School-Based Planning Team Meeting Notes

Date:January 19th, 2017

Conference Room 149

Roles for Meeting: Facilitator:

Present: Mr. Gigante, Ms. Roman, Mr. Fleche, Mrs. Desiato, Ms. Lawrence, Ms. Whalen, Mrs. Atkins

Excused-Mr. Krug and Mr. Vacca

Meeting Convened:4:00PMMeeting Adjourned 5:00PM

Extended day for exam week / Mrs. Atkins / Teachers can run review classes during exam week and they will be compensated with the extended day board resolution funds.
PD Approval-Restorative Practices Planning and Learning Circle / Mrs. Atkins / Approved
How are we progressing on our SCEP steps
ex; mission and vision / Mrs. Atkins / We need to come up with incentives to the students and staff to help implement the steps in our SCEP plan. For example; if a student can recite the vision statement when asked they will receive a free ice cream coupon. It was suggested that business cards be printed and given to the students to put in their ID holders to have it available to read if asked.
Individual attitudes and contributions to our school environment, climate and relationships with our students / Mrs. Atkins / Staff should be giving drops to each other to let them know someone is thinking of them. Every Friday should be black and gold day. Students and staff should be encourage to wear black and gold.
Dividing up responsibilities for DTSDE Review / Mrs. Atkins / DTSDE-stands for diagnostic tool school and district effectiveness. We will be having our review March 28th-March 30th. Each SBPT member has been sent a copy of our 2016-17 SCEP plan in order to prepare the documentation that is needed for the review.
Math move / Mrs. Atkins / Mrs. Atkins is looking into implementing this innovated way to learn math concepts through the use of mats. SAS funds will be used.
Recruitment Night/Game Night / Nora Roman / Mrs. Atkins was going to check with Mr. Krug and Ms. Lee-Monds to see if their seniors would like to present their PIG papers to the families that attend recruitment night on January 31th from 5PM-7PM. The seniors will be given community services hours if they participate.
The Juniors and the PTO will be having a game night. This will be a fundraiser for the juniors.
There is an entry for families. This included a piece of pizza and a drink. There will be snacks for sale. The PTO is donating a gift card to be raffled off to the families.
Word Wall 2nd Semester / Mrs. Atkins / Mrs. Atkins would like each classroom to have a word wall. We will start this in April. Teachers will be grouped within their disciplines to come up with 2 to 3 words. The top 12 words will be pick. After the words are picked we will implement the word wall. Each week there will be a word of the week that needs to be used daily.
Miscellaneous items / Mrs. Atkins / Mrs. Atkin’s is currently searching for an ELA teacher to give our students extra support
The SBPT team meeting will be held early in February (Feb. 9th) because of the upcoming February break and DTSDE review