Board

301 West Preston Street, Room M-6B

Baltimore, MD 21201

