Presentation Proposal Worksheet

Information to Consider

  1. Audience & Theme: Proposals are invited from forward-thinking leaders to present to 100+ HR and Benefits professionals from public and private higher education institutions across Illinois. We are looking for sessions broadly based on a theme of HR Today and Tomorrow: What does the future of Human Resources look like? What do HR practitioners need to know today to get there?
  2. Important Dates and Timelines: If you will be unable to meet these deadlines or do not have support from your institution or employer to present, please reconsider your decision to submit a proposal.
  • Proposal Submission Deadline: Preference given to proposals received by February 1, 2018, but will accept until sessions are booked.
  • Speaker Agreement Due From Selected Speakers: Within One Week of Selection Notification
  • Delivery of Presentation: May 24, 2018, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
  1. Costs of Presenting: If you are a selected speaker, you’ll be asked to share your knowledge without compensation. Additionally, you’ll be required to pay your own travel and lodging costs, if applicable. In some cases, reasonable travel cost reimbursement may be considered, please indicate requirements in your proposal below.
  2. By submitting a proposal, you acknowledge that you have read this information and agree to the terms.

Speaker Name & Info

Contact/Scheduling Person (if other than speaker)

Travel Estimate/Requirements
Limited funds for reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses may be available in some cases. Please indicate below if you are A) willing to cover your own travel cost, or B) require travel reimbursement in order to speak at our event. If you require reimbursement, please provide details and an estimate of costs.

Speaker’s Bio

Provide URL or enter speaker’s bio below. Please include education and certifications, as well as key experience. IL CUPA-HR will use this to obtain continuing education credit (SHRM and HRCI) for your session, if selected.

Speaker Samples

Provide URL(s) to sample work, such as YouTube videos, LinkedIn, personal website, or other location where samples of your presentations and/or recordings can be viewed.

Session Title

Provide a title for your session. Do not use abbreviations, acronyms or trademarks. The title may be edited by IL CUPA-HR to clearly reflect the content of the session or to fit constraints of promotional materials.

Please Note

Does the presentation primarily promote or sell specific books, products, services, or companies? If yes, your session will likely NOT be accepted. Please answer Yes or No, and explain if needed.

HR Today and Tomorrow

How does your session relate to a broad theme of HR Today and Tomorrow: What does the future of Human Resources look like? What do HR practitioners need to know today to get there? What HR or benefits challenge will this presentation address? What key takeaways will you share that will help HR/Benefits Professionals make an impact?

Session Outline

Provide an outline (max 1-2 pages) of your session covering the major objectives/topics/discussion points. (This information will only be used during the selection process and is not published.)

Session Format

Sessions can take a variety of formats but should be limited to what can fit into a 45-60 minute timeslot with time for audience questions. What is your session format? (check/bold all that apply)

 Auditorium – A speaker covers a topic in a traditional presentation format and invites questions from the audience.

 Case Study — A presenter interacts with an audience throughout to examine work situations and solutions.

 Round Table — A facilitator encourages the sharing of information within and among groups.

 Panel — A small group of presenters shares information with the audience.

 Role-Play/skit — Individuals act out situations to illustrate points.

 Other (please describe)

Will your presentation involve any active audience participation or activities? How will you actively involve participants? (e.g., interaction, conversation, Q & A, small group activity) Please note if any special tables or seating arrangements are needed.

Target Institutions of Higher Education

The Illinois Chapter of College and University Professional Association represents human resources professionals at public and private colleges and universities in the State of Illinois. Because all institution types are unique, it can be difficult to develop a presentation to benefit everyone. First think about how your presentation will benefit those from more than one institution type. Then select the institution types your session will benefit most. (check/bold all that apply)

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 Large Public Institutions

 Small Public Institutions

 Small to medium size business/companies

 Private Institutions

 Private Institutions

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 Large business/companies

 Two-Year Institution

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