Comhairle Chontae Longfoirt

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council

held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on Wednesday, 15th November 2006 at 3.30 p.m.

PRESIDING:Councillor Paddy Belton, Mayor.

MEMBERS PRESENT:Councillors – Larry Bannon, Gearoid O Bradaigh, Seamus Butler, Mick Cahill, James Coyle,

Adrian Farrell, Martin Farrell, Sean O Fearghaile,

Donncha Mac Gleannáin, Victor Kiernan,

Maire Ni Giolla Bride Harcan, Luie McEntire,

Alan Mitchell, Martin Mulleady, Peadar O Murchu, Michéal MacCnáimhí, Peggy Nolan, and

Barney Steele.

APOLOGIES:Councillors Frank Kilbride and P.J Reilly.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager.

Mr. Tommy McDonald, Head of Finance.

Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services.

Mr. James Clarke, Director of Services.

Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services.

Mr. Terry Rooney, A/Director of Services.




Mayor P. Belton proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended to Ann Norris on the death of her mother.

Mayor P. Belton proposed and Councillor L. Bannon seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended to the Hall and Dooley families, Ballymahon on the death of

John Hall.

Councillor J. Coyle proposed and Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended to the Reilly family, Kilasonna, Lisryan on the death of

Tommy Reilly.

Councillor S. Butler proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended the McCormack family, Longford on the death of

Noelle McCormack.

Mayor P. Belton also associated himself with the votes of sympathy.


On the proposal of Councillor M. Nevin seconded by Councillor M. Cahill,

the Minutes of Special Meeting of Longford County Council held on

16th October 2006 were confirmed and adopted.

On the proposal of Councillor L. Bannon seconded by Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin,

the Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council held on

18th October 2006 were confirmed and adopted.


The County Manager’s Orders, which had been circulated, were noted.


Minutes of Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meetings held on the 26th June 2006, 24th July 2006 and 25th September 2006.

The Minutes of Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meetings held on the 26th June 2006, 24th July 2006 and

25th September 2006, which had been circulated to the members, were noted.

Planning Applications

The list of Planning Applications which had been received since the previous meeting of the Council was submitted and noted.

Recommendations from Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy Strategic Policy Committee.

Scheme of Letting Priorities, as amended.

On the proposal of Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin seconded by Councillor M. Nevin, the following recommendation from the Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy Strategic Policy Committee was adopted:-

  • Scheme of Letting Priorities, as amended.

Sub-committee – Review County Development Plan.

Councillor A. Mitchell proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that the membership of the Sub-Committee to commence the review of the County Development Plan be as follows:-

  • Mayor.
  • One Fine Gael member from each Area Committee.
  • One Fianna Fail member from each Area Committee.
  • One independent member.

It was agreed that the item be placed on the Agenda for the January meeting of the Council when the names of the members of the sub-committee will be known.

Progress Reports on E.S.B. Connections.

The Director of Services informed the meeting that there are no housing developments waiting connection. One rural dwelling is waiting connection.

Notice of Motion.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor A. Mitchell and seconded by Councillor P. Murphy:-

“That the Planning Department give a report on its policy and practice in dealing with planning applications for telecommunication masts and the Council policy on co-location of masts and antennae.”

The Councils policy in relation to telecommunications masts is as set out at 7.9 in the County Development Plan. Co-location is encouraged in all cases. Following a lengthy discussion it was unanimously agreed to forward a resolution to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government requesting an amendment to the Planning and Development Regulations limiting the number of antennae that can be affixed to an existing mast to five, without seeking planning permission


Letter dated 16th October 2006 received from the Office of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in connection with the provision of water and sewerage services in County Longford.

Letter dated 16th October 2006 received from the Office of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in connection with the provision of water and sewerage services in County Longford, which had been circulated to the members, was discussed.

The members requested that the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government be asked to approve, as quickly as possible, the five schemes that are currently with the Department.

Proposed Bye-Laws to regulate the uniformity of the size of headstones in Council owned Graveyards.

Copy of report on proposed Bye-Laws to regulate the uniformity of the size of headstones in Council owned Graveyards was circulated to the members.

Councillor A. Mitchell proposed and Councillor P. Murphy seconded that this item be deferred to the December meeting of the Council to allow the members an opportunity to examine the proposed bye-laws.

Report on the quality of drinking water in County Longford.

A report on the quality of drinking water in County Longford was circulated to the members.

Mr. T. Rooney, Acting Director of Services and Mr. D. Tubridy, Senior Engineer, replied to queries raised by the members.

Notices of Motions.

Laying of Pipes at Connolly Crescent out to Templemichael College.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor P. Nolan and seconded by Councillor A. Mitchell:-

“That this Council prioritise the laying of the necessary pipes at Connolly Crescent out to Templemichael College, provided for under Stage 6 and provide the expected completion date, as urgent work planned by Longford Town Council is being held up.”

