HCPSS Office of World Languages Integrated Performance Assessment: Level 3

AP Theme: Contemporary Life

Table of Contents

Integrated Performance Assessment:

Level 3: Contemporary Life

Page Content

2-3 Teacher copy including prompt, Can-Do Statements, IPA overview, and breakdown

of tasks

4-8 Student copy of IPA including prompt, directions, and graphic organizers

9 Assessment checklist

*See rubrics and language-specific resources in accompanying folders

Teacher Copy

ACTFL Can-Do Statements

✓ I can identify the main ideas in a short travel-related clip.

✓ I can understand the main ideas of what I read in a travel-related text.

✓ I can interpret the information presented on a travel-related graph or chart.

✓ I can ask and answer questions, and I can express personal preferences about travel.

✓ I can write about a travel destination.


You want to improve your proficiency in your target language. You decide to convince your teacher to lead a week-long school trip for your language club to a country where your target language is spoken.
To complete this task, you will:
●  Review some videos and articles about foreign travel.
●  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each destination with a partner using the information you gathered from the articles and videos.
●  Write a convincing letter to your teacher explaining your preferred destination.

IPA Overview

Interpretive Mode
Authentic source
Listening or reading / Interpersonal Mode
Oral or written / Presentational Mode
Rehearsed or unrehearsed
Focus on form
Speaking or writing
Students listen to a clip or watch a video and read about different travel destinations. / Students discuss the videos and articles they read. / Students write a convincing letter to the teacher.

Interpretive Tasks

Listening / Students listen to a clip or watch a video about a travel destination.
Students create their own graphic organizers identifying unique features of the destination and pros and cons of visiting.
Reading / Students read and interpret at least two print sources.
Students create their own graphic organizers identifying unique features of the destination and pros and cons of visiting.

Interpersonal Task

Speaking / Students have a conversation about the travel destinations.
Students exchange their findings from the sources about each individual destination and share preferences.

Presentational Tasks

Pre-Writing / Students provide support and information about their travel destinations.
Students complete the graphic organizers to structure their proposal letters.
Writing / Students write a convincing letter to the teacher.
Students incorporate appropriate information from the sources, their perspective, and the perspective of a classmate.