Minutes of a meeting of Walton Parish Council held on Friday 20th September 2013 at 7.30pm in Walton Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs John Evans (Chairman), Jonathan Fowler, Simon Wood, Tom Brocklebank, T Alan Armstrong and Austen Davies.

Apologies: Cllr Gordon Kyle and City Councillor S Bowman.

642/13 / Minutes Of Meeting Held Monday 9th September 2013
Resolved that the minutes of the last Parish Council held on 9th September 2013 be agreed and signed as a true record by the Chairman with the removal of the word “overwhelming” in minute 629/13. The minutes to be amended and initialled by the Chair accordingly. / JE
643/13 / Requests for Dispensations
No requests had been received.
644/13 / Declarations of Interest
No declarations were made.
645/13 / Public Participation/Reports From City/County Councillor
There were no members of the public or other Councillors present.
646/13 / Lime Trees
It was noted that some of the lime trees had been pruned by parishioners due to their concerns over road safety (permission had been informally granted for one tree). The potential insurance pitfalls of this were discussed and it was agreed that any future pruning by volunteers would not be permitted. It was agreed that it would be of little benefit to prune the trees in the Autumn with the leaves already dropping therefore it was resolved to have the lime trees crown uplifted in Spring 2014. Prices will be obtained for the March meeting to be agreed. The cost of having the trees pruned in a staggered rota is to be looked into as is the date of when the next risk assessment is due.
647/13 / 13/0566 – Overdale, Walton, CA8 2DH - Erection Of 1No. Single Storey Dwelling
Resolved to object to this application due to the limited access and also due to the potential threat of householders building dwellings in their gardens which may lead to a loss of character and over-crowding in the village. / CLERK
648/13 / 13/0684 - Land between Overdale and Roman House, Walton, Brampton, CA8 2DH
Clarification was required as to whether the access to this property was included in the Village Green register. Councillors had no objections to the conversion of the property and as such would not make any representation on that however if the access land was deemed to be Village Green it would be necessary to object. Resolved to investigate the access to the property and respond appropriately. / CLERK
649/13 / Sports and Physical Activity Day
It was noted that the Play Area Group were providing the Parish Council with a subsidy to enable the provision of a Sports and Physical Activity Day on 31 October 2013 (TBC). Resolved to agree expenditure of £75 for the scheme to be provided by the Cumbrian Sports and Physical Activities Alliance Foundation. Publicity will be provided in due course.
650/13 / Receipts
The following receipts were noted:
·  £75 Walton Play Area Group (donation to be used towards activity day 31st October 2013)
·  £500 Cumbria County Council (donation towards roof repairs)
·  £500 Cumbria County Council (donation towards boiler)
·  £250 Walton Play Area Group (donation towards camping arrangements)
·  £400 Walton Play Area Group (donation towards future play day to be arranged)
·  £192.50 Walton Village Hall (reimbursement of planning fees in previous financial year)
651/13 / Payments
Resolved that the following payments be authorised:
·  £2212.65 S Kyle (reimbursement for boiler)
·  £75 Cumbrian Sports and Physical Activities Foundation (activity day 31st October 2013)
·  £66 Grafix Signs (play area signage)
652/13 / Councillor Matters
No matters requiring future agenda consideration were raised.
653/13 / Date Of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 11th November 2013 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 19.59.

