Present: Cllr J. Harrison (Chair), Cllr B. Lenthall (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Brown,
Cllr K. Brown, Cllr D. Bradbeer, Cllr J. Jackson. Clerk: L. Mackley.
SCC Cllr J. Thorne, V Hall Committee Chair J. Richards,
D. Royle, S Pankhurst, A. Jeffery.
Chairman Cllr J. Harrison opened the meeting at 6pm and welcomed all present.
3299:Apologies for Absence: Ann Finchett
3300: Declarations of Interest: Cllr C Brown – Village Hall, Cllr Harrison – Almshouse Trust
3301: Casual Vacancy: There remains a vacancy for Councillor. There have been no volunteers for the position. The post would continue to be advertised and the Parish Council would remain at six members for now.
3302: Minutes of Meeting Held 2nd January 2018. The Minutes were published and circulated prior to the meeting. They were agreed and signed as an accurate record.
3303: Matters arising from those Minutes.
- The defibrillator is now fully operational and registered with the Ambulance Service. Training sessions are still to be arranged and details would be circulated. The cabinet will need fortnightly checks e.g. that opening, charging and lit properly. Cllr Jackson agreed to be a keyholder with a second ideally being a member of the VH Committee.
- Parsons were aware that their quote for the artificial goalmouth had been accepted and work would commence once ground conditions improved.
- Village Gateway – still pending with SCC.
- Village Hall drain – Phase 1 by the door was complete and working well, even with recent melting snow. Phase 2, to fit a shallower grate in the slabs was ongoing.
- Cllr Harrison understood the container fencing to be acceptable to Nigel Furniss. It would cost an additional £500 to fence the remaining sides but it was agreed by all to leave it as is. Having been advised that he could not make a personal payment to the builder for this work Cllr Harrison presented a cheque for an equivalent donation of £300 to Parish Council funds.
- Cllr Harrison circulated information on three types of Speed Indicator Devices (SID).These ranged from £2500-£3000 with additional costs for insurance, £400 per head to train at least two volunteers, annual service costs. A County Council SID rental scheme for Parishes is being developed at £100 per installation period. Pitminster Parish is interested in this. The devices only make people aware and do not result in prosecutions. The current site at Newton Lane is poor. Cllr C Brown explained that Highways don’t respond to the high readings. The average speed in 2015 was 39mph and more recently 40mph. It is an expensive project if it fails to change driver behaviour or result in action from Highways. Cllr K Brown stated that recent traffic counts showed approx 5000 daily vehicle journeys through the village, a 10% increase in two years. It was agreed to consider the SCC scheme once final costs were known, with many Parishes still to express interest.
3304: Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting held 20th February 2018.(A358)
Cllr Harrison thanked Cllr K Brown for all his work in regard to the Highways Consultation and the Clerk for preparing the Minutes. The Minutes were published and circulated prior to the meeting. They were agreed and signed as an accurate record.
3305: Matters arising from those Minutes.
The PC in their response to Highways England had expressed concern about a ‘mix and match’ route option and that the PC was unable to fully comment on this without a full description. If such a route was the final proposal a further consultation would be demanded. The submission and Minutes are accessible on
Cllr Thorne clarified that the A358 scheme would fall within the 2020-2025 Roads Improvement Strategy period as works are not due to commence until 2021. The Stonehenge scheme is within the current period so that high cost would not directly impact on the % available for the A358. The Southfields roundabout/Ilminster by-pass was originally for 2020-2025 so may be affected by the inclusion of the A358 instead. The budget for 2020-2025 has not been set.
3306: S106 – Remaining funds and proposed expenditure.
With £500 earmarked for the goalmouth the remaining S106 is £8854 for ‘active outdoor recreation’.TDBC has confirmed improvements to the hall parking area can be covered by S106 as it is increasingly used by people engaging in outdoor activity. No recent like-for-like quotes for TDBC had been obtained for the final proposed scheme, to include surface, gate and fencing, but it was expected to cost £2000-£3000. Cllr C Brown commented that this was an interesting u-turn by TDBC as they had previously been opposed to a new car park.
Cllr C Brown repeated his previous suggestion of outdoor exercise equipment or an artificial cricket wicket. Cllr Harrison stated that exercise equipment had previously been rejected because of lack of space on Queen’s Acre. Cllr C Brown had obtained a quote from Parsons for a 32m wicket, with moveable netting/stumps, in excess of £8000. Cllr Lenthall expressed concern this would complicate mowing QA. Cllr Bradbeer questioned why people could not use Pitminster’s nets bearing in mind Corfe has no cricket team. Cllr C Brown was thinking about Corfe’s younger generation and looking to the future. Cllr Jackson expressed concern that this could increase traffic and visitors from outside Corfe as has happened with the play area. It was agreed it was a costly project for a small village. Cllr C Brown would discuss further with Parsons in regard to mowing.
