Republic of Croatia


2007 – 2009



September 2007


glossary 5




1.1.1. Socio-economic context 9

1.1.2. Policy context 17

1.2. Community Strategic Framework 29

1.2.1. Coherence with EU and national strategic documents 29

1.2.2. Lessons learned from ongoing and previous EU assistance 32

1.2.3. Concentration of assistance 33

1.3. Partnership consultations 37

1.4. Ex ante evaluation 40

2. Assessment of medium term needs, objectives and strategic priorities 42

2.1. Socio-economic analysis 42

2.2. SWOT analysis 55

3. Programme strategy 58

3.1. Priority axes and measures 60

3.1.1. Priority Axes 61

3.1.2. General selection criteria and process 64

3.1.3. Measures under Priority Axes 64

3.1.4. Indicators for Priority Axes and Measures 74

3.2. Horizontal issues 79

3.3. Complementarities and synergies with other forms of assistance 80

3.3.1. Coordination and coherence with assistance provided under other IPA components 81

3.3.2. Coordination and coherence with previous EU assistance 84

3.3.3. Coordination and coherence with other donors’ assistance (IFI) 91

4. Financial tables 95

5. Implementation provisions 99

5.1. Management and control structures 99

5.1.1. Bodies and authorities 99

5.1.2. Separation of functions 106

5.2. Monitoring and evaluation 107

5.2.1. Monitoring arrangements 107

5.2.2. Management Information System 108

5.2.3. Monitoring System and Indicators 108

5.2.4. Selection of operations 109

5.2.5. Sectoral annual and final reports on implementation 109

5.2.6. Evaluation arrangements 109

5.3. Information and publicity 110

5.3.1. Introduction 110

5.3.2. Requirements 111

5.3.3. Activities 111

5.3.4. Indicative budget 112

5.3.5. Management and implementation 112

5.3.6. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting 113

5.3.7. Partnership and networking 113

5.3.8. Internet 114

Annex 1 - County data related to socio-economic development 115

Annex 2 - Legal acts regulating the regional development policy in Croatia 122

Annex 3 - Croatian definition of SMEs as compared to the EU definition 124

Annex 4 - Legal acts regulating Croatian SME Policy 125

Annex 5 - Government programmes administered by the Business Innovation Center (BICRO) 126

Annex 6 - Map of assisted areas in Croatia 127

Annex 8 - List of partners at the partnership consultations for the RCOP 129

Annex 9 - Pipeline of projects elaborated in 10 counties designated as lagging BEHIND REGIONS under the Regional Competitiveness OP (February 2007) 131



Summary of regional Competitiveness Operational programme

Introduction to the OP Regional Competitiveness

Within the overall aim of ensuring that the relevant institutions of the Republic of Croatia achieve readiness for eventual EU membership and develop institutional capacity and practical experience with the management of investments similar to those co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme (RCOP) shall serve as a basis for using the EU pre-accession assistance for the purpose of achieving the strategic priority of promoting social and economic cohesion within Croatia, based on an improved overall competitiveness. The Operational Programme (OP) does so in accordance with eligible areas defined in the IPA Implementing Regulation[1] and the priority areas identified in the Multi-Annual Indicative Programming Document (MIPD)[2] for Croatia.


