April 22, 2015
/ Lisa Holscher, IASWCD / CCSIMeg Leader, ISDA
John Young, Cass NRCS
Talia Tittlefritz, Wabash River Enhancement Corp
Kristen Clason, Wabash River Enhancement Corp
Angie Garrison, Hamilton NRCS
Leah Harmon, ISDA
Ashley Hammac, Purdue / CCSI
Ben Lambeck, Fountain NRCS
Susannah Hinds, NRCS Area Office
Gene Matzatt, Purdue Extension
Geneva Rawlins, ISDA
Mark McCauley, Hamilton SWCD
Notes by: / Lisa Holscher
- Advanced Cover Crops Training
- Still a lot of review
- Lori Hoagland presentation on soil ecology was the most interesting
- Need to stick with NEW topics
- Structure seemed to work well; Really like the hands-on
- Great info on WLEB / Stone Labs (April 9 in Ft Wayne – Gene Matzatt)
- Summer Workshop Updates
- Ray Archuleta
- June 23rd – MAY be part of Farm Management Tour in Jay Co. UNKNOWN
- June 24th – Henry/Hancock Co – Workshop
- June 25th – Reclaimed Minelands Field Day, Sullivan County
- Roger Wenning
- August 12th – Dave Brandt, Jim Hoorman
- Hoorman MAY also do event in SW
- Ray Weil
- August 18th – Beef House w/ Bob Barr, Mike Starkey, Jack Maloney
- August 19th – LaGrange – Will also pull in MI and OH; Field Day Setting, soil pits, etc
- August 20th – Arnholt Farm, Bartholomew Co – Field Day setting, Soil Pits, etc
- Will do one large press release for the events; Will have targeted press releases / flyers for individual events/series
- Other Upcoming Events
- Susannah H. is working on Small Farm / Soil Health Field Day in June; May have a grazing component
- June 24th – Diagnostic Training at Pinney; similar to the ACRE events;
- September 9th – Diagnostic Training at Pinney
- Wabash River Enhancement Corp – Deer Creek Sugar Creek
- WREC is managing Section 319 grant for Carrol Co SWCD – Grant ends January 2016
- Deer Creek / Sugar Creek watershed is located in Carroll, Cass, Miami, Tippecanoe, and Howard Counties
- Have just distributed $150,000 in cost share
- Mostly cover crops
- Pretty evenly distributed over watershed.
- Contractually required to have 2 workshops.
- Goal – Make sure recipients are successfuland will continue to use cover crops w/o financial assistance.
- Bus Tour
- Have farmers who would be interested.
- Suggested visiting w/ Dan Perkins, Jasper SWCD, and Ben Reinhardt, Clinton Co SWCD about how their Soil Pit tours were organized.
- Consider giving option of following tour in private vehicles.
- Suggest working with DCs; SWCDs to locate good stops
- Would want speakers on the bus(es) – Susannah Hinds, Kerry Smith, Brandy Dagget (All NRCS) and Ben Reinhart would be good suggestions – local to the area; ready to step into these roles.
- Timing – Consider LATE fall and replicate in Spring (CCSI would pledge support to keep the momentum going)
- “Traditional” Field Day
- Were discussing Cass Co; Location in / around Deer Creek
- John y. will work with DCs, Cameron Mills to try locating potential place
- Perhaps have summer-seeded plots in place (think after wheat). May require
- Timing – LATE August
- Content
- Consider Jamie Scott as a “how to” speaker; Cameron Mills also good.
- Consider having Tillage / Cover Crop Transect Information Available
- Consider having Jordan Seger / Justin Schneider and/or others talk about Indiana efforts w/ EPA – role model of voluntary implementation of best practices; avoiding regulation.
- Notre Dame 2-stage Ditch program in Howard and Kosciusko Co.
- Got application, but had to cut 1/3 of $$.
- Kosciusko had 60% +/- of watershed in cover crops before ran out of funds - 3000-6000Ac in drainage area.
- Delaying start in Howard Co for 2 years.
- Once people were aware of project, it snowballed.
- Might use $$ to put on a super-targeted workshop in Howard Co. (Need clarification here)
- Plots
- Soil Pits
- Case studies from actual farms
NEXT Teleconference – May 27th