Cllr Jackson raised a previous suggestion of a roadside path on the southern side of the village to complete a circular route via Pickeridge. Cllr Lenthall thought there would be insufficient land as the roadside dropped away. There had previously been steps and a route from Brook Farm to the 9th hole when the Golf Club was much smaller but no official right of way exists now. When the Blackdowns project was commenced Cllr K Brown had also raised this possibility but it was rejected by the landowners, Corfe Estate.
Sheila Pankhurst raised concerns that recent expenditure had been focussed on the younger generation, disproportionately so for the size of the village.
Parishioners’ opinion on all these aspects of expenditure would be subject of a mail drop questionnaire.
3307: Newton Court/Compass Developments – road surfacing.
Cllr Harrison had spoken to Compass and the road surfacing/final adoption was now a matter for TDBC and Corfe Estates under Section 38 Highways Act 1980. Adoption should be within one year of the sale of the final property i.e. April 2018. Compass had recently written to Newton Court residents.
Cllr K Brown explained that whilst the PC has no powers here he will obtain a copy of the Compass letter and if in 6 months time there has been no movement then a letter will be sent to TDBC and Corfe Estate with a view to resolving the situation.
3308: Speedwatch Coordinator Vacancy/SID.
Cllr C Brown stepped down as Coordinator in March 2017 in part due to total frustration with Highways. Since then he has acted as coordinator of information received on this matter only. It was agreed by all that the Speedwatch portfolio was no longer needed whilst the future of SIDs remained undecided. Cllr K Brown stated there was no evidence of Police support for the village speeding issues. Cllr C Brown apologised if it appeared he was washing his hands of Speedwatch but having given it 9 years he had not appreciated the Chair’s emails criticising him for lack of engagement etc. The Chair stated he writes and says what he feels and if that upsets anyone he is sorry. Cllr C Brown and his family had been very upset as the Chair’s emails had been copied to all the Councillors causing him humiliation.
Cllr Lenthall suggested this was not the place for such discussions and Cllr C Brown said he would discuss it further under AOB. The Chair said he was looking forward to it.
3309: Reports of Portfolio Holders
Planning: Cllr K Brown. (1)A fresh application had been received for Chapel Cottage’s porch but it was hard to identify any changes. There was no reason for the PC to change its support as no local objections had been received.
(2) Yealm House – substantial front extension. It is tucked away but a significant addition to an already large property. No online objections to date. No planning notices had been seen outside. The drawings were inadequate and gave no suggestion of how the retaining wall and higher ground levels would be integrated. Difficult to object on planning grounds related to visibility. The PC would monitor local comment.
(3) The field opposite Pickeridge Farmhouse where planning for an agricultural building was refused is now being used for unauthorised activities in contravention of that refusal, accumulating piles of dumped debris and materials. It resembles fly tipping and the PC will notify TDBC planning enforcement and the AONB. Cllr Lenthall stated that a tree had been felled and the entrance splay widened. Cllr K Brown described a case in Pitminster where the unauthorised storage of building materials resulted in a permanent builder’s yard on the site of an Ancient Scheduled Monument. Cllr K Brown would liaise with the Clerk and write to TDBC, Cllr Williams, AONB.
Highways: Cllr Lenthall. Several potholes had been reported – opp. Chapel Cottage, Heale Lane, Mill Lane. Cllr Lenthall is due to meet with Highways re a crack appearing on Corfe Hill. Cllr Harrison thanked Cllr Lenthall for all his help clearing recent snow.
Rights of Way: Cllr Bradbeer has cleared footpath near Quoits and footpath signs. Ann Jeffery had kindly organised the clearance of brambles by the black poplars to the rear of Newton Lane and Cllr Bradbeer would monitor this in the future.
Website: Cllr Jackson had publicised the defib across social media. Back payments for web advertising had been received and ads removed for those companies that have not paid.
Village Hall: Cllr C Brown. A committee meeting took place on 19th January and Minutes are published on the website.He thanked David Royle for his stalwart efforts in running the Flower Show, with 2018 being his last. Sheila Andrews will take over, requiring volunteers to assist her. He also thanked Judith Richards as new Chair. It is proposed to modernise and install an additional ladies wc and swap the locations of the disabled wc and storage cupboard. Hall funds would hopefully cover this but if costs are high then the PC will be consulted. Quotes will be obtained. Cllr C Brown and Darren had cleaned all the hall ceiling lights of debris. The exterior of the hall was discussed. Arrangements are in hand to repaint with the assistance of painter/decorator Darren volunteering his labour for free. The roof gullies and guttering should be cleared of moss etc. Judith will be introducing a programme of development for the hall, with maintenance costs being supported by fundraising. The curtains/blinds for the patio doors are on the next VHC agenda.
