
February 4, 2013

6:00 PM

A regular meeting of the Leeds City Council was called to order by Mayor Lloyd Himle on February 4, 2013, 6:00 pm at Leeds City Hall. Present were Council Members: Pete Ritterman, Kyle Nelsen, Terry Westphal and Linda Himle. Also present were city employees: Nicky Ritterman, Kari Follman, Edythe Nelsen and Justin Nelsen. Also present was Sherriff Rohrer.

Present in the gallery were: Betty Anderson, Raphael Keller, and Loren Knutson.


New Deputy: Marc Haaland. No problems to report.

Public Hearings:

Betty Anderson is bringing another house in to town, would like to pursue vacating a short north-south alley. She will need to get permission from property owners on each side before Council will pursue the issue.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Linda Himle to approve account modifications to WSG accounts #298 and # 234. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Linda Himle to approve raffle permit for the Harlow VFW. All in favor, motion carried.

Auditor's Report:

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Westphal to transfer $7000 from the General Fund to the Highway Fund to cover amount paid out of Highway Fund for lawnmower loan payments. Motion carried.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Linda Himle to approve January minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

Old Business:

The City would like the Leeds Lutheran Church Council to appoint a representative to come to the next Council meeting to discuss issues regarding the City owned portion of the cemetery.

Terry Westphal will be in charge of ordering six iPods for the City Council to use for meetings.

Auditors will call Donnie Malchose to get quotes for a new computer for the City Office.

Justin Nelsen will be attending the Water Expo in Bismarck February 11-14 and will try to find information on funding sources for water tower maintenance. Jady Stuberg will be watching the water tower in his absence.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Linda Himle for Lloyd Himle and Kari Follman to obtain 3-year financing for the new City pick-up at United Community Bank in Leeds. Motion carried.

New Business:

Ritterman made a motion to run an ad in the Benson County Press for the old City pick-up to be sold as-is on bids, seconded by Nelsen. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Nelsen to approve raffle permits. Motion carried.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Linda Himle to approve account modifications to WSG account #80. Motion carried.

Ritterman made a motion, seconded by Westphal to have the City Auditors fill out the 2013 Audit Report and have an outside party review the report. Motion carried.

Motion made by Ritterman, seconded by Westphal to pay the entire premium of $5000 owed to UCB Insurance Agency. Motion carried.

Public Works Superintendant:

Dakota Tree wants to get in the Dump Ground, they are trimming trees for Ottertail. Justin Nelsen will open the Dump Ground and Ritterman Trucking to give them pricing for snow removal so they can get in.

Ritterman made a motion to give Public Works Superintendant second part of his 2013 pay raise. Motion seconded by Westphal. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ritterman, seconded by Nelsen to approve payroll & accounts payable. The motion carried. The bills are as follows:

Accounts Payable:

B & H Oil $122.33

Benson County Press $142.56

Benson County Sherriff $200.00

Diane Hoffmann $21.87

Doubleday Book Club $59.43

H.E. Everson $216.95

Hawkins $729.52

Leeds Airport Authority $6995.23

Moller's Inc. $245.43

Mr. Chad Nelsen $863.11

Mr. Justin Nelsen $75.00

Mrs. Bonnie Himle $48.75

Mystery Guild Book Club $59.42

ND Rural Water Systems $190.00

ND Water & Pollution Control Conf. $40.00

NDTC $179.52

Northern Plains Electric $676.50

Ottertail $2812.56

Payroll-Jan 2013 $5206.81

Rugby Sanitation $3921.60

Tracy's Market $6.19

United Community Bank $1857.18

USA Bluebook $1887.98

USA Bluebook $77.22

Visa $323.94

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 by Mayor Lloyd Himle.

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Leeds City Council

March 1st, 2013