PTA Meeting020315
Present Officers:
Annie Gutsch
Erin Sorce
Betsy McPherson
Trish Perry
David Nuss
Annual Fund right at $80,000, so just about at goal for $85,000. Income sources still coming in monthly.Core group made up difference.
Restaurant Nights are doing well. We are a little behind the curve.
Kitchen Next Door want to do fundraiser.
Contact Troy re restaurant night. Will provide a donation from every diner who comes in.
Grocery Cards doing well $1200 monthly.
Sponsors have provided approximately $6000 toward AR. Have about $10000 more coming in for a total of $16,000.
Would like to keep auction stuff separately tracked.
Missoula increased by about $1000 this year. Maybe steer toward curtain fund?
$235,000 is the total we are shooting for—Beth wants to give a talk at Auction about Annual Fund. Present paras and give a face to the amount. Want to make sure that we maintain our quality of education. 20% of staff funds comes through PTA. There may be push back because some of the money we are holding could be used for infrastructure—kilns, curtains, etc. Last year cut paras’ hours and bought $13,000 iPads. Not everyone is going to be happy. Maybe pitch in FR newsletter so that it doesn’t kill the party mood. Maybe get up at multicultural night where arts are being presented. Maybe show what you’re buying: teachers/infrastructure. Best impact was at potlucks so sounds like good idea. Betsy will run it by PTA before presentation. Maybe show “possibility gap”: what we lose/get depending on amounts.Push value of both new parents and old. Rainy day fund because of possible budget cut. Happened on year. Lost almost an entire year of funding. Keep a year’s buffer on hand in case.
Paddle raiser: The bond is covering into main stage curtain. That lowers overall goal. May be good to let people know that city is covering some of the costs.
Jim Johnson: real estate developer. Decided to do something completely out of the box so packed kids in a motor home and went on a year-long road trip. Did it again last year. Wrote book about first journey. Daughter is now in 4th grade. Wants to know if we can use book to leverage some type of fundraising. First 50, 100%, second 50, 50%, some sort of thing like that. Do have publishing contact here at school that may be able to hook up and figure something out. Speak with Jody? Do signing? Order form in backpack? Do preauction? Auction committee wants to front burner auction. Summer launch? Wants to do it before DP/Tattered Cover picks it up and it takes off.
Auction: looks very exciting. There is a wide-range of price points: Bookies gift cards, class gifts $15-$25, garden plot, cakes and cookies, some very small items, then mid-range: toys, brick drive, fencing, camps, proms, mix parties, lawn parties, valets, cleanses, dinners, ticket to Annies; then large: trip to Paris, Vail Ski patrol, behind the scene Denver Zoo, Bronco experience, Marriot points, VIP tours, etc. Very much a wide selection of experiences and items. PTA should arrive at 6:00. Nametags will be provided. Auction will be open a week prior to the actual event. Facebook functionality. Ticket subsidies/comps. Invitations to future families.
Field Day: Are we going to do that this year? Maybe at Browell? Tie it into school tour. Jody is already doing VIP tour in auction. Up to 10 people. Reserve Congress Park? Want to give new parents and 5th graders the experience.
Dates to Remember:
Multicultural Night: February 5, 5:00
Kids’ Art Mart: February 11, 3:00
4th Grade Movie Premiere: February 19, 7:00
Next PTA Meeting, March 3, 6:00-7:00
Auction: March 21, 6:00
Spring Break: March 27–April 5