There will be a large screen on QA for the Royal Wedding on May 19th with the possibility of also showing the Cup Final. The committee will meet four times a year with all Minutes being published. Judith expressed her hope that the Committee and the Parish Council will work together with mutual trust, harmony and transparency for the benefit of the village, acknowledging that all are volunteers with busy lives and family should come first. Cllr C Brown thought insufficient praise was given for the hard work of the VH committee. Cllr K Brown stated that the recent AGM of Corfelifts saw many positive comments about the hall’s recent facelift.
3310: Finance.
Payments pre meeting: £300 S.Callow, container fence. £126 Mountstephens Electricals, defib elecs. £79.53 SALC fees. £1006 Heartstart, defib.
Income received: £70 website adverts, £1371 S106 defib refund, £300 Allotments Society grant for QA. The Clerk had written to thank them.
VAT to reclaim: £186.91. Payment to make: Clerk £227.80 – wages and refund postage costs.
FINAL BALANCE: £10869.56.
On behalf of the Fete Committee the Clerk and Cllr Lenthall requested the purchase of a marquee/shelter for Fete and QA use. The Committee has researched various new and used options and the Councillors unanimously agreed to spend £1000 from 2017’s fete funds.
3311: Report from County Councillor John Thorne.
Speedwatch: entirely a Police matter, they can view the SID data and this may result in the deployment of the mobile speed cameras etc.
SID: If the SCC scheme goes ahead each SID will cost the Parish £100 per period, maximum four p.a. If the scheme is not implemented the old SIDs may be given away as they are too old/unreliable to sell.
A358: The formal response by SCC was a little disappointing, containing reference to ‘a mix of two options’ without clarity as to what was preferred.
Gateway: No progress has been made, whilst the Small Improvement Schemes should have been signed off in February, there are 100+ proposals under consideration.
Potholes: £1.2million available countywide for repairs. Public can report potholes via their website,
Budget: Council Tax is to increase by 2.99%, maximum possible without a referendum. Adult Social Care, SCC’s largest single expenditure at 42% of budget will increase by 3%. Per property: £1.30 increase per week. £13million savings required in 2018/19.
Blackdown & Neroche Division: Ongoing consultation to rename to reflect inclusion of areas of Wellington.
AONB: Management Committee Meeting postponed to 22/3 due to the snow.
Children’s Services: Ofsted Report has changed from “failing” to “ requires improvement”. Target is “good” upon next inspection.
Schools: 23 to be built or extended over next three years, costing £120million.
Single-use Plastics: report due in the autumn.
Road white lining: Non essential works delayed because of weather/finance due to restart in April.
Road Safety Strategy Consultation: Aim is to achieve an outcome of no deaths or serious injuries on Somerset’s roads. Measures could include 20mph limits, one way routes, pedestrian schemes and cycle routes.
County Hall: ‘A’ Block will be vacated to allow 16 month programme of modernisation.
Ultrafast Broadband: Deeply concerned about lack of progress from Gigaclear. This will be brought back to the Scrutiny Committee in April/May.
- Councillor Thorne welcomed email enquiries. To facilitate his attendance at other meetings it was agreed to allow flexibility to the order of the agenda.Cllr Thorne left the meeting.
3312: Correspondence:
SID Briefing Event was postponed until 14thMarch because of the snow, unfortunately meaning noone can now attend.
Members of the public left the meeting.
3313:Any Other Business.
Cllr Lenthall thanked Cllr Harrison for his donation to Parish funds.
Cllr Harrison outlined repairs to the play area highlighted in a recent inspection. Playquest had quoted £1100 for repairs to the log steps/balance beam/OXO game. In stark contrast Taunton Deane Open Spaces, the contractors for TDBC quoted £139 to repair the same items and to fix replacement parts for the baby swings, acquired by Cllr Harrison from the original installers at no cost. The OXO game should be decommissioned as it doesn’t conform to current safety standards. It was agreed to inform them to go ahead. The area would be closed whilst the work took place. The Parish would undertake wood treatments before the summer. Cllr Bradbeer had recently tied up the broken swings and raked the chippings surfaces and he would continue to make regular checks and report back. A RoSPA playground inspection training course, details of which had been circulated by the Clerk, was deemed too expensive.
The remaining members of the public left the meeting.
Cllr C Brown described how the Chair’s emails to him had become increasingly personal to the extent that he and his family had been caused considerable upset. He reminded everyone of the Code of Conduct recently circulated by the Clerk which statesyou must treat others with respect, not bully any person ('offensive, intimidating, malicious, insulting or humiliating behaviour based on abuse or misuse of power') and not intimidate or attempt to intimidate
Cllr C Brown put it to the Chair that his emails constituted bullying. The Chair stated he knew exactly what he’d written and why should he admit it or back down, that Cllr Brown had signed up and needs to tow the line. Cllr Brown questioned what that meant. The Chair stated “get involved”. Cllr C Brown explained he had contributed as Councillor for 10 years and that the Chair had belittled and insulted him by suggesting otherwise. The Chair stated he was only saying what he felt and Cllr Brown should stand up and be counted. When Cllr Brown asked the Chair if he picks on other councillors he stated he had no need to.