Minutes of a meeting of Sefton RUFC Board: Tuesday19th November 2013.
Present: WFJ (Chair) RS (Minutes); AC; ASt; ASp; GP. Apologies: DL.
- Finance & Administration.
a)RS presented the current position on the bank balance and recent major expenditure, which were discussed. This included payment of an invoice to David Platt for £6358. WFJ reported that there was still approx £2.3k outstanding for DP’s summer work.
A lap top computer had been purchased for club use (£329.97) Kaspersky antivirus software had been installed free of charge as we’re Barclays customers. It may be necessary to purchase Office software as use develops, approx cost £100, which was agreed. The lap top would be kept locked up when not in use.
WFJ had received an estimate of £1200 for cutting down 4 trees alongside the bottom right pitch. This had been advised necessary by Abacus Lighting so as not to interfere with two of the floodlight columns. Board felt that this was expensive and agreed to seek further estimates. Due to conditions on the pitches it may also be necessary to wait until the spring for the work to take place.
b)Building Insurance Renewal: We are now in the second year of a three year deal with Club Insure Ltd. RS had paid the annual premium in a lump sum (£2065.31) after consulting with Board members. This gave us a considerable saving on monthly payments and was inline with what we decided last year. RS would ask ASp to check over the documentation included with the renewal to ensure all requirements had been met.
c)Annual Accounts Update:After the last meeting we had received a letter from Company’s House dated 18/10/13. It reminded us that we had only until the 28/11/13 to submit a copy of the company’s accounts for our first year of trading (29/2/12 to 28/2/13.
RS had visited John Harrild’s office to discuss our statutory requirements.
To give ourselves, and JH, more time to prepare accounts, and to align future returns to our existing accounting year (1st May to 30th April each year) the following course of action was agreed:
RS signed form AA01 – Change of Accounting Reference Date. This was submitted to move our accounting period to our existing dates.
JH has prepared and submitted a set of ‘dormant’ accounts from 29/2/12 (when the new company was formed) to 30/4/12. We did not trade in this period. We have paid JH’s invoice for this work (£144).
JH will continue to prepare accounts for the period 1/5/12 to 30/4/13. These should be finished sometime in December. JH will then submit these to Company’s House, which must be done before the end of Jan 14. We can then circulate them to the membership. RS will also have to submit a copy to Lancashire RFU.
The unavoidable delay has been caused by a combination of misunderstanding, family illness and the amount of new material being generated by our increased company activity.
RS has agreed to meet with JH early in the new year when we will discuss if JH wishes to continue as the Club’s accountant. Before this the Board will need to discuss what is the best for the Club.
d)Membership: Collection of both adult and junior membership was discussed. It was agreed by the Board that after 30th November, adults who had been playing but had not yet paid their membership, despite having ample opportunity, would not be selected to play.
The junior section was continuing with their team by team crackdown on membership.
e)Functions: A Christmas ‘charity night’ for the Tesco staff who assit with our bag packs was authorised for the 30th November. Busy day at the club, with three home games. ASp would organise staffing of the bar. Plenty of assistance would be required on the day as both ASp and RS are away. AC, as event sponsor, agreed to coordinate.
f)Training & Playing Player Injuries: An email the membership secretary (DB) had circulated was discussed. He had highlighted how many active players we had in the adult section for which we had no personal details. ASt and AC were requested to push ahead with their ongoing work on their respective systems.
g)Proposed Club Complaints Procedure: RS and GP are still working on two drafts that they hope to combine into one ‘best of both’ draft for Board approval. (Ongoing).
- Pitch/Grounds Maintenance:
a)Since the last Board meeting we have received official notification that we have been awarded the Sports England Grant to carry out the completed pitch drainage scheme. This is £50k towards antotal project cost of approx £54k. WFJ explained that the award comes with a lot of provisos. Major stumbling blocks could be restrictions on the use of the pitches straight after the work is completed and the payment of the VAT element, which is likely to be none recoverable. A legal charge would also have to be placed on the club’s land. WFJ is still working with various agencies and the Club’s solicitors (MBS) to answer some of the fine detail.
WFJ asked the meeting for agreement to accept the award in principal, while recognising that we might have to withdraw our acceptance if the terms and conditions attached, which are not fully known or understood, became unacceptable.
There was a detailed discussion on accepting the grant and it’s implications.
The Board thanked Bill for his continuing work on this complicated matter!
b)KG had asked the Board for guidance as in his capacity as CRC he is continually asked for access to our pitches for various games. WFJ had some specific details which were discussed. The Board then agreed that we shall continue to support our local schools, but we would attempt to avoid further commitments until the weather improved.
- Club Child Safeguarding Officer (CSO):
a)RS had met with JE, who had agreed to all the aspects of the Board proposal from the previous meeting. WFJ requested that Joe be invited to a Board meeting as soon as possible to brief the members on the Club’s responsibilities for Child Welfare. (RS to action).
b)Player Age Group Regulation:
Following several instances, and despite clear guidance to the contrary, players had been played out of their correct age group, including on one recent occasion when a player had actually been played up two age grades. Had an injury resulted to a player played out of their correct age group then the Club would find itself in an untenable position both morally and legally. There was a detailed discussion on the contents of RFU Regulation 15. After which the Board meeting agreed the following proposal.
‘That no player shall play out of their correct age grade group unless all aspects of Regulation 15, and its supporting guidance note are carried out and strictly adhered to’.
AC would be issuing hard copies of Regulation 15, its guidance note and the correct, up to date, playing Laws to Coaches/Managers from each age grade. Coaches/Team Managers not complying with all these requirements could find themselves subject to RFU and internal Club disciplinary proceedings. The Club itself could face sanctions.
c)Complaints Procedure:
The Board meeting discussed several recent complaints and internal disciplinary matters.
- Subcommittees:
ASt reported that we have indicated to the Northern Leagues that we wish to remain with 14 teams in our league, not reducing to 12.
AC. No additional issues to raise.
- Relocation: WFJ had previously circulated an email from LCC. No real progress to report.
- Other Urgent & Essential Items: None raised.
- Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10th December 2013. @ 6.30