THE MINUTES OF THEMEETING of strumpshaw PARISH COUNCIL held at Strumpshaw Parish Roomon Wednesday, 21stMarch 2018at 8.00pm
Alison Peart, Chairman
David Varley, Vice-Chairman
Steve Hearnden and Paul Dexter
5 residents
In attendance: Pauline James (Parish Clerk)
1. / Apologies for absence
Jacqui Flynn and Oliver Nicholson
District and County Councillor Andrew Proctor
2. / Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
Alison Peart, David Varley and Steve Hearnden reminded the meeting that they are trustees of the Strumpshaw Neighbourhood Trust.
3. / Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held17thJanuary2018 were agreed to be correct, and were signed by Alison Peart as Chairman of the Parish Council.
4. / Matters arising from the minutes
4.1 / Further correspondence was received re flooding in Chapel Road. The resident’s concerns were reported to Cllr Andrew Proctor and to the general NCC Highways address.
4.2 / A grant of £531.72 was received from the Transparency Fund for the clerk’s time managing the Parish Council’s website.
4.3 / The clerk sent the Parish Council’s objections to all the sites put forward for housing in the GNLP consultation.
4.4 / The clerk reported on the current proposals for the dualling of the A47 at North Burlingham. A flyover is proposed at the B1140 (White House) junction. Both Lingwood Road and Lingwood Lane would be closed where they join A47. This was noted.
5. / Police Report– information on the Police.Uk website showed:
December – 1 x other theft RSPB, 1 x anti-social behaviour Church Road
January - 1 x burglary in Long Lane, 1 x violent offence Low Road
6. / Public Participation
6.1 / District and County Councillor Andrew Proctor sent a report that there was now adequate land allocated for housing for the next 5 years.
6.2 / It was reported that there is a tree overhanging the footpath at the north end of footpath No: 17 off Buckenham Road. A resident offered to cut this back.
6.3 / There was a question about the Council’s objections to the land put forward for housing in the GNLP.
6.4 / There was a question about the plans for a footway along Mill Road which is part of the planning application for the new houses and village hall.
6.5 / There was a question about the Huntsman. No further information about improvements to flooding.
7. / Tree warden’s report and Buckenham Wood
Nothing to report.
8. / Community Room and Allotments
8.1 / Transfer of land to the Parish Council:
The Transfer of the land for the Community Room from Crabtree Living Ltd was agreed and was signed by Alison Peart and David Varley on behalf of the Parish Council.
David Varley will attend on site shortly to agree the boundary of the site with Crabtree Living Ltd.
Crabtree Living Ltd have signed a new S.106 agreement for the site. This links the agreed S.106 agreement with the new planning permissions. This was noted.
8.2 / A copy of a Deed of Release and Covenant dated 8th March 2018 has been received. This Covenant between the original owners, The Smiths, and the new owners, Crabtree Living Ltd., would have meant that solar panels could not be fitted on the new Community Centre. This restriction has been removed.
8.3 / Crabtree Living Ltd have suggested the name Mill Meadow for the road serving the 10 new houses. The councillors accepted this roadname.
8.4 / BDC requested a name for the Community Hall, which will be served from Mill Road. After some discussion it was agreed to call it Strumpshaw Village Hall.
9. / Correspondence
9.1 / It was agreed to support NCC’s proposal for aNorwich Western Link Road.
9.2 / Various correspondence was received about consulting on the proposal to add Strumpshaw Post Office to Longwood Post Office. This appears to have been cancelled subsequently.
9.3 / Correspondence about the listing of the War Memorial in St Peter’s churchyard was received but the councillors had no comments to make on the report.
9.4 / The clerk reported on attending the Practitioners’ Conference in Warwickshire, the Norfolk Conference in Swaffham, Health & Safety training in Cringleford and Word training in Norwich.
10. / Highways
10.1 / Paul Dexter offered to co-ordinate an appeal for volunteers to set up a Community Speedwatch Team in the villages. Six volunteers are needed in order to obtain the equipment and training.
10.2 / The temporary closure of Station Road in Lingwood was noted.
10.3 / It was reported that the fingerpost is broken for footpath no:17 off Buckenham Road and that the nameplate for Hemblington Road has been thrown in the nearby ditch.
11. / Planning
11.1 / Applications:
i)Mr & Mrs Batch, Land to the rear of 10 Norwich Road – erection of 2 dwellings and garages (20180330). It was agreed to object to the application on the grounds of over-development of the site and the likely increase in vehicle movements.
ii)Mr Adams, Olde Cottage, 1 The Loke – details reserved by conditions of outline PP 20171666 for subdivision of plot and erection of 1 new dwelling (20180378). There were no objections to the plans.
11.2 / Results from Broadland District Council:
i)Crabtree Living Ltd., land at Mill Road – residential development comprising 10 detached dwellings (reserved matters) (20171622) – reserved matters approval.
ii)Mr Hunt, land rear of Church Cottage, 2 Norwich Road – change of use from agricultural curtilage in association with 2 Norwich Road (20171945)–full approval. Garage to be incidental to the house and no further buildings may be constructed.
iii)Ms Varvel, Holly Lodge, Barn Hill – single storey side and front extension (20172069) –full approval.
iv)RSPB, land south of RSPB centre – access ramp and platform (BA/2017/0473/FUL) – Broads full approval.
v)RSPB, pumping station, Low Road – works to chimney, the engine house, moving of irrigation pump and landscaping (BA/2017/0496/FUL) – Broads full approval.
12. / Finance
12.1 / Receipts / £
Transparency Fund / Grant / 531.72
Pauline James: / Reimb. BDC bin collection / 171.08
Balance of expenses / 58.97
Total of cheque / 230.05
Salary Februarys.o. / 193.96
Salary Marchs.o. / 193.96
Acle PC / Share of expenses / 67.28
HMRC: / Income tax March / 49.80
Norfolk Pension Fund / Pension March – E’ees and E’ers / 71.14
S&H PCC / Room hire / 12.00
Balance c/f at 21st March 2018 / 295.60
Savings Account / 4,876.92
National Savings / 785.34
Total monies / 5,957.86
The above payments were authorised.
12.2 / The Financial Regulations, Review of Internal Controls and Risk Assessment were reviewed and adopted.
12.4 / John Gallop was re-appointed as internal auditor.
13. / General Data Protection Regulations
The clerk gave an update on training received. She will circulate various documents for consideration at the May meeting.
14. / Items for next meeting:
  • Exemption from external audit

15. / Date of the next meeting – Wednesday, 16th Mayafter the Annual Parish Meeting which starts at 8.00pm at Strumpshaw Parish Room.
16. / Co-Option of New Councillor–deferred until the next meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.56 pm.
Signed:………………………. 16thMay 2018

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