ASSC / Areas of Special State Concern
BICRO / Business Innovation Centre of Croatia
BIOCentar / Biosciences Technology Commercialisation and Incubation Centre
BIOS / Business Incubator Osijek
BRI / Business Related Infrastructure
CADSES / Central European Adriatic Danubian South-Eastern European Space
CAP / Communication Action Plan
CARDS / Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization
CARNet / Croatian Academic and Research Network
CBC / Cross-Border Cooperation
CBS / Croatian Bureau of Statistics
CEA / Croatian Employers Association
CEFTA / Central European Free Trade Association
CEPOR / Centre for SME and Entrepreneurship Policy
CFCA / Central Finance and Contracting Agency for EU Programmes and Projects
CIP / Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
CODEF / Central State Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds
CSAOeC / Central State Administrative Office for eCroatia
CSG / Community Strategic Guidelines
DFID / Department for International Development
EC / European Commission
ECD / Delegation of the European Commission
ECI / European Creativity Index
EIA / Environmental Impact Assessment
EIB / European Investment Bank
EICs / Euro Info Centres
ERDF / European Regional Development Fund
ESF / European Social Fund
EU / European Union
EURATOM / European Atomic Energy Community
EUROSTAT / European statistics
FDI / Foreign Direct Investment
FP6 / 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
FINA / Croatian Financial Agency
FP7 / 7th Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
GDP / Gross Domestic Product
GERD / Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D
GfK / Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung
GLP / Good laboratory Practice
GTZ / Office for Economic Co-operation of the Republic of Germany - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
GVA / Gross Value Added
HAMAG / Croatian Agency for Small Enterprises
HBOR / Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development
HGK / Croatian Chamber of Economy
HIS / Croatian Innovation System Council
HIT / Croatian Institute of Technology
HITRA / Croatian Program for Innovative Technological Development
HOK / Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts
HRDOP / Human Resources Development Operational Programme
HSZ / Croatian Co-operatives Association
HUP / Croatian Employers Association
HUP / National Centre for Clusters
I3 / Institute for Informatics Innovation
IBRD / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICPR / Investment Certification Program for Regions
ICT / Information and Communication Technologies
ICT PSP / Information and Communication Policy Support Programme
ILO / International Labour Organization
IMO / Institute for International Relations
INTERREG / Community Initiative concerning Interregional Co-operation in the EU
IPA / Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
IPARD / Integrated Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development
IPR / Intellectual Property Rights
IRCRO / Research and Development Programme (BICRO programme)
IRCs / Innovation Relay Centres
ISO / International Organisation for Standardisation
ISPA / Instrument for Structural Policies for pre-Accession
IWG / Inter-Ministerial Working Group
KONCRO / Business Competitiveness Upgrading Programme (BICRO programme)
LAU / Local Administrative Units (original, fr. Unités Administratives Locales)
MAFWM / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
MELE / Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
MEPPPC / Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
MFWVIS / Ministry of Family, War Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity
MIFF / Multi -Annual Indicative Financial Framework
MIPD / Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document
MIS / Management Information System
MoFAEI / Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
MSES / Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
MSTI / Main Science and Technology Indicator
MSTTD / Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development
NAO / National Authorising Officer
NCHE / National Council for Higher Education
NIPAC / National IPA Coordinator
NPAEU / National Programme of the Republic of Croatia for Accession to the EU
NSC / National Science Council
NSF / National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development
NUTS / Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques
OECD / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OP / Operational Programme
OS / Operating Structure
PHARE / Pologne et Hongrie - Aide á Restructuration Economic
PPP / Public Private Partnership
PPS / Purchasing Power Standard
PRAG / Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions
PSP database / Permanent Database of Foreign Assistance
RAZUM / Development of Knowledge-Based Enterprises (BICRO programme)
RCOP / Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme
RDAs / Regional Development Agencies
RDI / Research Development Initiatives
RIA / Regulatory Impact Assessment
ROPs / Regional Operational Programmes
R&TD / Research and Technology Development
SAA / Stabilisation and Association Agreement
SAPARD / Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development
SCF / Strategic Coherence Framework 2007-2013
SDF / Strategic Development Framework 2006-2013
SIPO / State Intellectual Property Office
SMEs / Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
SMC / Sectoral Monitoring Committee
SSSH / Union of independent trade unions of Croatia
STP / Science and Technology Project
SWOT / Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
TEA index / Total Entrepreneurial Activity index
Tec Park Net / Technological Park Net
TEHCRO / Technology Infrastructure Development Programme (BICRO programme)
TEMPUS / Trans - European Mobility Scheme for University Studies
TEST / Technology-Related Research and Development Programme
TIPA / Trade and Investment Promotion Agency
TQM / Total Quality Management
UNDP / United Nations Development Programme
USAID / United States Agency for International Development
VENCRO / Venture Capital Programme (BICRO programme)
VET / Vocational Education and Training


Map 1: County (regional) self-government units in Croatia 11

Map 2: Counties in which 50% and more of surface area is classified as Area of Special State Concern 33

Map 3: NUTS II regions in Croatia 34

Map 4: Assisted areas: Areas of Special State Concern, Hilly-Mountainous Areas and Islands 124

Table 1: Number of Enterprises (1996-2006) 12

Table 2: Selected indicators of entrepreneurial activeness: Croatia in European perspective 13

Table 3: Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D as GDP % 14

Table 4: Total intramural R&D expenditure by sector performance 15

Table 5: County territory classified as Areas of Special State Concern (ASSC) 32

Table 6: Comparing SME and entrepreneurship data across counties 47

Table 7: Share of Foreign Investment Enterprises (FIE) in manufacturing employment, sales and exports 51