A technical review took place with the Consultants Nicholas O’Dwyer for Stage 6 on Wednesday 8th November regarding phasing of pipe laying works. The Longford Town area including Connolly Crescent out to Templemichael College will be commenced as a priority under the contract as well as other areas of work highlighted by the Town Council Engineer.

It is expected that these works will take place in the first half of 2007 with the surfacing works to follow on later in the year. Co-ordination of works between Water Services & Environment Directorate and the Town Council will be ongoing.

Sewerage Pumping Station on Moigh Road, Ballymahon.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor B. Steele and seconded by Councillor M. Cahill:-

“Can I have an Engineer’s report on why the new sewerage pumping station on Moigh Road, Ballymahon is not clearing and so it is causing a smell.”

Following complaints from Councillor Steele regarding odours from the Moigh Road Pumping Station, Longford County Council jetted all the sewers in the area. Also the cut-in and cut-out points for the pumps were adjusted to reduce residency time for effluent in the sump.

However, the problem persisted on a periodic basis and also presented itself at the

inlet to the WWTW. Effluent samples were taken on one occasion at the Pumping

Station and at the inlet works of the WWTW.

The sample analysis is inconsistent with normal sewage and exhibits the characteristics of some form of slurry, possibly pig slurry. This leads us to the conclusion that someone is discharging effluent illegally at some point on the sewer network flowing into the pumping station. At this point we have no idea of who is doing this or where exactly it is being done.

Vacuum Sewerage System for Ballymahon.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor B. Steele and seconded by Councillor M. Cahill:-

“When is it envisaged that the new vacuum sewerage system can be extended to areas around Ballymahon?”

Councillor Steele was informed that there are no plans regarding the construction of a vacuum sewerage system in Ballymahon.

Supply of Water to Longford from Lough Forbes.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by Councillor A. Mitchell:-

“As a proposal is being discussed at the moment to pump water from Lough Ree to supply Dublin and perhaps beyond, what is the Council’s view on the effect long-term on the supply of water to Longford from Lough Forbes.”

The recommended strategy proposed by Dublin City Council on behalf of the Greater Dublin Area Local Authorities gives priority to the requirements of local catchment users at all times. Consequently there is no restriction on potential users either upstream or downstream. Modelling studies have included full provision for Shannon catchment users up to 2031 and beyond. The studies demonstrate that sufficient water exists for all potential users.

Provision is made in the proposal for additional supply to Longford if required. Ballymahon water supply district is approx 12 km from the proposed treatment plant and projected future demand of 5Ml/d could be made available. Discussions have taken place between RPS and Longford’s Consultants Tobins in respect of potential supplies.

At present all the indications are that there will be no negative effect on the supply of water to Longford from Lough Forbes.

Councillor Murphy expressed concern regarding the effect this proposal will have on the supply of water to Longford from Lough Forbes in the years ahead.


Minutes of Transportation, Road Development and Maintenance and Road Safety Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on the 30th May 2006.

The Minutes of Transportation, Road Development and Maintenance and Road Safety Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on the 30th May 2006 which had been circulated to the members was noted.

Disruptions to Traffic in Longford Town.

Councillor S. Butler queried the closure of Main Street in Longford town, on two consecutive nights, by private contractors working of behalf of Longford County Council. The Gardai and officials from the Council were not notified in advance of the closure. The members criticised the lack of information about day to day updates on proposed street closures in the town.

The County Manager and Director of Services apologised for the incidents and they will endeavour to ensure that this does not occur again. The Senior Engineer met with the Superintendent of the Gardai that afternoon regarding disruptions to traffic in the town.

The members also requested that Great Water Street be opened up to two way traffic, as soon as possible.

Presentation by Mr. Gerry Murtagh, Senior Executive Engineer, on the revised policy regarding Road Opening Licences.

The following forms were circulated at the meeting:-

  1. Application for Licence for Opening to Roads, Footways and Verges.
  2. Licence to Open Road, Footway or Verge.
  3. Notice of Commencement of Works.
  4. Application for Refund of Deposit.
  5. General Conditions for Road Openings.

Mr. G. Murtagh, Senior Executive Engineer, outlined in detail the general conditions for road openings, under the following headings:-

Investigation of Services.

Works Restriction Period.

Health & Safety Requirements.

Traffic Management.

Road Reinstatement Specification.

Certificate of Completion.


Road Opening/Reinstatement Charges.

Mr. Kilgallen and Mr. Murtagh replied to queries raised by the members.

Various amendments to the policy were suggested by the members.

On the proposal of Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin seconded by Mayor P. Belton, it was agreed that the revised policy regarding Road Opening Licences, incorporating amendments proposed by the members, be presented at the December meeting of the Council.


Notices of Motions,

Grant for the Colmcille Ploughing Association.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor L. McEntire and seconded by Councillor J. Coyle:-

“That this Council increase allocation under Special Grants from €500.00 to €2,500 for the Colmcille Ploughing Association. This is a wonderful benefit to the County, but expensive to run and is something that is part of our heritage.”

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services, stated that Councillor McEntire’s request will be considered for inclusion in the “Grants to Voluntary Bodies” Scheme in 2007.

Screening for Deafness in New Born Babies.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor P. Nolan and seconded by Councillor S. Farrell:-

“That the three representatives to the H.S.E. seek to have screening for deafness in new born babies put in place at Longford/Westmeath Hospital, as the maternity facilities at this hospital cover the midlands. This would be in the interest of early detection and intervention.”

It was agreed that the Council write to the Department of Health and Children requesting that funding be allocated for this facility at the Longford/Westmeath Hospital.

Councillor G. Brady stated that he will bring the matter to the attention of the Dublin-Mid Leinster Regional Health Forum.

Iarnrod Eireann - Upgrade of Rolling Stock.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor P. Nolan and seconded by Councillor S. Butler:-

“That this Council contacts Iarnrod Eireann with regards to the upgrade of rolling stock on the Sligo to Dublin rail line, following the Chairman’s report stating that, while promised for 2007, it has now been put back until 2009.”

Councillor L. McEntire requested that the motion be amended to include the following:-

“That adequate carriages are provided on the early morning train to Dublin”

It was agreed that the Council write to Iarnrod Eireann regarding the upgrading of the rolling stock on the Sligo to Dublin rail line and the provision of extra carriages on the early morning train to Dublin.

Protective Fence between the River Inny and the New Playground on Workhouse Road, Ballymahon.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor B. Steele and seconded by Councillor L. Bannon:-

“That a protective fence be put up between the River Inny and the new Playground on Workhouse Road, Ballymahon.”

Councillor Steele was informed that the provision of a protective fence will be considered in conjunction with the proposed development of a playground at this location.

Register of Electors.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor A. Mitchell and seconded by Councillor P. Murphy:-

“That the Executive give this Council a report on the preparation of the Draft Register of Electors, detailing how the draft was prepared and indicating the numbers of additions and deletions and the findings on the accuracy of the previous register.”

Mr. Sheridan outlined the details of a report on the preparation of the Draft Register of Electors 2007/2008, which was circulated to the members.

The County Manager referred to a letter which he had received earlier in the day from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government requesting local authorities to hold clinics and /or open days up to and including 25th November to attract and facilitate people who have not engaged fully with the registration process so far.

Officials in the Council are actively looking at ways of carrying out an additional publicity campaign in County Longford.

Issuing of Agenda and Supporting Documentation to the Media Prior to Council Meetings - recommendation from Corporate Policy Group

Mayor P. Belton proposed and Councillor S. Butler seconded that the Agenda only be forwarded to the media prior to Council meetings.

Address by Mr. Mike Magan, Chairperson, Lakeland Dairies Co-operative Society Ltd., on the proposed closure of the Longford Store.

It was noted that Mr. Magan had a prior engagement and was unable to attend at today’s meeting.

It was agreed that the Meetings Administrator would contact Mr. Magan to ascertain if he would be in a position to address the members at a later date in the month.

Ballymahon Library.

The County Manager informed the meeting that the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government had issued approval to proceed to Stage 3 of the project.

Proposed Closure of Glanbia plc.

Councillor S. Butler proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that the County Managers of Longford, Roscommon and Leitrim County Councils request the management of Glanbia plc. to sell the premises in Rooskey to Enterprise Ireland for the provision of an industrial park.


Public Liability Claims.

It was noted that one public liability claim had been received by the Council during the month of October 2006.

Consideration of Excess Expenditure in 2006.

On the proposal Councillor S. Butler seconded by Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin approval to Excess Expenditure in 2006 was unanimously approved.

Notice of Motion.

Extra Allocation of Funds to Complement Clar Funding.

Councillor A. Farrell requested that the following Notice of Motion be withdrawn from the Agenda:-

“That extra allocation of funds be provided in next year’s Budget to complement Clar funding.”


Letter dated 12th October 2006 received from the Office of the Minister for Health

regarding a proposed meeting in relation to primary health care in Longford was


Letter dated 19th October 2006 received from Mr. Jim Reilly, Local Health Manager, Primary, Community & Continuing Care, Longford/Westmeath Primary Care Unit regarding MIDOC Service in Longford was noted. It was agreed that the new location of the MIDOC unit needs to be advertised in the media.

Letter dated 3rd November 2006 received from the Office of the Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government regarding the official opening of Granard Fire Station on the 8th February 2007 was noted.


On the proposal of Mayor P. Belton seconded by Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin, the following Conferences were considered suitable for attendance by Members of the Council:-