Table 8: Foreign direct investment in Croatia 1993 - 2006Q3 52

Table 9: SWOT analysis of Croatia’s overall development potential 54

Table 10: SWOT analysis of development potential of Croatia’s lagging behind regions 55

Table 11: Complementarity of the HRDOP with the RCOP 80

Table 12: Relevant EU projects in the field of regional development 83

Table 13: Available sources of funding for regional development projects in Croatia 84

Table 14: Project pipeline developed through EU projects (counties’ funding requirements) 84

Table 15: Relevant EU projects in the SME field 85

Table 16: Relevant EU projects in the field of science, R&D and innovation 88

Table 17: Relevant EU project in the ICT field 89

Table 18: Finanical table of the RCOP 93

Table 19: The position and level of responsibility, as well as the Heads of specific bodies within the

Operating Structure 99

Table 20: Demographic Structure on County Level 112

Table 21: Economic Indicators on County Level 113

Table 22: Development disparities among Croatia’s counties 114

Table 23: Counties’ shares (%) in Gross Value Added (GVA) of specific sectors in total GVA of Croatia 115

Table 24: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita PPP on County level, 2001-2004, in EUR 116

Table 25: Regional dimension of entrepreneurial capacity across regions 117

Table 26: Infrastructure Indicators on County Level 118

Table 27: Croatian and EU SME definitions 121

Table 28: Project pipeline in tourism-related infrastructure 128

Table 29: Project pipeline in other business-related infrastructure 130



The concept of competitiveness is multifaceted and covers a wide range of inter-related policies, which, among others, include entrepreneurship, research and development (R&D) and innovation and human resources (education and employment policies). Following the provisions within the IPA Implementing Regulation[3] and the Multi-annual Programming Document, the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme (RCOP) is primarily focused on the sector of SMEs and R&D and innovation. It does so by addressing shortcomings at the national level as well as by investing into growth potential of regional economies, particularly those lagging behind the national average. The sustainability of investments is ensured in addition by parallel investment into the human resources component of competitiveness – through complementarity with the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRDOP).

The following section sets out the current context of policy areas relevant for the RCOP.

1.1.1. Socio-economic context[4]

Interventions enabled through IPA and more specifically those envisaged in the framework of the RCOP are taking place in a specific socio-economic context. This context consists of a sound macro-economic policy, significant socio-economic disparities across Croatian counties[5], and a number of structural challenges underpinning economic competitiveness.

Interms ofcompetitiveness on the international levelin the recent period Croatia hassignificantlyimproved its position. TheGlobal Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, preparedbythe World Economic Forum,ranked Croatia 51st , whichsignifies a leap of 13 places compared tolast year's 64th place.

Croatia’s macroeconomic position is characterised by stable growth, an improving fiscal stance, low inflation, stable exchange rate and declining unemployment rate. Overall, the macroeconomic policy mix was largely adequate, but fiscal consolidation needs to be strengthened, since fiscal and external deficits still pose potential risks to macroeconomic stability.[6]

Since the mid 90s, Croatia has witnessed a steady growth of GDP and in the period 1995-2006 the average real GDP growth rate amounted to 4.4%. Real annual GDP growth rate reached 4.8% in 2006. GDP growth was primarily driven by domestic demand and consumption.[7] In 2006, GDP per capita amounted to € 7, 704 in current prices, enabling Croatia to reach around 50% of the EU-27 average GDP per capita (in PPP)[8], while preliminary estimates with the grey economy included point towards a level of income close to 60% of the EU 27 average.

The unemployment rate measured by the ILO labour survey methodology has continued its steady decline. In 2000 it amounted to 16.1% and kept falling in order to reach 12.7% in 2005. In 2006 it declined to 11.2%[9]. Services sector is leading in terms of job creation. The average nominal net wage totalled € 591 and in 2006 it increased to € 629[10].

In 2006 the export of goods amounted to € 8.3 billion while imports of goods amounted to € 17.1 billion. In 2006, exports of goods have been growing faster than imports but not sufficiently enough to significantly change the export-import coverage.[11] The trade deficit reflects economic growth trends and import dependence of domestic economic activity.

Structural reforms have been initiated and positive steps can be noted, particularly having in mind the already strong services sector. The structure of gross value added (GVA) shows that in 2006, the primary sector contributed approximately 7.4% to the gross value added, secondary sector 24.5%, while tertiary sector contributed 68.1%. The SME sector has been an important factor in the process of structural reforms, especially in terms of new enterprise creation.